New Dives Change Everything Chapter 9
By: Jess and Sass
Lexi, Randy and Justine were walking down the RAW arena hallway, showing Justine around as if she hadn't seen this stuff before. She laughed and shook her head at them both but loved it. They went to the refreshment table when Evolution walked up behind them.
"Well, well, well," started Ric when he saw Lexi and Randy, but stopped when he noticed Justine standing there. "And who might this be?" he asked while looking her up and down. Lexi took a drink of her water to keep from yelling at him.
"Way to young for you old man." said Justine while looking him up and down. Lexi spit out her water all over Triple H and started laughing.
"Refreshments anyone?" Lexi said innocently while looking around the group. But it all went quiet again until Batista spoke up.
"Another feisty one?" questioned Batista while also checking her out.
"I prefer Sassy but feisty works too…names Justine." They all shook hands and Evolution started talking to Randy leaving Lexi and Justine just standing there. Justine rolled her eyes to Lexi and they giggled.
Evolution left and again leaving Randy, Justine, and Lexi alone. But as another conversation started a stage hand ran up and told them that Lexi was wanted in the ring. Justine and Randy said bye to Lexi and walked back to her locker room.
"So what's it like over here at RAW?" asked Justine as they sat down on the bench.
"Interesting…since your sister got here." They laughed and Justine nodded. "What about at Smackdown?"
"Tough…I mean all the divas suck and I have a boss who wants to feel me up every time he sees me, an ex who left me for Dawn and having to watch my sisters boyfriend is a full time job!"
"Yeah Cena always was a lady's man."
"Oh yeah…what about you?"
Randy laughed and nodded. "Okay…okay I admit I know how to have fun but I've cut down for my career."
"Smart…wish I had that discipline." she said while rolling her eyes. "So how old are you?" she asked completely knowing the answer.
"23 of course…same as the twin." They laughed and Justine turned on the TV to see what was going to happen with Lexi.
As soon as she saw who was in the ring, Lexi rolled her eyes. 'God is this shit ever gonna stop?' She asked herself while climbing in the ring and coming face to face with Trish and Tyson. Looking around the ring she watched as Tyson began circling the two women and Trish started talking,
"You know I can't help but think it wasn't too smart coming out here all alone without your body guard." She said in her sickly sweet voice. "It really does leave you quite vulnerable."
The next thing Lexi knew Trish was snapping her fingers and Tyson was restraining her from fighting back. Soon Trish was throwing punches left and right. Refusing to yell or let out any noise that showed this was affecting her, Lexi bit the inside of her mouth to keep quiet.
As Trish continued to hit her, she could see the frustration building up in the blonde standing in front of her and couldn't stop the smirk that formed on her face. Seeing this Trish completely lost it and yelled to Tomko letting him know it was time for him to step in. As soon as he'd loosened his grip on her Lexi yanked herself out of his grip, but it didn't last long when he grabbed her by the throat and prepared to lift her into the air and choke slam her. He was stopped when he was hit in the back of the head with a steel chair, and fell on Lexi who hadn't had time to move.
As she struggled to get out from under Tyson, who was huge compared to her, she saw Randy standing in the spot right behind where Tomko had been. Finally able to roll him off of her she got back to her feet and walked over to Trish before landing a hard right hook to her jaw causing her to stumble back a few steps. Rubbing her fist, Lexi looked at her enemy, who was now backed into the corner of the ring, and said,
"Next time you wanna start something with me have the balls to do it by yourself, bitch." Saying that she turned and walked backstage with Randy.
When Lexi and Randy were walking backstage they saw Justine standing there looking uncomfortable but before any questions could be asked Justine lashed out.
"Take a picture it will last longer!" the two looked over to who she yelled at and saw Rob Conway from La Restiance standing there.
"Already have the pin up." he smirked back. Before Justine could lash back Randy came up beside her and put his arm around her waist while glaring at Rob. Lexi also walked up to Justine and looked over at Rob and said, "You know she is my sister and she has that same special talent I showed you in front of the locker room yesterday." Rob's face fell and he looked away giving the other three a chance to get away.
Later on Smackdown…
As the three of them got out of the cab, Lexi waved her sister and Randy ahead, saying that she'd pay the driver. Randy and Justine walked ahead and into the building but were stopped when they spotted Dawn and Eddie making out in the hall way. Justine sighed and looked down. Randy, of course, noticed this and put his arm around her waist and started walking while dragging Justine along. But when they were right in front of Eddie and Dawn, with their attention, he leaned down and kissed Justine on the lips. She didn't fight it but was surprised all the same. When that was done and over with they went inside Justine's locker room to wait for Lexi.
Lexi was still shocked that Eric Bischoff had even let them go, but she guessed it was because Randy had asked. As she handed the cash over to the cab driver she walked into the building with the overnight bag she'd brought with her slung over her shoulder. Heading towards the refreshment table where she'd said she'd meet her sister and friend she was passing the locker rooms when she saw Eddie and Dawn Marie all over each other. Stopping dead in her tracks, her jaw dropped and she couldn't stop herself from saying,
"Oh my god!" Immediately the two pulled away from the deep kiss they were in and looked up in shock. Dawn quickly recovered and plastered a smile across her face seeing the pissed off look that had replaced the shocked one. "Ya know I knew you and my sister split up but I didn't know why. I can't believe you left Justine for a slut like her." Hearing that the smile on Dawn's face instantly dropped. Looking at Lexi, Eddie sputtered trying to tell her it wasn't what she thought but was quickly shut down when the strawberry blonde held her hand up,
"Don't bother I've seen enough to at least know most of the story. And just so you know my sister can and will do better than you. I've got to go now, but believe me you'll be seeing me soon." And pushing her way past them she walked away.
Soon she found her sister and Randy and grabbing a water bottle huffed while twisting the cap off the top. Giving her a strange look Justine asked,
"What's wrong with you?"
"Your asshole of an ex boyfriend, booty call, whatever the hell he was. Why didn't you tell me what the hell was going on?!?" She asked, still mad.
"Honestly, cuz I didn't even want to think about it. I've had to deal with watching that since we split." Looking at her twin, Lexi could see the hurt in Justine's eyes and walking over to her she gave her a hug and said,
"Don't worry Justi, it'll all be okay. You know it will. You'll find someone who treats you a million times better than he ever did."
"I know, it just still kinda hurts. But you're right, I'll get over him." Grinning at each other Justine and Randy fell into conversation while Lexi sat back and sipped on her water. Suddenly she hopped of the table and exclaimed,
"Oh shit!" Making the two look over at her like she'd lost her mind.
"Care to elaborate that?" Randy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I just thought of something. If we're all here, who the hell is keeping the hoe's of John?!? Ya know what? I'll see you two later, I need to go find someone." And with that she took off running down the hall, back towards the locker rooms, causing Justine to start giggling before saying,
"Well at least I don't have to baby sit for one night."
Now walking, Lexi saw John standing in front of the locker room and smiled before she saw Torrie was there with him. As she came up behind him she snaked her arms around his waist causing him to tense up before he said,
"Sorry, I'm not interested. I got a girl." Shaking her head she walked around to stand in front of him, and grinned saying,
"Yeah I know. I am that girl." And wrapping her arms around his neck kissed him before finally turning around and looking at Torrie. She'd been waiting for this since her sister had told her that the blonde couldn't seem to stay away from her man. Narrowing her eyes she said in a voice filled with fake sweetness,
"Do you mind? The two of us have a lot of catching up to do. But if you really feel the need to hit on someone why don't you go find Eddie and that hoe bag friend of yours. Maybe ya'll can set up some sort of threeway." And turning around she asked John, "Now, where were we?"
"Going some place that we might not want to go here in the middle of the hall." He answered with a cocky smirk on his face.
"You're right, so why don't we take this into the locker room." Nodding in agreement with her she walked into her sister's locker room with him following. Things were getting pretty hot and heavy between the two and the pale yellow v-neck ribbed sweater Lexi had been wearing was now tossed on the floor, when the door burst open to reveal Justine.
"Holy shit! Can't you two stop acting like goddamn bunnies for five minutes, or at least put a sign on the door!" She yelled holding her hand in front of her eyes. Grabbing her sweater, Lexi quickly pulled it back over her head and looked at her sister saying as if it were obvious,
"Maybe you shoulda knocked."
"It's my locker room!"
"She's got a point ya know." John said wrapping his arm around Lexi's waist.
"She should have knocked. She knows me." Lexi said as though it was final. Rolling her eyes and knowing that arguing wouldn't get her anywhere, Justine walked into the room quickly followed by Randy. As she went to sit down on the bench where Lexi and John still were, she thought about what she had just walked in on and hopped back up going to sit on the other bench across the room. As Randy walked towards the other bench where Justine was, John said,
"Hey what's up?"
"Not much man, but you know your girl gets into more trouble than anyone I know." Randy answered pointing at Lexi.
"Hold up a minute! You two know each other?" She said looking between the two. As they nodded their heads, she put the pieces together, "That's why you were asking so many questions!" Soon they were all talking while Justine tried to remove the image of what she'd just seen from her mind.
There was a knock on the locker room door and Justine went to answer it. She saw Kurt Angle standing outside with a rose. She rolled her eyes and let him in.
"Hey baby." he said while giving her the rose and trying to give her a kiss on the cheek but she moved just in time.
"What do you want Angle?"
"Aww come on is that a way to treat your fiancée?"
"You're not my fucking fiancée!" Kurt smiled but looked around the room. He saw Cena, Lexi, and Randy just sitting there but when he realized who was there his face dropped.
"What the hell are you doing back?" he snarled.
"Oh didn't you hear? I got rehired by our new General Manager…but I'm sure McMahon wanted to tell you himself…"
"Dumb ass, gullible man…" muttered Lexi causing the people around her but Kurt to laugh.
"Anyway, I came here to give you two choices. One is that you marry me tonight, Two if you don't marry me you are going to be in a bikini contest with Dawn, Torrie, and Miss Jackie."
"Fuck you ass hole!" she yelled at him.
"Is that your…final answer?" he smirked.
"Oh I'll give you a final answer and it sure as hell will be to my benefit not yours." she said while getting ready to attack Angle but was stopped when he started talking again.
"And that's where you're wrong…you touch me…well in a hurtful matter…well okay outside the bed room and I will fire you."
"Bull Shit, You wouldn't do shit." she said while crossing her arms.
"You wanna test that?" he said while raising an eyebrow.
Justine growled but stepped back and looked him straight in the eye. "I'll take the bikini contest." When Angle left she grabbed her bag and started looking through it.
"What are you doing?" questioned Lexi while looking at her twin oddly.
Justine looked up and glared. "Looking for a damn bikini."
Getting bored watching her sister throw her clothes around the room and mutter to herself, Lexi stood up silently grabbing John's hand, and snuck out of the room before anyone could catch them and make them stay. Walking around the arena they talked for a while about what had been going on since the last time she'd been at a Smackdown event. As they were walking they passed Angle's office and noticed the door was open and that no one was inside. Looking up at him with a devilish look on her face she thought to herself, 'This is a perfect way to start on making his life hell.' and asked,
"Do ya wanna?"
"You really wanna piss him off don't you?" He asked, not quite sure if she was serious or not.
"Hell yes. Besides he wanted me to have sex on that couch, granted he wanted it to be with him, but we both know that isn't happening. So I'll ask again... Do ya wanna?"
Nodding he walked into the room before her and sat on the couch. Then, with a smirk he asked,
"You coming?" Giggling she slammed the door to the room and twisted the lock before bounding over to the couch. Straddling his lap, she leaned in and kissed him, grinning as she did so.
Lexi had just pulled her sweater back on when the door opened revealing Kurt and Luther Reigns. He saw them and the color in his face paled before turning red. Scowling he managed to grind out through his teeth,
"What the hell are you two doing in my office?"
"We decided it needed to see some sort of action since you ain't got any in it." Lexi said running her fingers through her hair. "Now if you'll excuse us, we've got other places to make good use of." And tossing her hair over her shoulder she and John walked out of the room, leaving behind a stunned Angle and Reigns. Once they'd caught back up with Justine and Randy they couldn't keep the smiles off their faces.
"What the hell is with you two?" Justine asked, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at them skeptically.
"Just having a little fun... in Angle's office." Lexi said innocently.
"Oh my god! You didn't?!?"
"Yeah we did, and the man who calls you his fiancée walked in right after she put her shirt back on." John answered, a smug look plastered all over his face.
"I can't believe you Lexi! What the hell was going through your head?!?"
"Hey, Angle was the one who wanted me to make good use of that couch." She answered shrugging, and making Randy laugh. Punching him in the arm Justine half glared and said,
"Its not funny!" At that time a stage hand walked up to her and told her it was almost time for her to go to the ring and looking at the three of them said, "I'll be back later, and you two, don't move!"
Outrageous came on the speakers causing a jump out of the three divas in the ring. Justine walked out in her dark charcoal gray bikini with matching heals and her hair flipped out. She did her little dance and walked to the ring. Once she was in she got glares from Dawn and Torrie but a smile from Miss Jackie. She gladly returned all their reactions and stood next to Miss Jackie with her hands on her hips. Luther Reins came out first with his own entrance and walked into the ring but not before grabbing a mic.
"Your Judge." he growled into the microphone and out came Angle. He had this sadistic smile on his face and walked up and down the ring looking each diva up and down. He stopped and started to say, "Well ladies I picked our bikini winner…and it is…" but was cut off by Charlie Haas walking to the ring. He took the mic from Angle and looked over at the divas but then back to Angle.
"Ya know Angle, a judge needs to have better judgment…than you…that's why," he said while turning back to the divas. "I've decided the winner. Miss Jackie." Dawn and Torrie started throwing a fit while Charlie grabbed Jackie's hand and held it up in the air. Justine walked over to Jackie and held her other arm up in the air to show her support. When that was over Jackie, Charlie and Justine all walked backstage together.
As the three of them got to where Justine had told her sister not to move, she noticed that they were gone. Making a frustrated noise in her throat, she parted ways with Jackie and Charlie, and went to look for her sister and the two boys. She decided to check her locker room first, where she found Randy and looked at him asking,
"Where the hell did they go?"
"I honestly don't have a clue. They took off together right after you left, didn't even say a word to me."
"I shoulda known better than to leave her without handcuffing her to something that doesn't move. Especially after I told her not to move. You ready to go look for them?" She asked heaving a sigh as she threw on a pair of white and blue board shorts and a blue tank top over her bathing suit.
"Yeah I guess so. Are we splitting up to cover more ground or staying together?"
"Staying together. If I have to be scarred for life again than you're being scarred too."
"Thanks, just what I always wanted to see, my friends shacking up with each other." He said, not sounding enthusiastic at all.
"Imagine my thoughts. She's my sister for christ's sake!" Hearing that he winced, before nodding, having to agree that it was worse for her.
As the two of them searched the halls, they had no luck finding the two. They were just about to give up when they walked past a janitorial closet and heard a thud against the door. Looking at it in shock, they then turned to each other and Randy asked in a disbelieving voice,
"They wouldn't... Would they?"
"Unfortunately my guess is yes. You can open the door." Justine said, backing away and staring at the door wide eyed.
"Hell no, does it look like I have 'Stupid' tattooed across my forehead."
"No but I don't wanna repeat what happened early. Haven't I suffered enough?" She asked, giving him her best puppy eyes and sticking out her lower lip slightly.
"Don't bother, it won't work. We'll do it together alright?"
"Fine, on the count of three. 1... 2... 3!" As they pulled the door open they were greeted with the sight of John's hands under the sweater, making it ride up and Lexi with one arm around his neck, her right hand under his jersey resting on his stomach. Neither one had noticed the door had opened.
"Oh my god! Do you two ever stop?!? Ya'll are worse than fucking rabbits!" Justine half yelled. As they pulled apart and looked at their two friends, Lexi grinned and tried to look innocent while she said,
"What, we wanted to play hide and seek." Justine just rolled her eyes and answered,
"Yeah, whatever."
Grabbing the front of John's jersey she pulled him out of the closet gently behind her, before looking at her sister critically and smacking her lightly on the arm and calling out as she took off running down the hall,
"You're it!" Standing there watching her sister in shock, Justine snapped out of it and started running after her leaving the guys behind. Shaking their heads and looking at each other Randy held up his hands and said,
"Hey I'm not the one dating one of them."
"Yeah just wait till you get roped in, and trust me, you will." John said, in a confident tone of voice. "C'mon, we better follow them before they get in trouble, and we both know it'll happen. The shit seems to follow them everywhere they go."
Later at the hotel, Justine and Lexi were sitting on the one bed watching TV when Lexi jumped up and got a smile on her face. "What is up with you?" questioned Justine while looking her sister up and down.
"Um…we need ice…yeah ice…I'll be back later!" shouted Lexi as she ran out the door in nothing but her little black shorts and a white tank that showed off her toned stomach.
Justine rolled her eyes and looked back at the TV for something interesting to watch but ended up getting up and taking a shower. After she was done with the shower and was wearing a hotel towel there was a knock at the door. Not even thinking she went to open it to see Randy standing outside with a pillow in his arms. Justine raised an eyebrow but asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Well…long story short…the two rabbits are up to it again."
"Great…I knew that damn ice thing was fake…never trust a girl that has been sex deprived for a…week…" They both laughed and she opened the door for him to come in.
"Nice shower?" he joked while looking her up and down. Justine looked down and saw she was in a skimpy towel and laughed.
"Oh yeah…I'll be right back." she grabbed some pajamas and went back into the
Resting her hand on his chest, Lexi tilted her head to look up at John before smiling and sighing contently. As he messed with a strand of her hair she grinned up at him and said,
"Ya know we're kinda sweaty, we should really take a shower."
"That all depends on if you think we should take then individually." He answered, pulling her closer to him with the hand that was around her waist.
"Hell no! What fun is taking a shower alone?"
"I was wondering the same thing." Getting up, the two of them were at the bathroom door when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kissing him quickly on the lips she said,
"Go ahead, I'll get rid of whoever it is."
"Aiight, don't take too long though." As he shut the door she hurried over to the TV and grabbed the football jersey he'd been wearing off the top of the TV, where it had landed when she threw it behind her and pulled it on. Pushing her hair behind her ear she answered the door and was met with the sight of Chavo Guerrero. Immediately she regretted not having on more, especially when she saw the look in his eyes as he looked her up and down saying,
"Damn, I must have the wrong room, but I'm sure as hell glad I did knock on your door. When'd you get back?"
"Who are you looking for and put your eyes back in your damn head."
"I was looking for Cena. but-"
"Don't even finish that thought! This is his room now what do you want?"
"Angle wanted me to tell him that next week he's got a match with Luther Reigns. But now that you're back later if ya wanna come by my room..." Growling Lexi went to slam the door in his face but was stopped by him putting his foot in the door jam.
"Now that wasn't very nice." He said, tutting her. Opening the door again, she glared and said in a tone trying to conceal her anger,
"Listen, I'm busy and FYI, any chance you might have ever had with me, and believe me when I say a snowball would have better chances in hell, was washed down the drain when your uncle pulled his shit with my sister. Now if you'll excuse me-"
"What's taking ya so long? I thought you said you were gonna make it quick?" It was then that John had decided to come out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel, and walking up behind Lexi, looked down at Chavo before wrapping his arms around her waist protectively, and asked,
"Is there something we can help you with."
"Angle wasn't happy after our little 'adventure' so now you've got a match with his giant flying monkey next week. And of course he sent a flunkie to deliver the message. Now said flunkie won't stop checking me out and leave." Lexi answered for him, not being able resist the opportunity to bag on Reigns and Chavo at the same time.
"Well ya heard her. You've been a good messenger boy now ya can leave." And he shut the door, Chavo not even bothering to try and stop him. Going over to her bag, she pulled out a band-aid and put it on the peep hole shaking her head and muttering 'Perv' before going into the bathroom and peeling off the jersey once again.
Justine walked out of her bathroom in a skimpy black tank that had the American eagle on it and a pair of blue cheer shorts. She racked a hand through her wet hair and say Randy laying on the bed flipping through the channels. "Anything good on?" Randy looked over and cleared his throat and said,
"Figures." she said while getting on the other side of the bed. Since there was only one they had to share. She sighed and looked over at Randy who was still dressed. "You gonna wear that all night?" Randy laughed.
"What…skipping to the sex already?" Justine laughed and got an idea.
"You know it. Seeing as my twin is getting please I should be too." she stated while putting a hand on his chest. Randy raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes.
"Ya know I've heard about these games and they may work on…every male alive…hell even me…we don't have to do this." Justine laughed and rolled back to her side with the remote. "Thief!"
"Oh shut up and get changed."
Randy came out in a pair of boxers and a grin. Justine looked over and laughed. "If my games wont work on you…yours wont work on me."
"Oh yeah…" he said and jumped on the bed right next to her. He pulled her into a kiss that was deepened by Justine. When things started getting hot Justine's cell phone rang and she groaned. She looked down at it and opened it to push ignore but ended up pressing the wrong button and answering it. "Shit! Hello?"
"Hey baby…Listen before you say anything I want to say I'm sorry and that I miss you."
"Who is this?"
"What do you want?"
"I want to get back together…I miss you."
"Bull shit your hoe just aint in the mood tonight."
"Come on baby don't be like that…"
"The names Justine…Eddie." she spat and hung up. She ran another hand through her hair and sighed.
"Eddie?" asked a quiet Randy. She nodded. "Need your sister for girl talk?"
Justine looked up and laughed. "Hell no boy we about to have fun."
During Justine and Randy's 'fun' the hotel door opened to show a happy Angle…until he saw them. "What the hell is going on here!!" he shouted.
Randy and Justine broke apart and looked up. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" shouted Justine while grabbing the blankets and pulling them over her. Although she was fully clothed still she didn't want Angle seeing her in her pajamas.
"I came to see my fiancée…cheating!"
"My god Angle. Get your head out of your ass and listen to me! I'M NOT YOUR FIANCEE!!" Randy got up and got Angle out of the room. When he came back he sighed.
"Looks like this wasn't gonna happen."
"Fuck." she cursed as Randy got back into the bed and laid her head on his chest to watch TV.
As her eyes fluttered open, Lexi let a lazy smile stretch across her lips and snuggled in closer to John. The sun was still low in the sky and shining through the window. Looking up at him she saw he was still asleep and smiled wider. Laying her head on his chest, she stared at the wall, her mind in a hazy sort of fog. It wasn't long before she felt someone twirling her hair around their finger, and she draped her arm across his stomach, pressed herself to him tighter.
As the two of them laid there, Lexi let out a groan and stuck her lower lip out slightly. Looking down at her, John quirked an eyebrow and asked,
"What's wrong?"
"Why does it have to be today already?" She asked, answering him with a question.
"What's wrong with today?"
"I've gotta go back to RAW today. We've gotta be back for the event tonight."
"Damn that sucks. Guess Bischoff wouldn't let you miss tonight?"
"And let an opportunity to make life hell for me pass? Not fucking likely. Between him and Trish they're gonna see just what a crazy bitch I can be when pushed far enough."
"Don't let them get to you. It's what they want."
"I know, but its so irritating and with all the crap they pull. One good thing tho... I don't have to deal with Angle. Specially after last night." She said making him groan. She couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles.
"Don't remind me. Ya know it's not like he didn't hate me already, and now, damn I don't even want to know what's going through his mind." This just made Lexi laugh harder at the expression on his face. "Its not that funny you know."
"Hell yes it is, only cuz I don't have to deal with him though." She got out between laughs. Sitting up she grabbed her shorts of the floor and slipped them on. Looking at her strangely he asked,
"What are you doing?"
"I gotta go back down to Justine's room and get my clothes. I couldn't bring them up with me last night. It woulda looked a little strange if I grabbed my clothes when I told her I was getting ice."
"Yeah I guess you're right. I'll be down there in about a hour."
"Kay I'll see ya then." And kissing him goodbye quickly she walked out the door and got on the elevator.
The next day Justine woke up to Randy making coffee. She groaned and rolled over to face him.
The next day Justine woke up to Randy making coffee. She groaned and rolled over to face him. "Morning." he greeted cheerfully. Justine smiled and laid her head back down on his pillow. "Ya know Lexi and I are goin back to RAW today." He said while walking over. She moved out of the way and as soon as he sat down she laid her head in his lap while cuddling with the sheets she was still under.
"I know." she sighed. "Well this is gonna be awkward…"
"Why do you say that?"
"Well," She started while propping her self up to his eye level. "You and I fooled around…and we barely know each other. Not that I didn't like it…but its like well now what do we think?"
Randy nodded while taking a sip of his coffee but then smirked. "And now I know you're not daddy's little princess…" Justine laughed and slapped his arm playfully which caused Randy to set his coffee down and tackle her on the bed. He was on top of her and she was laughing when Lexi walked in and almost fell over at the site.
Lexi couldn't keep her jaw from dropping at the scene in front of her. Dropping the key she'd been holding to the floor, she didn't even bother to pick it up. The two of them were starting to get worried since she wasn't talking but was moving her mouth when she yelled at the top of her lungs,
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! YOU GUYS HAD SEX DIDN'T YOU?!? AND YA'LL SAID WE WERE RABBITS!" Her sudden outburst caused them both to jump up from the bed. They both ran to the doorway where she was standing, and while Randy pulled her in the room, Justine went to close the door, and noticed half the hall was standing outside their doors and looking in her direction. Her face turning red, she quickly slammed the door and yelled,
"Did you have to be so damn loud?"
"Well excuse me but maybe if you'd used the 'Do Not Disturb' sign I wouldn't have had to have that reaction. I mean seriously, I come down here to get ready and I see Randy on top of you... what the hell else am I supposed to do?" Glancing at Randy, Justine Sent him a look that was screaming 'Back me up here!', but all he did was look between the two women a few times and shrug his shoulders saying,
"Unfortunately I think she could be right about that." As Lexi smirked, Justine let out a frustrated noise before she realized something else.
"What are you doing down here anyways? Shouldn't you be a few floors up doing god knows what with John?"
"Yeah see, normally I would be, but I have to get ready to leave and all my clothes are down here. Now if you two will excuse me, I need a shower I smell like... well I'm sure you don't really wanna know what I smell like. Try and get your hormones under control, or better yet, act on them while I'm in the shower." And grabbing her bag and grinning at them she went into the bathroom.
A half hour later Lexi walked out of the bathroom in a pair of dusty jeans and a white tank top with a tic tac toe board on the chest and said across the top 'Wanna Play?'. She'd straightened her hair and flipped the ends out with a curling iron. As for make up she'd just thrown on a quick coat of mascara with black eyeliner on her inner eye and some clear lip gloss. Looking at the two of them sitting on the bed she asked,
"Did ya'll have fun while I was in there?" She soon had two pillows being thrown at her and was being told to shut up. Huffing she sat on the bed and said, "Fine." Not long after there was a knock on the door and as she got up to answer it Justine said in a sarcastic voice,
"Gee I wonder who that could be?" And opened the door to see Eddie standing there holding a rose. Lexi gasped and glared at the same time but yelled to her twin, "Justi its for you!!" Justine gave Randy a look but got up from the chair they were both sitting in. She walked over to the door and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Eddie standing there.
When she didn't say anything Eddie started talking, "Hey…Listen I wanted to come down and beg for forgiveness in person…"
"Lexi can ya give us a few mins." Justine said in a quiet voice and moved in her sisters place when she left. Eddie looked her over causing her to look down at herself and see that she was still in her skimpy pajamas. She took a step behind her door with her head looking out at him.
"Baby, I miss you." Justine's eyes narrowed and sighed.
"No Eddie you miss your booty call. That's all we had."
"How can you say that?"
"First of all you make up some dumb ass excuse so you can fuck Dawn and then when I have a match with her you help her! How can I not see that it was all a booty call or fling… whatever? Think about it." She closed he door with her back to the door and slid down the door. Lexi got up and sat next to her sister on the floor with her back to the door.
"What happened?" she asked while setting her head on Justine's shoulder.
"He wanted his booty call." After a couple seconds of silence they started laughing causing Randy to walk over and sit on the other side of Justine. He started asking what when another fit of laughter started but was soon stopped when they was a loud knock at the door causing Justine and Lexi to gasp and jump up. Randy laughed and opened the door while shaking his head at the two.
As soon as the door was open John walked in and stopped seeing that Justine was still in her pajamas. Looking back at Randy he noticed he was still in his boxers. A confused expression was soon on his face and glancing in between the three others in the room he asked,
"Am I missing something here that I should know about." Randy and Justine rolled their eyes, while Lexi said in a confident tone,
"Well they say no, but when I got down here he was on top of her. Dressed exactly the same as they are now." She quickly moved out of the way to keep her sister from hitting her and grinned. "See they're even defensive bout it now."
"Shut up Lexi. We've told you once, NOTHING HAPPENED! Don't make me tell you again."
"Okay damn, now I really want to know. You don't get moody like this unless there's some truth behind it." Letting out a frustrated noise, Justine lunged at Lexi, who hopped up just in time for her to miss. Soon the two of them were running around the hotel room like maniacs while John and Randy stood still not wanting to get dragged into it. As she got close to the bed, Lexi jumped up on it and attempted to run across it when her foot got tangled in the blanket and she tripped. Letting out a scream, she fell to the floor in a heap, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Justine stopped and looked at her for a minute before sinking to the floor in a fit of giggles and choking out,
"You always were the graceful one Lex."
"I know they shoulda named me Swan." She answered as she tried to untangle herself from the blanket she pulled down with her when she fell. This brought about a whole new fit of laughter between the two girls, while the guys shook their heads and grinned.
A couple hours later the four of them we're standing in the airport getting ready to say their goodbyes. They were all standing there kind of awkwardly at first, trying to avoid the inevitable. Finally Lexi broke the silence when she grabbed Randy's wrist and looked at his watch before tilting her head to the side and asking,
"What the hell does this thing say. I'm telling ya'll digital is the only way to go when it comes to telling time." Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, Justine looked down at her own wrist and said,
"It's eleven fifteen. Are you ever gonna learn how to read a clock?"
"Nope, if god really wanted me to he wouldn't have created digital." Her sister answered shaking her head. Then frowning she said, "We really should get going, our stupid plane leaves in forty five minutes." Justine shook her head at her twin and pulled her into a hug.
"I'll come visit you again whenever our things are traveling close by! Cause believe me I'm gonna need the break." Justine said to her twin. She finally let Lexi go when John tapped them on the shoulder. Lexi went to Cena and that left Randy and Justine to say good bye.
They looked at each other and smiled. "So, how do we do this?" asked Randy. Justine smiled and shrugged her shoulders. They both stuck out their hands and shook them.
"It was nice meeting you Randy." she said while looking at their hands. Lexi looked over at the two and rolled her eyes. She walked over and pushed Justine into Randy while acting like she was picking up her bags. Justine fell right into Randy and was thankful he caught her in time so she didn't flash the whole air port. "Lexi!" she growled. Lexi looked innocently at her sister and smiled.
Lexi turned back around to John and pouted, "I donno wanna go!" John laughed and pulled her into a hug which turned into a make out scene.
"Bunnies…" Justine muttered while recollecting herself.
"Well we should go…" growled a very unhappy Lexi. They all traded hugs again and left their separate ways in the airport.
A/N: Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope all of you enjoyed your holiday! I know we did hehe. Anyway, thank you all for reviewing! We really appreciate it. So keep up the good work and review again hehe! Thanks -The Twinz