Note I do not own any of the Sound of Music characters or anything under the movie.  That all belongs to 20th Century Fox.

Please be patient with me on this, it's my first fanfic piece.


It had been years since he had been back to the land he once called home.  Seven years to be exact.  He could still remember everything about the night he and his family left.  His father, his brother, and his five sisters had fled Hitler and his Nazis and sought refuge in the hills overlooking Austria.  And somehow they had all made it to America soon afterwards and settled in Stowe, Vermont.

Everyone was happy that they were safe, but one thing had been missing since his early childhood years: a mother.  Yes, his family had been very close to having one, but she was only a governess.  Fraulein Maria had been like a mother to he and his siblings but left them that night after his father's party.

As he rode along on the train thinking of what his family had been through, Kurt Von Trapp couldn't help but wonder where his former governess was at that very moment.

He checked into his hotel but didn't feel like staying inside.  After all he went through to get to Austria on his holiday, he didn't want to waste it inside.  He still couldn't figure out why his father had been so against his coming here.  After all, wasn't this the land his father had so very deeply loved just a few years before?  Now eighteen years old and a college-bound student, Kurt still was confused about his father's political convictions.  With all that aside though, he went out to search what he came back to his homeland for.

He roamed about Austria at first just trying to soak in the familiarity of it all.  But after several hours, he soon realized he had grown weary and was very hungry, which was no surprise to him.  Kurt was always hungry.  He had always been like that since he could remember.  So he decided to go back to his room and rest for a while and order some room service.

Once he was back in his room though, he collapsed on his bed and soon fell fast into a deep, dreamless sleep.  Knowing that when he awoke he would find the one thing that he truly had come back to Austria for.

Kurt awoke around nine o'clock, dressed, ate and went downstairs to the lobby of his hotel.  As he stepped outside he realized it was lovely day and he breathed in all of the crisp Austrian air he had missed the past seven years.

He made his way through the city at a moderate pace.  Salzburg didn't look like it had changed at all, yet it looked so different to him at the same time.  The gardens and the monuments were still there, yes.  But all the people looked colder and he didn't recognize any of them.  He guessed that's what a war does to people.

A mental list had been made in his head of places where he wanted to visit, but he knew that would have to wait till later.  He slowly made his way on the journey that he had only made once before in his life.  Kurt Von Trapp began the walk up through the town to Nonberg Abbey.  When he got to the gate he rang the bell as his eldest sister, Liesl, had done the day they all went to see Fraulein Maria.  And as he saw one of the nuns coming towards him, his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"May I help you?"

"I'm here to see Sister Maria," his voice squeaked out.  Sister Maria????  That sounded so unwelcoming to him.  But she must be a sister now, he thought to himself.

"I'm sorry, who are you looking for?"  The nun seemed to be a little confused now.

"Sister Maria.  She used to be a postulant here years before and I'd assume she's become a nun by now."

"I'm sorry, sir.  But we don't have any sisters here by that name."

Feeling dejected, Kurt smiled and thanked the nun as he went on his way.  Hands in his pocket and head down, he now felt like his trip over here had been a waste.  His father was right; there was nothing left in Austria for anyone.

"Wait!"  He turned around to see the nun running after him. 

"There is a woman named Maria that works with the school that's next to the Abbey.  I just remembered about her.  She used to be a postulant here years ago, but never became a nun."  The beating of Kurt's heart grew fast and his breath quickened.  He didn't know what to say.  He wanted to cry and laugh at  the same time.

"Where can I find her, sister?  I have come back to Austria just so I can see her!"  Please, he thought to himself.  Oh God, please let this be my Maria.

"Just follow the path that goes adjacent to the Abbey and you'll come to the school house.  Today's a Saturday so there isn't any class going on, but Maria is always there."

"Oh thank you so very much, sister!"  And with that Kurt began for the path at a steady run.  Sister Helga smiled to herself at the sight she saw before her.  That young man had a striking resemblance to the great Captain Von Trapp.  Then it dawned on her, that he must be one of his sons.  It suddenly all made sense.  She had heard the story of the young postulant turned governess that belonged at Nonberg and she smiled again.  The young man was one of the seven children that Maria had been a governess to.

As soon as Kurt saw the school house he stopped.  What was he going to say?  Hello, it's me, Kurt and I was wondering if you wanted to come back to America with me.  No, he couldn't do that.  If he was lucky Fraulein Maria just might remember who he was in the first place.  He didn't care though.  All he wanted to do was hear her voice again and see her because it had been so long. 

When he reached the front door of the little school house he paused as his hand shot out for the handle.  This is it, he thought to himself.  If everything went right, this would be the one holiday that he would remember for many years to come.

To be continued…….

Let me know what you think!  The other chapters are coming along, but I would love a few reviews before I post anything new!