Adventures in Neverland

Me and my brother were playing a game we invented and when I said green, he said Cosmo, but it was Peter Pan. Any ways, long story short, what if our favorite green fairy WAS Peter Pan? And a jealous Wanda orders the Lost Boys to shoot down a Timmy? R&R. Based as close to the real book as I can remember it being. What I can't remember will be from the new movie, 'cause it was close to the books. I don't own either Fairly Odd Parents or Peter Pan.

Character roles:

Cosmo= Peter Pan

Wanda= Tinkerbell

Crocker= Captain Hook

Vicki= Smea

Trixie= mermaid

Tootie= Princess Tigerlily

Timmy= Wendy

A.J. and Chester= Lost Boys

Once, not so long ago, when I was young, there was a boy who never grew up. His name was Cosmo, and he lived in a place called Neverland, where he ruled over and cared for the lost boys. He was a happy boy, and as carefree as the wind.

When I met him, I was only 10. My parents had left for the night to go to a party. They had left me alone because they couldn't find a babysitter, not that I minded. When they were gone, I opened the window to let in a breeze and pulled out my comic books. After reading for a while I went down to get a snack. I looked for a while before settling on a few slices of smoked gouda and crackers, then headed up to my room. I didn't notice the figure watching me from the window.

I had just really settled down to my comic books again when I noticed the shadow playing around the room. I wouldn't of even noticed if it weren't for the fact that it wasn't moving the way it should. For one thing, there was a shadow where it shouldn't be, and it was shaped funnily. Sort of like me on a bad hair day, but I was laying down and it was prancing around the room. I looked out the window and caught a slight movement, as if something had hid around the corner. It took a second to realized that I was on the second floor, and the only way for something to have been there or hid would've been for it to have flown. I sat, uncertain, for a second, then turned back to my comic books, thinking it just my imagination. The Shadow was gone and so was the thing in the window.

Not very long after that I heard something like a dragonfly zip by me. It wasn't as high pitched as a fly, or as soft as a moth, just in between. When I looked up I saw, for only a second, a pink glowing dot, zoom over to a corner and then fly off with the strange shadow I had seen earlier. By now I was starting to freak out. I ran and shut the window then dived into bed, hiding from whatever it was that was haunting my room.

I woke up in the dusk. Something was in my room, I heard it. I peeked out from the covers to see a boy stomping on something in the middle of the floor. When I moved he had looked at me, but didn't appear to make any other move himself. The pink dot I had seen earlier had been bobbing around but now it stopped, and I got the feeling it was looking at me as well. Suddenly a dark something on the floor sat up and looked at me, too. I screamed and scooted farther away on my bed, afraid to hide under the covers for fear they would come after me and I wouldn't be able to see them. The thing that had been doing the jumping looked at me funny.

"What?" it asked, "It's just my shadow." I jumped. It sounded like a little boy.

"Your shadow?" I asked.

"Yeah," the shadow owner replied, "I lost it when I was here yesterday. Good thing Wanda remembered where it was. I woulda never found it." the little dot of pink light flickered on and off, and the boy turned as if listening to it. It stopped flickering and the boy replied, "You sure did!"

"Uh, did what?" I asked.

"Saved my behind," he answered, "Everyone would've laughed if I went back with out a shadow. What weirdo doesn't have a shadow?"

"I see," I said, even though I sure didn't. "So why were you jumping on it?"

"Uh," replied the boy, "I can't figure out how to put it back on. I even tried your gramma's denture cream. All that did was seal me to the floor, but man does that stuff hold." The little ball of light flickered again and the boy answered, "You sure did!"

I looked at the ball of light curiously. "Did you try super glue?" I asked distractedly.

"Ooo! I didn't think of that!" he said excitedly. "C'mon, Wanda, let's go try!" The pink dot zipped infront of him and cut him off. It started blinking furiously.

"Oh yeah," the boy answered. "I forgot."

I couldn't take it any more. "What IS that thing?" I blurtd out. The boy looked at me, or I assume he did, it was getting kinda dark.

"What?" he asked. "Wanda? She's my fairy." He said it as if it was obvious. I just laughed.

"I don't believe in..." before I could finish the sentence, the other boy was in my face, hand over my mouth.

"Don't ever say that!" He exclaimed. I reached out frantically and turned on the light. He realed away, blinded, and i got my first real look at him. He had green hair and green eyes and was wearing the most girly green tights and shredded green shirt. Floating over his head was a gold crown, the only non-green thing about him. When he stopped blinking and making a hulabuloo I asked him another question.

"Why not?" I asked. He looked at me pitifully.

"Because," he explained almost whimpering, "Every time some one says that a fairy dies. And I don't want Wanda to die! I don't know what I would do without her!" He began to cry as he said this last bit, and really freaked me out.

"Uh," I said, changing the topic, "Maybe I could help you get your shadow back on now." The boy instantly cheered up and happily agreed. He REALLY weirded me out.

"Okay so the glue didn't work," I said.

"And don't forget the tape!" the boy said. "Wow did that make a mess!" Wanda flickered a few times and the boy gave a sheepish look. I wondered what was said, but didn't ask.

"Maybe we should try some crazy glue again," I suggested, running out of ideas. There was a bright flash of light and a sound between a lightning crash and a self of objects being neocked over, and suddenly a very pink girl was standing where Wnada had been a second before.

"If you two are QUITE done," she huffed. "Just SEW it on. It'd stay on longer, and that's the way it's ALWAYS done in the fairy tales." The green boy blushed and cringed a little.

"Sorry, Wanda," he apologized sheepily. Wanda smiled fondly at him.

"Oh it's okay, Sweetie," she soothed. "Just let me do it." With that she whisked off to somewhere in the house and seconds later returned with a needle and some thread. She smile at the boy before kneeling in front of him and beginning her work. Ihe boy startd to make agonized noises as she weaved the needle in and out of his foot.

"Cosmo!" she repremanded chidingly, "It wouldn't hurt so much if you'd just sit still and stop complaining."

Finally she finished. As she left to return the items to their place, I turned to the boy.

"So," I said. "Your name is Cosmo?"


"Cool, mine's Timmy."

"I know."


"I stop by here a lot. You eat cheese, and leave the window open, so I borrow some every once in a while. Plus you've got cool comic books!"

About then Wanda returned, as the little ball of light again. She flickered at Cosmo for a minute then he noded and headed to the window.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked. Cosmo turned to me, and so did Wanda...I think.

"Back to Neverland," he said matter of factly. "Wanna come?"

"Sure!" I said. "Where's that?"

"Uh," Cosmo looked at Wanda, "yeah, where IS that?" She blipped a few times.

"Oh," he replied. He turned to me and said, "Third star to the left and then straight on 'till morning."

"Cool!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know!" he replied happily. I headed toward them then stopped.

"Wait," I said, looking at my window. "Wasn't that closed?"

"Yeah," Cosmo said, "But it wasn't latched, so I came in anyways."

"Oh," I said. "How did you get up here anyways?"


"How do you get to Neverland?"


"Uh, one slight problem with me going too, then."

"What's that?"

"I can't fly."

Cosmo looked as if that hadn't occured to him before.

"Oh yeah," he said, "I forgot." He looked at Wanda suddenly and smiled widely! "But with fairy dust you can!" Wanda seemed outraged, judging by her many bleeps and evasive actions when Cosmo reached for her. She ran straight into my forehead in her flight, sending a puff of dust in his face. Cosmo stopped and looked at him and the dazed fairy judgementally.

"That should be enough," he said, "but just in case..." He reached out and grabbed poor Wanda and hit me in the head with her a few times. "There!," he proclaimed finally. "That should do it! Come on!" with that he took off, slightly tipsy fairy following after and me close in toe after I figured it out.

Cosmo had neglected to tell me I needed a happy thought to fly. I got the impression he wasn't very bright.

A/N So, wadda ya think? Like? R&R, K? Thanx! oh, and the fairy getting bigger and smaller isn't my idea, it's from the movie Legend with the young Tom Cruise.