Whoo! After much hesitation, smut block, and delay, the lemon scene is here! Sorry if it's a little short. I have trouble writing drawn-out smut scenes.

Disclaimer: I do not own MOON CHILD, nor do I own Gackt or HYDE. I am just a lowly fan. I also do not own any of the songs I may use in this fic. Understood? Good. Then don't sue me.

BIG FREAKING WARNING IN ADDITION TO THE STANDARD ONE: This chapter contains GRAPHIC MANxMAN SEX. If you are not comfortable with this or don't think you can handle it, click the BACK button IMMEDIATELY. Trust me, if you can't/don't/won't read this chapter, you won't be missing any plot elements. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

...bold+italics... Song lyrics


WARNING: This story contains graphic homosexual content. If you are uncomfortable with this, please leave immediately. Flames concerning the presence of slash content in this fic are not appreciated. Thank you.


Chapter 6: Vanilla


Sho didn't resist as Kei pressed against him, pushing him through the doorframe and into their bedroom. He ignored the pain shooting up his ankle as his heel slammed painfully against the door, his mind too consumed with Kei sucking at his neck. He bent easily as Kei pushed him onto the bed, pressing his slender frame down into the mattress. As Kei slowly climbed ontop of him, his legs clamping firmly on either side of his body, Sho moaned. Kei bent over the man, his still-damp hair hanging down limply and yet enticingly. As he captured Sho's lips in a firm kiss, the taller man responding by working his lips against Kei's own.

As Kei moved back to Sho's neck, Sho's hand reached up and cupped Kei's shoulder. Slowly, his palm slid down the vampire's back, sending chills down Kei's spine. Soon enough, his hand reached Kei's ass, lingering seductively. By Sho's neck, Kei gasped.

"Fine, if you want to play that way..." the vampire hissed.

Kei's hands left the cool sheets of the bed and fled to Sho's chest. Grasping Sho's nipple, Kei tugged lightly, lowering his head to tease the skin with his warm tongue. Above his head, Sho's moans slowly increased in volume, and Kei smirked.

Leaving the pebbled nipple, Kei's hand wandered further, caressing Sho's defined abdomen, tracing each toned muscle as the vampire's tongue worked slowly down the tanned body. Kei's fingers played lightly across the front of Sho's pants, dancing around the button and zipper. Sho moaned loudly. Kei was close... so precariously close... Then, Kei slowly undid them, released Sho's straining arousal from its tight leather confinement.

No underwear... Kei noted. Kinky.

His fingers trailed downward, tracing the skin of Sho's lower abdomen, and then down even more. Kei stroked Sho's erection softly, causing the man beneath him to let out a strangled moan.

"God-damned tease," Sho gasped. "Kei, please!"

Kei only smiled. He slid Sho's pants down the taller man's thighs, past his knees, until they pooled at his ankles. Then he let Sho pull down his own pants; they slid down his lower body easily.

The vampire let his body softly collide with Sho's, and Kei's lips connected with Sho's collarbone again. The vampire could feel Sho's erection pressing against his stomach. Kei sucked and teased at Sho's smooth skin and he slowly worked his way down a second time, leaving a trail of marks of possession as he went. The taller man's hand moved to grasp Kei's sandy hair. Sho's heavy breathing above Kei was music to the vampire's ears. Kei's fingers trailed down Sho's chest, his right hand grasping a nipple as his left hand moved to grasp Sho's length once more. His tongue dipped into the taller man's navel and out again, then moved to Sho's lower abdomen, and finally pulled away.

Kei lifted his head and looked at Sho, a smirk plastered on his face. Below him, Sho calmed his breaths and ceased his moans. His blue eyes glittered with lust and anticipation.

"Are you ready?" the vampire whispered, firmly grasping Sho's supple thighs in his hands and spreading the man's legs apart.

"Always," Sho replied softly. As Kei bent over him, Sho felt his pelvis rotate upward. He felt a surge of excitement as he stared lustfully into Kei's brown eyes. Sho moved his hands up to cup Kei's face in his palms, and then, Kei entered him all at once. A cry filled with both pleasure and pain tore through Sho's body. His hands flew to his sides, gripping at the white sheets on the bed. Even though he had done this before, small tears still welled in Sho's eyes. As the pain dulled, the next thrust came. This time, the pain was less.

Pleasure flooded Sho's body and he wrapped his legs around Kei's waist. Ecstatic moans ripped through his thin frame. "Ahh... Kei... I'm gonna—"

"Shh..." Kei whispered from above him, calming Sho slightly.

As Sho's cries filled the room again, his fingers clawed at Kei's head. "Ahh!... Kei... faster..." he begged, and Kei obliged.

The thrusts came faster and faster, and Sho cried out in pure ecstasy, his back arching off the bed and his hips bucking against Kei's own. His body was covered in sweat, and his skin shone in the dim light. Pleasure exploded within him, controlling him, fueling him. "Harder..." he moaned.

Above him, Kei was enjoying himself just as much. His hips grinded with Sho's, and he pumped with Sho's body. He tilted his head back slowly, a low moan escaping his lips. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck, down his chest, and down his back. His hands caressed Sho's thighs and ass. He delivered a few quick, hard thrusts, making Sho moan loudly. Then, in one electrifying movement, Kei thrust deep into Sho and came simultaneously. Sho let out a strangled cry above him and came as well, painting a sticky mess across their torsos. Then, Kei lunged for Sho's mouth, trapped the man's lips within his own, and at the same time, exited Sho.

Falling against Sho's chest, Kei panted heavily. Sho's hands flew around him, working his lips against Kei's and entwining his hands in the vampire's hair. The younger man's breathing was quick and heavy as he recovered from his orgasm. Sho's lips moved to Kei's neck, and he kissed the skin slowly, saliva mixing with sweat. Finally, he pulled away from Kei's neck, and Kei slid down beside him, ignoring the mix of bodily fluids covering his chest and stomach. He let Sho nestle his head in the crook of his neck, and as he slowly drifted off to sleep, he heard Sho murmur "I love you."

Is it okay to love, too? In the shaking night

It's good as it is

More... Deeper...

As those maddening lips I've gotten used to melt together

I am... your... Vanilla


The lyrics, obviously, are from Gackt's "Vanilla". I didn't want to interrupt the scene, so I picked the chorus as a little ending thought. To everyone who reviewed, thank you, and to everyone who was waiting for this chapter, thank you for waiting, and I hope you enjoyed it. If all goes well and my muses don't abandon me, Sho and Kei should get back to the criminal scene and Son and Yi-Che will make their appearances in the next chapter. :D Please review!