Heya everybody. This is my first DBZ fic in a logn time (first on this alias) and I do hope you enjoy.

Please note this is the second draft of this chapter I have posted on The reason is because I was warned to change it because of it NC-17 rating. If you would like to read the NC-17 rated chapter I shall soon be posting it on my own site when its finished.

Please note due to the fact that I want to establish a few things in the first chapter (emotion etc.) this chapter is RATED R. Other chapters wont and I will tell you in the author notes what the chapter is rated. This one is Rated R for a reason, you have been forwarned.

Anyways the disclaimer is I don't own DBZ blah blah blah...

Please read and review. =)

Naked Tears
By Kelandra Surisha

Chapter One

The moon that night was full. The air in the room was cool and the slight scent of sweat lingered. The night was peaceful and quiet, only the soft breathing of the man on the far corner of the bed could be heard.

But she could not sleep, wrapped tightly in her blankets as the hours rolled painfully on. The slightest trails of her sweat could still be seen, rolling over her forehead and down her cheeks, interlocking with the soft stream of tears that graced her cheeks.

The night was over but the act would never end.

Numbly she threw her legs over the side of the bed, careful to leave no traces of sound as the stepped down softly on the hardwood floor.

She could feel her stomach swell sickeningly as she stepped away from the bed and out of the room, leaving the door ajar as he had left it in his fit of passion.

Slowly she entered into the washroom. There she filled the sink with warm, clean water as she always did. Softly she splashed her face, washing the trails of tears from her face and cleansing her puffy red eyes so all signs of her crying were gone. Then she carefully pulled her robe off the hook on the door, covering her naked body with the soft fabrics that made up her bathrobe. It wasn't a homely robe like her one at home, though it was comfortable it only served one purpose: to make her presentable after their nights together.

Then she softly tip-toed back to bed, wrapping herself back up within her sheets, her outward self staying proud and true while her inner self screamed and wept.

Son Pan had lost another piece of her that night.


Slowly he blinked his deep blue eyes and pushed a few stray lavender locks out of his face. He smirked slightly, his hand slowly smoothing up and down the raven-haired beauty's now clothed side. Her beautiful blue silk robe seemed to fall and cling to all the right places as she slept, her hair delicately falling about the pillows. He forced his hand over the curve of her hip, feeling past the edge of the robe to the knot that held the silk robe's edges together, keeping her relatively covered. He fumbled with the knot for a moment before using his right hand to brush away the locks of hair from her neck. He nibbled and bit at her neck, causing her to moan slightly.

"You know I hate it when you double knot it," he whispered hoarsely, finally managing to undo the tight silk knot. Pan merely nodded, her eyes still wide from the night's activities. He frowned and forced her over onto her back, and smirked as she smiled weakly.

"How was that, Trunks-sama?" she rasped out, trying desperately to sound seductive to his pleasing.

"Better than usual," Trunks rasped, licking and nibbling at the raven-haired beauty's neck. He nibbled and suckled as her mouth opened slowly, emitting small moans of pleasure as he tortured her with every movement. His hands roamed her body feverishly to keep them preoccupied, as his lips remained busy at work.

"Trunks-" his lover rasped, her eyes forcing themselves open, "-I'm going to be late for work..."

Trunks pressed his hands onto her shoulders, pinning her down beneath him. "You work for me, remember, little receptionist?" Pan nodded slowly as she arched her neck forcing her head back onto the pillows. "I'll just tell them that the President has a special assignment for his new… personal assistant."

Pan nodded again, managing to force out a small thank-you.

"Tell me you want this," he commanded roughly.

"I want this," she whispered almost forcefully.

He continued to work her neck. "You didn't mean that."

Trunks readied him over her, prepared to enter as she arched her back.

"I want this!" She cried. She stammered and moaned out in pleasure as he forced himself within her. He pumped in and out more forcefully as he went, ravishing her lips with his. He pushed his arms over her wrists pinning her down as he forcefully kissed her lips again, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth never faltering his rhythm, if anything, making it stronger. He then nuzzled his head into her neck, biting at it harshly but not quite enough to break the skin with his mighty canines.

He continued to pump into her, his hips pushing harder and harder as she creamed out in pleasure as she climaxed. Finally satisfied with her work he climaxed as well, shuddering as he emptied herself into her body.

He groaned and pushed himself off of her and lay at her side. He released his holds on her wrists and found his way to her side, rubbing it harshly as he whispered.

"That was the best so far, keep it up and I may let you claim me one day,"

Trunks slowly released his grip on her side as sleep slowly claimed his form as the early morning sunlight pooled over Pan's shaking and rasping body. She forced herself up and towards the bathroom again, taking her robe off the floor as she went.

The tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she collapsed onto the edge of the large marble bathtub. She looked up towards the mirror across from her, looking deeply into her painful blue eyes. Her lips were bloodied with his force and her neck showed signs of severe bruising.

Nothing a saiyan couldn't live through.

And nothing she hadn't expected since Trunks had claimed her as his own.


What a disappointment she would be, she knew. After all the years she had spent trying to be the best halfway through college he had come to notice her again. She was Son Pan, one of the last two remaining Saiyan females and the strongest at that, and he was the prince of their small but powerful race. She was only a student, note even twenty when he had found her again and offered her a position at Capsule Corps. She had accepted of course, the pay was good and he was an old friend from long ago, someone she treasured from memories of a lost time. She had loved him in her youth and in her you adulthood she had felt the same. It was a dream come true.

But as the months grew on it was not a small part-time job that was handed to her, but a full-time job as his receptionist. It had seemed all right until her marks in school had begun to slip. He told her it would be all right, she would be all right.

But he changed. She was told once all unclaimed Saiyan males go through this at his age, heat on a monthly basis. He was in heat and he needed someone who could withstand his power, satisfy his needs. It had started out so romantic, so loving. She had told him she loved him and he had returned her words. Making love was just for fun, but he had bitten her, claiming her as his own.

She couldn't stray, she couldn't leave him. She was his.

It had been a year and a half, she had dropped out, and as much as she was his "receptionist" she was his slave. His loving words had disappeared and were replaced by his harsh lips upon her breasts and sex at his beckon call, it wasn't even making love anymore, and it had turned to satisfy his lust.

But every time she tried to leave the marks on her neck ached and she knew she couldn't leave.

He had marked her, she was his. The worst thing about it was that he could go where he pleased, be with whom he pleased because she had not been allowed to mark him. It was a one-sided bond, a bond she could not break even if she wanted to. He could release her, break their bond, but he enjoyed her far too much.

The only security in their relationship was that she knew he couldn't find satisfaction for his lust in any other place, his lust was for saiyan, and she was the only one he could have.

But still as the daylight broke across the bedspread as she returned to bed she forced back her tears. She was nothing now, but if she left she would be even less.

She was once a proud saiyan warrior but now she was nothing, nothing but an object to satisfy his lust.

And she hated herself for it.


End of Chapter One
Well that's it. Hope you enjoyed. Expect more soon.
Oh and please review or e-mail me.
Kelandra Surisha