A/N: Chappie three! This is from the point of view of our lovely Spinner Mason. And while I'm at it, I would like to say... how should I put this delicately... fuck you, King of Pain! And fuck you too, Islands in the Stream! Did I SAY you could go make my story canonically inaccurate? No!

Spinner isn't gay, and he isn't in love with Marco. He's not cheating on Paige, and he's not experimenting. It's. Just. Sex.

He wants to think it. He wants to think that every time he's fucking Marco, he's just thinking about Paige. He wants to, but he can't, because he knows it's not true. He's not really sure what's true anymore.

Spinner has been able to convince himself of one thing; being with Marco just works. He doesn't have to explain himself to Marco, and he doesn't have to talk to Marco, and he doesn't have to be delicate with Marco. All he has to do with Marco is have sex. Paige would never let him do that, and he knows it. Dylan would never let Marco do that, no matter how many times they've already had sex. Dylan would never fuck Marco, because everyone thinks Marco will fucking break. Spinner knows he won't. He's made sure of it too many fucking times. But Dylan and Marco have emotion. There has to be some emotion, or else it isn't a relationship.

Which brings Spinner back to his favorite part. He doesn't have a relationship with Marco. He doesn't have emotion, or feelings, or dates. He has fucking. Sex. That's it. He can't hurt Marco, and if he can, he doesn't have to care.

Except that he does.

A/N: It's done. I know, it's way too short. But it's all that really works, and I'm in my Sparco place. This is the end of Bad Habit, because these are the three main points I need. Paige is irrelevant. She's busy off in the land of Pretty Girl.