Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha in any way. Please do not sue.

Author's Note: Ohmigosh! People still read my story!

Thank you everyone for your kind and very supportive reviews throughout the course of this story; I would not have made it without you. And that's the solemn truth. If I was ever down our doubted myself, I had your friendly support to fall back on, and that's the most important thing to have as a writer.

This story is almost two years old, and I have no words to describe my appreciation of those who have stuck with me through the years. All I can say is that I thank you all from the bottom of my little heart, and I hope that you enjoyed at least a large portion of Blood Upon Snow. Each of you is so special to me, and I want each of you to know that you had a very strong hand in the creation of this story, and I would like to think that some of your hopes and aspirations for this story did come to play.

And I still can't believe the success of this story. I hope you will all join my for the wild and exciting ride that will be Project Armageddon, the fastest-paced of all my stories that I've ever written. For now, please enjoy this little epilogue, and have a great life!


Somewhere in Japan, 1997

It was spring. A warm breeze was blowing through the city, carrying sakura blossoms in its wake. The sun was shining, warm and gentle, its rays passing through the branches of the trees to dance with the shadows along the path. Two children raced along through the playful half-light.

"Keep up, Kahori," the boy shouted to his little sister. "You're going to make us late."

"I'm trying, Jou, but it would be easier if you hadn't made me scratch me knee earlier!" Kahori protested, pausing to rub her afflicted limb.

"I wouldn't have pushed you if you hadn't deserved it," Jou replied defensively. They were approaching the shrine now, and he didn't want the miko to him bickering with his sister; she would never approve of such behavior.

"What do you think she'll teach us today?" Kahori asked as she caught up with Jou. "I hope she talks about the villages again."

"Bah," Jou said, sticking out his tongue. "I want her to tell us about the youkai. Especially the forest youkai that liked to eat seven-year-old girls," Jou said.

Kahori froze in her tracks, her amethyst eyes wide in her face. "Nah-uh, she never told us about that one," she said doubtfully.

"Sure did!" Jou argued. "That was the one that caught them while they were walking in the forest. Its favorites were the little girls with brown hair and amethyst eyes!"

"Jou," snapped a voice from behind them, causing Jou to jump into the air and scream.

"Scarlet-sama!" chimed Kahori happily, running over to the miko and throwing her arms around her neck.

"Hello, anata," Scarlet said laughingly. Jou approached and after apologizing to his sister, was given a hug as well. "Let's head back to the shrine then, shall we?" The children agreed happily.

At the shrine, Kahori and Jou rushed over to greet their sister, Kinuko, who was training to become a miko herself. Scarlet hung back from the joyous meeting, smiling as she watched the three young ones enjoy each other's company.

For centuries, she had been watching over the descendants of her two best friends, patiently awaiting the arrival of one who could take her place as caretaker of the shrine—which housed the vile. She had found everything she could possibly have hoped for in Takara Kinuko; in ancient times, the girl would have been a fine warrior miko. Now, Kinuko's training was drawing to a close and Scarlet was anticipating a reunion with her companions in the afterlife. Arisa was coming almost every night now, keeping her busy with questions about how Kinuko's training was coming along. They both knew that this was not a time to be lingering, but one story remained to be told.

"Scarlet-sama!" Jou called, rousing Scarlet from her thoughts. "Scarlet-sama, will you tell us about our ancestors?" Jou, like his namesake, was a very forward boy; Scarlet was accustomed to telling that story only when the members of the Takara family reached their twelfth year.

Kinuko smiled at Scarlet, as though sensing the miko's hesitation. "It's alright, Scarlet-sama, you don't have to tell us. But I would like to hear it again." Kinuko looked exactly like Miroku, a privilege that prevented Scarlet from denying her anything. Jou and Kahori perked up, knowing that Scarlet couldn't possibly refuse now that their sixteen-year-old sister was involved.

"Ok," Scarlet said, laughing. "Alright." She lowered herself onto one of the many benches that lined the path and beckoned to the siblings. They gathered around, eager listeners to a tale saved only for very special occasions.


Scarlet opened her eyes and sat up. Arisa was in the doorway, surveying the miko with her customary superior air. "How old are you now, cub?" she asked.

Although many years had passed since she had accepted her role as caretaker, Scarlet's appearance had not felt an hour's deterioration since Naraku had been sealed. "Several hundred years…quite frankly, Arisa-sama, I've lost count."

Arisa laughed. "Still so young, but now you're starting to sound like one of my own."

A pregnant second ticked by on Scarlet's bedside clock.

"Is it time, Arisa-sama?" Scarlet asked. She had described the details of the situation to Kinuko several days ago, and the girl had accepted them quite dutifully and with a dignified grace that reminded Scarlet so keenly of the girl's ancestors.

"It is. Are you ready, cub?"

Scarlet felt tears itching at the corners of her eyes, but she was not sad. She felt a kind of peace swelling over her, a peace and an intense happiness. "Oh, I am."

Arisa's blue eyes crinkled at the edges, forming a wolfish smile. "Then cub, it's time to extract your blessing." She paused and then approached Scarlet. She very delicately laid her ancient head across Scarlet's knee.

"Are you coming, too?" Scarlet asked.

"I don't see why not—this world is too dangerous for my kind nowadays. Besides," and here her smile intensified, "how can I possibly expect a little one like you to be able to look out for yourself?"

Scarlet smiled in return. "Well, arigato, Arisa-sama."

Arisa closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened them and turned them to Scarlet's face, they were full of warmth and compassion. "Let's go."

Scarlet touched the phoenix on her chest, and sighed happily as a blue fire consumed her and the kitsune.


Because she was not at breakfast, Kinuko went to check on Scarlet the next morning. As she slid open the door, a beautiful blue bird swooped through the opening and out the window. Kinuko gazed in wonderment after it, her amethyst eyes following it as it ascended to the heavens. Then, slowly, a smile dawned on her features and she whispered, "Sayonara, Scarlet-sama. Say hello to your friends for me, and I'll see you soon."

- Ichimu