Heyy guys, I was kinda bored...and I have a horrible cold—and got to skip soccer practice...w00t! I also was...um...pressured by my BFF, whose penname is Confused Desk Lamp (interesting penname...awesome stories. Read them!!!). Well here it is. I also dedicate this chapter to the following two reviewers:

Confused Desk Lamp: Thanks for dedicating Chapter 5 of It's So Simple to me. It made me feel special. I LIKE BEING SPECIAL! Oh, and you ...well... drove me to write this chapter. Yeah...it was 10/1/04...TGIF...yup.

FSI: Thanks for accepting my liking of DC. Many people would flat out flame me if I kept writing...yeah...some people are screwed up. See later on about random fact (includes screwed up people). Thank you for wanting me to continue.

Oh, and letters will resume Week 6 (or 5 if your lucky).

Random Fact For Today

Did you know that there was one guy who hated his nose so much that he cut open his nose, took the cartilage out, and then stuck a chicken bone in its place? Weirdo....

Disclaimer: I do in fact own Harry Potter. My name is JK Rowling...wait that was Rowling herself writing that. Sadly, that doesn't apply to Gigglygal. Sorry for the confusion. (Were you confused...if so...my work is done.)

Oh, and this is only one day of Week 4—I am too lazy to write 7 and it would take up WAY too much space. Sorry if you expected more.

Caution: If you have SERIOUS problems with HC (Harry/Cho—I do), this chapter may make you queasy. There will be slight HC fluff. Don't be under the impression that this is HC. IT ISNT!! Also, if you are under 11 (or 13 if you are a guy), please don't read the Caution area, due to...hem hem....things.

Cho smiled as she read Draco's last letter. "Well at least that's over with." She said gleefully. She apparrated (got her license on her birthday) to Marietta's house.

"Heyy Marietta!" Cho said as she appeared in Marietta's kitchen. Marietta flinched in surprised, but then hugged Cho.

"It's really good to see you girl." She smiled at Cho as they undid their embrace. Cho nodded. "How was writing to Draco Malfoy?" Marietta grinned evilly.

"Horrible." She said as truthfully as she could.

"Liar." Marietta said slyly. Damn...she was a bad liar.

"It was ok." Cho admitted.

"Oh really." Marietta raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, I kind of liked it." Cho confessed.

"I'm not gonna torture you anymore, but I have my suspicions on what will happen." Marietta said, "You don't admit things easily, and the fact that this is Draco Malfoy we are talking about."

"Marietta!" Cho said annoyingly, elbowing Marietta.

Marietta clutched her side in pain. "Dang, did I do it too hard again."

"Yeah." Marietta said, "Ow..."

"Sorry." She grabbed her wand and muttered a spell, freeing Marietta from the pain. "So how was writing to Harry?"

"Not bad. Harry's a pretty interesting kid." Marietta said.

"Heyy, Harry's mine. (FYI: This trilogy will not be HC)" Cho said protectively.

"I am well aware of it, Cho." Marietta said, giggling.

"Good. I don't need my best friend stealing my man." Cho grinned.

"Remember Cho, I'm dating Justin Finch-Fletchley." Marietta reminded Cho.

"Rriigghhtt... (Not a typo)" Cho said suspiciously. She was pretty defensive with Harry, as she still liked him a lot.

"So, do you wanna go muggle shopping?" Marietta asked.

"Duh!" Cho said excitedly. They apparrated to a parking lot, behind the store, where they couldn't be seen after their apparating destination.

They walked into the mall and into Aeropostale (the best store—it has THE best jeans). Afterwards, they went to Pac Sun, Claire's, Abercrombie, TJ Maxx, Macy's, and Victoria Secret.

After going to their shops, Cho changed into a bright pink cropped tube, that said "Hot Stuff" on it in white letters, and a micro-mini jean skirt. Marietta changed into an almost identical top as Cho's; her's in a light blue that said "2 Good 2 B Tru" in dark blue letters, and a pair of low rider jeans.

They headed to the food court for a pretzel when they spotted a raven-haired boy with thin-rimed glasses with quite a lot of tape holding them together, sitting with a fiery-haired boy and a bushy-haired brunette. She recognized them instantly: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermonie Granger.

"HARRY??" Cho shouted. The black haired boy turned to Cho and grinned. Cho ran to their table.

"Hi Cho." Harry smiled.

"Hello Harry, how are you?" Cho asked excitedly, kissing him on the cheek.

"Bored. Hermonie dragged us shopping because our clothes were 'disgustingly tasteless and very old looking.'" Harry groaned.

"What can I say? Harry is wearing clothes that are at least 5 sizes too big, and Ron's are, well, holy...as in full of holes." Hermonie said defensively.

"We're lucky though, 'Monie let us get a food break." Ron said boredly, swirling his French fry around in his ketchup dish.

Hermonie slapped him. Ron held his shoulder and mouthed 'I'll get you later', and Hermonie only smiled.

"Did you guys buy anything?" Cho asked curiously.

"Mrs. Granger bought us some stuff...we didn't like half of it, but it beats most of our other clothes." Ron explained.

"Where's you mom, Hermonie?" Marietta asked.

Caution- Content

"Victoria's Secret, getting me new bras. I couldn't bring them to buy 'um, as they would make fun of me forever. That's why we're in the food court." Hermonie whispered to Cho and Marietta, who nodded.

"I'm back. Hermonie, who are you're friends here?" A woman who was easily determined as Mrs. Granger said. She had Hermionie's bushy hair and chocolate eyes.

"Oh, these are Cho Chang and Marietta Edgecombe. They're in Ravenclaw and are now 7th years." Hermonie explained.

"What's in the bag?" Harry asked slyly.

"Nothing." Hermonie said defensively, as Harry looked curiously at the bag.

Harry reached inside the bag and brought out what was easily realized as a bra. He held it to his chest. "Oh, I'm Hermonie. My nickname is Miss Boobies. I'm gonna f..." Harry said in a girly voice until Hermonie slapped him in the head and grabbed the bra from Harry, her cheeks glowing.

"You immature idiot! We're in public. You're embarrassing me!" Hermonie's cheeks glowed even more as Ron, Harry, Cho, and Marietta roared with laughter.

"Sorry girl, but that was hysterical." Marietta laughed, as Hermonie stuck the bra in the Victoria Secret bag.

Hermonie looked furious as she stared daggers at Ron and Harry. "Let's get out of here. I have to bring the boys to another store." Harry and Ron groaned at this comment.

"Um, can I talk to Cho in private, please." Harry asked.

"No, you are shopping." Hermonie snapped.

"Hermonie, please." Harry pleaded.

"Just let the man go." Ron commented.

"Okay. Don't be long." Hermonie rolled her eyes as Harry led Cho to an empty store.

"Uh, Cho...I really d-don't know how to say t-this.... doyouwannabemygirlfriend?" Harry stuttered.

"What did you say?" Cho asked, leaning closer.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Harry asked.

Cho smiled. "Oh course."

The two of them were so close that Cho could feel Harry's hot breath on her cheek. Harry leaned in closer, and their lips brushed. Harry lost his balance, and fell on Cho accidentally. They got up quickly.

"Well, I guess I'm falling for you." Harry joked. Cho giggled. She pushed him against the wall.

"Well, you aren't acting like it." Cho said slyly.

"Oh really." Harry said as he leaned into Cho. Their lips met in a passionate kiss. Cho wrapped her arms around Harry's neck, deepening the kiss. Harry's tongue tapped Cho's lips, begging for entry. Cho accepted, and their tongues intertwined as one (god...I'm getting detailed about one of my least favorite ships...).

Just as everything was going so perfectly, a custodian came in. "What the heaven's are you doing here?" he asked in a deep, gruff voice. Cho and Harry detached, looking very dazed and confused as they walked out of the empty store.

They walked to the store that Hermonie was "raving" about, and Cho leaned her head on Harry's shoulder. Harry kissed her lightly as they walked in the store.

End Caution

"There you guys are. You've been fifteen minutes! You said you'd be quick." Hermonie said frustratedly.

"Sorry." Harry and Cho said at the same time.

"Man, you have lip gloss on your nose." Ron pointed out. Harry turned a little pink as he wiped it off.

"Don't tell me. You guys are together again." Marietta said. Cho nodded.

"It's about time you asked her, Harry." Ron said. "Oh, and Hermonie found you some boxers." He added, holding up a pair of pink boxers. They had ballet slippers on them, and obviously were from the girl's section.

"Hermonie! These are girl's boxers. You expect me to wear these." Harry turned a bright pink.

"Yes, for you to wear just them in front of all the Griffendor boys." Hermonie said, not seeming very interested as she looked at some tank tops.

"Why? Is this about the food court incident?" Harry asked defensively.

"Of course. You really embarrassed me there." Hermonie turned away from the tank tops to reveal a very hurt face.

"Hermonie, it was a joke." Harry said, "This is just plain cruel."

"No, it was only a joke to you. I was really hurt. You acted just like...Draco Malfoy." Hermonie said.

"You think that Draco is horrible. He's not that bad...I mean he's horrible..." Cho started, but realized she was talking to Harry, Draco's archenemy.

Luckily, no one said anything about it. But Harry added to Hermonie's statement.

"You think that I acted like him? You are one loony girl to think that. I didn't think that you would hurt you like that. I thought it was harmless fun." Harry explained.

"Well, you were wrong. I still don't understand why Cho accepted you to become your girlfriend after hearing what you said to me." Hermonie said, attempting to fight back tears.

"Monie, I'm really sorry. Don't make me wear those boxers! Please!" Harry pleaded.

Hermonie headed to the register.

"NO MONIE!" Harry pleaded.

Hermonie put the boxers on the counter.

"DON'T DO IT!" Harry said, dropping to his knees.

Hermonie laughed. "You actually thought I was going to buy them for you? You are one naïve kid, Harry." She said; putting the boxers back, annoying the cashier, who was hoping for someone to buy those foul boxers so they were out the store.

"You all knew...you...you...idiots. You all must think I'm stupid. Thanks a lot." Harry said sadly, his cheeks glowing with embarrassment as everyone pointed and laughed at him.

"Revenge for the food court has been completed successfully." Marietta said, high-fiving Hermonie.

"Cho, help me here." Harry said hopelessly.

"Stop picking on him. He's too adorable." Cho said sweetly.

"Thanks babe." Harry leaned in and kissed Cho lightly.

"Get a room, mate." Ron said boredly, looking a pair of high heels for Ginny, who couldn't make it.

"Ron, don't insult them. It was a short kiss. I think it's quite romantic." Marietta seemed to stare into space.

"Marietta, you're going to make me puke, Hun." Ron groaned; looking at pair of patchwork brown boots with very high heels by a company called Chinese Laundry (I have them!!!). "Not her size, she would have loved these." He mumbled to himself.

Cho overheard his self-mumbling, and squealed in delight. After checking if they were size 7s, as they were, she was overjoyed. She put them on. "These are so awesome! I need them!" Cho squealed. "Oh, and what size is Ginny?" Cho asked.

"Size 8 ½. Very hard to find." Ron said, looking for them.

"Here's a pair. There's a display of them here. Someone must have put a pair over there." Cho said, handing Ron the boots that read at the bottom "8 ½".

"Thanks Cho." Ron thanked her, and took the boots from Cho, putting them in a shopping basket (the store is too small for shopping carts, and I don't want the characters to have to hold everything at once).

They all payed for their purchases. (All except for Ron- Mrs. Granger paid for his due to his poor family). After paying, they headed to an arcade.

"Yay! They still have DDRMaxx2! Omigod, that is the best game ever!" Hermonie squealed.

"Yeah! It so is!" Cho added.

"Let's go play it." Marietta added.

The three girls played versus mode, switching to give each girl and equal turn.

"Girls and their dancing." Ron shook his head in disgust.

"How boring!" Harry said, looking at the girls stepping and bopping to the groove, this song being one called Radical Faith (that is the best song on that game!!).

"Let's go find something interesting." Ron said boredly, looking at the amount of tickets needed to win a huge teddy bear.

"Whoa! Why are you looking at that, Ron? That thing's 10,000 tickets." Harry asked, staring at the large purple teddy bear.

"There's a contest, the winner wins 10,000." Ron said excitedly.

"Wait...it's for DDR Maxx2. We need to learn how to play by 9 this night." Harry said disappointingly, signing Ron Weasley and Harry Potter on the sign up sheet.

"We'll have to use the other machine, the one by the Texas Shoot 'Um Up game." Ron noted.

"Let's learn!" Harry said.

"They jumped on the machine and put a dollar in. That was good for 2 songs. They tried two slow songs, but the patterns were difficult for them, even though they were in light mode and these were "easy".

"This is impossible!" Ron said hopelessly, getting yet another boo.

"Well, you could try stepping on them when they get on the step bar." A voice said, pointing to a bar on the top of Ron's screen. It was Cho.

"So that's how you do it!" Ron said excitedly, "Thanks."

"So you're taking an interest in this game?" Marietta noticed.

"No, there's this contest, and the winner gets 10,000 tickets." Harry explained.

"What the heck are you going to do with 10,000 tickets?" Marietta asked.

"I'll buy that purple teddy bear over there for either Hermonie or Ginny, still deciding, and Harry would give it to Cho." Ron explained.

"And we need all the practice we can get!" Harry said excitedly.

"Watch us, guys. Look at the way our feet step when the arrows go to the step bar." Hermonie said as they selected Radical Faith.

The girls stepped to the beat of the song and Harry and Ron closely monitored their movements. Ron understood, and Harry was still processing it when the girls stepped off.

"I think I get it." The boys said at the same time.

They hopped on the mat and were instructed to select a song called "Twilight Zone". The boys attempted to step to the beat. Harry was getting the hang of it, and bounced to the rhythm of the song. Ron, who had very little coordination, didn't get the beat correctly, resulted in receiving an E to Harry's C (If you have the game, You'll know what I'm talking about—it's the grades it gives you. I can get an A in Twilight Zone).

"This is positively impossible!" Ron groaned.

"Not to me! I got a C!" Harry grinned.

"Thanks, Harry." Ron groaned louder.

"Try bopping to the beat. It will increase your rhythm." Marietta suggested.

"Well, I better try. I read that the contest was one the scores of Radical Faith. That's going to be impossible for us to win." Ron said, very little hop in his voice.

The boys tried Twilight Zone again, Harry with a B, Ron with a C. They gradually moved to harder and harder songs until the started Radical Faith. Both of them received Es.

"How did you girls get As in Radical Faith?" Harry asked

"Lots and lots of practice." Cho replied.

They decided to give it a few more tries before having a late dinner at the food court at 7:30.

The boys chowed down on 2 hot dogs each and a super size fries, with a full calorie soda to help them recharge before the contest. The girls had a wrap each with a diet cola.

The boys walked around to digest their food, and then 8:45 came around, and they went to the arcade.

"Welcome to the 2nd Annual Dance Dance Revolution Maxx2 Contest. The entered contestants are as follows: Aralina Tetherson! Regina Blake! Robert Frosting! Ron Weasley! Harry Potter! Pansy Parkinson! Draco Malfoy! Ginny Weasley!" The enthusiastic announcer said.

Noticing the last 3 names, the crew gaped. Ginny had made it, and Malfoy and Pansy thought they could win.

"Hello Potter. Thought you can win? Pansy and me have been practicing for weeks. You guys probably started today. We will conquer!" Draco said as Ron and Harry exchanged worried looks.

"One of us will win, you'll see." Harry said, as he headed to one of the eight stations.

The music began. The contestants bopped to the beat as the first steps came up. Harry and Ron masterfully did them. Ginny did well, getting only one almost. Draco was just as good as Harry and Ron, while Pansy was doing horrible as she cursed under her breath. The others were just doing ok. They continued stepping until the song stopped.

"Wow, these scores are the best yet! Your placement will pop up on the screen.

Aralina Tetherson: 5th

Regina Blake: 7th

Robert Frosting: 6th

Ron Weasley: 3rd

Harry Potter: 1st

Pansy Parkinson: 8th

Draco Malfoy: 2nd

Ginny Weasley: 4th

"You won, Harry!" Cho said excitedly as Harry got his 10,000-ticket coupon.

"Yeah. What are you going to do with it, Potter. Draw a scar on it and name it Harry Potter Jr., so the school can all worship it." Draco said bitterly as he was handed his 5,000-ticket coupon.

"No, he's giving it to his girlfriend, Cho." Ron retorted as he received his 2,500-ticket coupon.

"His girlfriend. How long will they last? A day?" Draco laughed as Pansy sobbed into his shoulder.

"No, we'll last a lot longer than that." Harry shot a rude look at Draco.

"I'd like to see that." Draco said; getting almost close enough to Cho that he could almost kiss her.

Cho noticed this, and she slapped him in the Pansy-free shoulder.

"What the censored, Chang? What the censored is your problem?" Draco grabbed his shoulder and Pansy let go of him, knowing he needed some time alone.

"That's what you get for mess with us." Harry said, leaning in and kissing Cho lightly.

"Censored, get a room you two." Draco groaned.

"You should go away, Malfoy." Harry said as he headed to the counter and flashed the ticket at the man at the Cashier. "The Purple Bear, please."

"That would be 10,000 tickets." The man at the Cashier said, handing Harry the teddy bear.

The bear was huge! It was 4 feet tall and nice and chubby. Just as he was about to give it to Cho, a force knocked him down and proceded to attempt to pry the bear from Harry's hands.

"This. Bear. Is. Mine." The boy said breathlessly, obviously Draco Malfoy.

"Get off of me, Malfoy. You're suffocating me." Harry said breathlessly.

"All the better." Malfoy said as the Cashier came up to him.

"Mr. Blonde Dude, give the dude with the glasses his bear back. Get your own, dude." The teenage Cashier said as he took out a walkie-talkie to call security.

A minute later of struggling, a large man in a nice tux came in. He grabbed Draco by the legs and dragged him out of the arcade, and ordered Pansy to go with him. "Never come to this arcade again, young man." He said in a very deep voice.

Ron exchanged his tickets for a smaller blue bear for Hermonie, and Ginny bought herself a G pink rhinestone necklace with her 1,000 tickets.

After a thing of sundaes, on Harry, they went home, Harry and Cho sealing the date with a good-bye kiss.

Well, I almost made myself puke, and I made Draco really mean. NOOO!

Well if people are confused this explains the almost kissing Cho from Draco.

Draco likes Cho. He entered the contest to:

Make Harry jealous

Get Cho to like him

Get Cho to break up with Harry.

He tackled Harry so he could turn back time and make it look like he won so he would get Cho.

Confusing, eh? Well, that is this extremely long chapter...but I like it! Toodles!
