Title: A Different Point of View.

Chapter Title: Mysterious Shadows.

Disclaimer: If I owned Beyblade it would consist of lots of Rei and Kai making out. Which it doesn't therefore I do not own it.

Rating: PG

Author's Notes: Hello. I'm back. As you can tell. I'm sorry about the long update but I couldn't quite get this chapter right. I'm still not that pleased with it but I felt you guys (If any of you are still reviewing this) deserved and update. So here it is, the final chapter of A Different Point of Veiw.

Some things are hard to understand. Rei's one of those things. Kai knew so much about Rei yet he could surprise him anyway. Kai stared at the boy who just smiled at him again. It was beginning to irate Kai; the fact that he couldn't work out what was going on inside Rei's head. He shifted uncomfortably a little, though not much. Sitting on a brunch with a Neko-Jin staring at your for an hour and a half tends to make you a tad uneasy.

"Do you like mysteries?"

Kai's eyebrow rose, the only movement the bluenette had made in the past fifteen minutes. It was an odd question but somehow it didn't surprise him. A lot anyway. Everyone had their own way of going about something. Kai demanded people to answer him, if they didn't he would make them. Rei was different. The Chinese lad had numerous ways of getting things out of people without them realising. The boy could be very charming when he wanted to be.

Kai didn't know where Rei was going with this and he wasn't quite sure if wanted to go along with it. His self-control was wavering recently. Couldn't let that happen. If he answered Rei . . .

"What kind of mysteries do you like?" Rei's tone was innocent and his eyes, a delicious shade of gold, were fixed onto the bluenette. Who didn't answer.

"Do you like the kind where you have to gather the facts and put them together?"

Kai's nose wrinkled slightly, a small indication that, no he didn't like that type of mystery. He preferred to peel back the layers of someone's mind, work out why they ticked and what they got out of life. Tyson liked excitement; he enjoyed winning and spending ludicrous amounts of time playing games with Max and Kenny. He seemed to think that you did everything in your own time. Which was why he was always late. Kai could work out the others, he knew why Max and Kenny acted the way they did. He had figured the White Tigers out, the All Stars, everyone. Except Rei.

"I like mysteries as well."

Kai frowned slightly, to anyone else it would sound as if the boy was having a one sided conversation. Kai knew better, Rei was reading his body language and working out what was going on inside Kai's head. As if he could read the bluenette's mind. Kai didn't like that one bit. Especially seeing as he hadn't been able to work out what made Rei tick.

"You know what my favourite mystery is?"

Kai rolled his eyes, though something inside him stirred when he saw the excitement in Rei's eyes. That something began to grow larger when he noticed a slightly nervous smile spreading across Rei's rosy lips. Giving the Neko-Jin an incredibly vulnerable and gorgeous look.

"You." And with that statement Rei leaned in and pressed his lips against Kai's. It was a short kiss, sweet, innocent and over way too soon. A slight brushing of lips against lips that sent shivers up and down Kai's spine and made his head spin. Pulling back Rei flashed the boy a smile before jumping down from the wall and walking away.

Kai sat there for a few minutes, one hand touching his lips. With an annoyed growl Kai realized that Rei had worked out that he liked him. The growl faded when it struck him that the boy had responded to that knowledge and in a very nice way.

Kai jumped down from the wall and began his march back over to the Dojo where he was going to have to force Tyson to train. Stopping a few metres away a smile curved at the corner of his lips. A proper smile, not a sad one or a smirk. But a genuine smile that showed that something had changed inside the boy. Something wonderful. And that something had to do with the warmth in the pit of his stomach and the young man now laughing with his friends. Kai frowned slightly and began to walk towards his lazy team-mates.

He cared about Rei.

Who liked him in return.

Perhaps there was a chance of them getting together.

Maybe One Day they would.

That One Day . . .

Was Today.


It's not a complete get together but I couldn't do it. I don't think it would have worked with this story. But come on they kissed! Hope you liked this story. Hope to see you soon. Ta!