Summary: [eccentricity: deviation from the normal, expected, or established. she looks in the mirror and sees someone other than herself…]
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.
A/N: Another Luna horror story; she's fun to characterize. I'm terrified to ever do dialogue for her, though. I don't know if I can do it.
Inspired by chapter two of Jane Eyre; Jane reminded me of Luna. Abrupt and very short. Tiny Blaise/Luna hint…look for it!
She stumbled into the room, struggling for breath and looking back over her shoulder to make sure that her pursuer was gone. Blaise Zabini-she had been hiding from him all day; he had been practically livid when she had casually mentioned that she liked his eyes-had been chasing her; she had just barely gotten away. Thankfully, no one often notices a wiry, ghost-white little girl running through the halls; they usually notice her hunter instead and stop him.
The room was furnished sparingly; a chair was situated in a corner in the back, along with some candles arranged on an oak table, and in the middle of the room was a mirror. She didn't usually like to look at mirrors, but there wasn't much else for her to do while waiting to make sure that Blaise wouldn't find her, so she glided to it and sat down in front of it. She didn't think twice about what her reflection would look like; she would appear thin, fairly pale, and wide-eyed, as usual. But she lifted her eyes and looked at her reflection in the mirror-and gasped. In the place of the girl that she knew she was, there was a ghost; that's what it had to have been. The eyes were light, light blue, and the hair was nearly white. The ghost-girl looked up, and a small, malicious smile played on her lips. And then the screaming started.