A/N Wow, it's been forever. Sorry I haven't updated this story, I just had trouble with what to write next. I might go back and change it later, but for now, I'm just going to skip the flight to Neverland. When I get more ideas for it, I'll write it. Also, I agree with 'what the G stands for' in saying Vicki should be Hook, so I'm changing that. Don't own FOP. Don't own Peter Pan. It's more work than I want to try to correlate events with PP when I want a different event or not that particular event, so I'm not sticking that close to the story, I guess. And I added the boil kid and some nobody AC's to be Lost Boys. Now read on.

Wanda sighed wearily. The boy Cosmo had decided to bring along was rapidly deteriorating her nerves, and Cosmo wasn't helping any, either.

"WEEE!!!" the new kid squealed. He was doing somersaults in the air. "Oh man, this is fun!" Cosmo smiled back at him.

"See?" he replied flying backwards. "I told you this was fun. Huh, Timmy, isn't this fun?" Wanda gritted her teeth. As if Cosmo wasn't bad enough on his own.

They continued forward, Wanda trying her best to ignore the two boys, and the two boys doing there best to annoy Wanda. Finally they neared the end of their flight. Wanda smiled happily as the clouds parted and they saw the island sitting in all its glory.

"Wow," Timmy exclaimed behind her. "Is that wonderland?"

"Yup!" Cosmo answered. As he said this they all heard a small boom, and seconds later a canon whizzed by.

"Yikes!" Timmy squealed and hid behind a cloud. Cosmo and Wanda soon followed. "What was that?" he asked as soon as they were with him.

"Oh, that's just Vicki," Wanda answered casually. "She does this all the time." Timmy looked confused.

"What did she say?" he asked, looking to Cosmo. Wanda huffed in outrage that he just ignored her like that, but then realized he was too civilized to understand her. Cosmo and the other inhabitants of Neverland understood her because that's what Neverland was about, but outsiders couldn't hear her.

"She said it was Captain Vicki," Cosmo replied, cutting in to Wanda's revelation. "She's the captain of the pirate ship. I cut off her hand once! She wasn't very happy with me." Wanda looked at him sternly.

"Can't say I blame her," she said sourly. Cosmo cringed a little, but quickly recovered.

"Hey!" he said happily. "I think I'm gonna go pull a prank on her! Wanda, take Timmy to the Lost Boys, 'k?" Before she could object he was gone; zooming off to go make more trouble. But he was just a boy, that's what boys did. She sighed and turned to her new charge with disgust. Thankfully she was still small, so he couldn't see her glaring daggers at him. She didn't bother to tell him to follow her, because he wouldn't understand any ways. she simply turned away and sped off in the direction of their camp. Timmy followed as best he could but she was too fast, and continued to gain speed.

"Wanda!" he yelled at her. "Slow down! I can't keep up!" Wanda put on an extra burst of speed and soared down into the trees. She knew she had lost the twerp up above by a good amount, giving her plenty of time to work.

"Boys!" She called, rousing them from their hide out. "Boys, boys, come quick!" the two jumped out of the tree and rushed to her, weapons in hand.

"What is it, Wanda?" the short brown skinned one asked.

"Does Cosmo have orders for us?" asked the dirty blonde haired boy beside him. Wanda looked at the two.

'The others must be off somewhere,' she thought.

"Yes!" Wanda said. "Cosmo said you need to shoot down that thing." She pointed to Timmy through a clearing in the tree tops.

"What is it?" Asked the first boy as he squinted at it.

"Is it some kind of a bird?" Chimed the second boy.

"Uh," Wanda bluffed, "yeah, kind of. It's a Timmy."

"What's a Timmy?" the two said in unison. Wanda started wringing her hands.

"It's evil," she lied. "You have to shoot it down." The lost boys bought it.

"Okay," they said and aimed at Timmy. Wanda smiled evilly as they loosed their weapons and caused two direct hits. She silently cheered as she watched the brat fall. All her problems were now over. As she turned to leave she heard Cosmo return.

"Hey guys!" he said. "You won't believe what I just did to Vicki!"

Wanda edged toward a leaf and hid. She didn't know why she was hiding, but something inside told she had better do so. She listened as Cosmo recounted his tale and then asked the boys what they did.

'Crud!' she thought. 'I'm never gonna hear the end of this one.'

"We shot down the Timmy bird!" the blonde one exclaimed.

"Just like you said to!" the other said proudly.

"Chester! A.J!" Cosmo yelled at them. "That was my friend!"

"But," A.J. whined, "Wanda said you wanted us to shoot down the evil Timmy." There was a beat of silence, then...

"Wanda!" Cosmo scolded. She cringed. He knew she was there, but she didn't know how.

Wanda peeked out from behind her leaf shyly and waited for him to continue. She didn't have to wait long. He flew over to her and picked her up.

"Did you tell the lost boys to shoot down Timmy?" he asked

"Uh," she stammered and began to fidget in his palm, "yes?"

"Wanda!" he cried, "he was my friend!" Wanda wilted. She was feeling very disappointed in herself suddenly.

"I didn't like him," she answered honestly. Cosmo huffed.

"Well, if you don't like my friends," he pouted, "then I banish you!" he dropped her unceremoniously and went back to the lost boys. "Let it be decreed," he shouted, "that from now on, Wanda is banished from us! Now lets go find Timmy!" With that he and the lost boys left, leaving Wanda alone, her light dim.

A/N yay! another chappie finished. R&R, and I'll try and be quicker with the next one.