The Audition
The crowd was screaming, full of fans wanting to see their favorite wrestlers, and waiting for the match that was coming up. The main event was next, and it was promising to be good. Matches between Divas usually were. What the people in the stands didn't know was that the match up had changed a little bit two days ago when two sisters, twins actually though not identical, had asked the general manager Kurt Angle for a chance to prove themselves. After an hour of pleading their case to him he had agreed, but told them that he'd have to change the schedule for Smackdown, and that they'd be in a tag team match against Sable and Roxie Hart, who were in all actuality supposed to be up against each other that night. The two women hadn't been happy when they'd heard that their match had been changed and they'd be a team. They didn't complain though, they knew there was nothing they could do about it. The decision had already been made.
So there they were waiting to be called out back stage, Sable wearing a black patent leather jumpsuit and wrestling boots and Roxie in a pair of hot pink hotpants and a white tank top that stopped four inches before her bellybutton and a pink playboy bunny on the chest. The two women stood on opposite sides of the hall glaring at each other. Neither liked the situation, they didn't like the fact that Angle had the power to make major changes like that. Clicking her teeth Sable looked down the hall, wondering where these girls were. Looking back to Roxie she crossed her arms over her chest and asked in a tone that implied she was better than the other woman,
"So have you seen either one of the girls?"
"No, Kurt wouldn't let me meet them." Roxie said the irritation on her face evident. "I don't know why the hell not, we're just gonna send the bitches back home crying."
Hearing this, the strawberry blonde standing with her sister needed to be restrained form walking around the corner and beating the shit out of Roxie at that moment instead of waiting for the match. The older of the two, Justine, pushed the strand of her dark brown hair that always seemed to fall in her bright blue eyes away and turned her sister to look her in the eyes.
"Calm down Lexi! Save all that pent up anger for the ring Lil Sis." She said knowing it would irritate her further and not caring. The two girls didn't look that much alike from behind but if you were facing them it was obvious that they were sister, but most never guessed twins. It was like night and day, one had dark hair while the other had blonde, one had a deep tan and the other only tanned lightly. But their faces were the same heart shape and they were the same height, five feet six inches, and both had the same bright blue eyes and full, pouty lips.
"Do I have to wait? I'd enjoy it so much more if I did it now. And don't call me 'Lil Sis' you're only five minutes older." Lexi said fixing her face into a pout only to have it fall apart seconds later, being replaces by a grin.
"Don't lie chica, you know you'll have more fun doing it when millions of people are watching you." The only response she got was a wide smile, as she muttered to herself, "Told ya so."
Soon the introductions were playing and Sable and Roxie were headed towards the ring. Walking down the hall to where they'd start their walk to the ring Lexi and Justine quickly moved so that they stood facing each other on opposite sides of the entry way. Waiting for their cue they smiled, both trying to give the other the reassurance they needed. Soon their cue music began. Fog filled the entrance and a red light began to shine where they would both soon be standing.
I don't think they can handle this
Barely move,
We've arrived lookin' sexy,
Lookin' fly baddest chick,
Chick inside DJ
Jam tonight,
Within seconds Justine had walked to where the crowds could see her. Moving her hips to the music, she quickly stopped and struck a pose.
Spotted me a tender thang
There you are,
Come on baby
Don't you wanna
Dance with me
Can you handle,
Handle me
It was then that Lexi came out, the crowd still only able to see their silhouettes, and did a quick turn before bending her knees and after pushing her but up, slowly drug her hands up her legs as she went to stand up. As she stood up straight she froze in position. Suddenly fireworks burst open and when the light had died down the crowd along with the announcers, referee and the other two females saw what they were up against. Both girls were dressed in low rise jean hot pants and black tank tops that stopped two inches above their belly buttons. The only difference was that Lexi's read 'Fiesty' in bold, shiny letters across her chest, while Justine's read 'Sassy' in the same bold lettering, but silver instead of red. Both were wearing white wrestling shoes. Their hair was done differently with Justine's being shorter. She had they front pulled half way back in cornrows with two thin strands of her bangs left out, the ends of her hair had been curled outward. Lexi on the other hand had pulled her hair back into a high, messy ponytail; she had also left fairly think strands of hair out for bangs, which were tucked securely behind her ears. As they walked closer and closer to the ring they faintly heard their names being announced.
"On their way to the ring, weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds each, five feet six inches tall, from Detroit, Michigan, we give you Lexi and Justine... the Tempting Twins!" Lillian said into the microphone. The audience was cheering, mostly because of the fact that these girls were from the city that Smackdown was being held in that night and they wanted to give them support. The girls were both in shock as they stepped up onto the stairs.
Justine and Lexi walked out to the ring with determination on their faces. Roxie and Sable where being ushered to the other side of the ring by the ref. Justine and Lexi climbed between the ropes to give the crowd a good look down their shirts and proceeded to their side of the ring. Justine went on the out skirts of the ring as Lexi got herself hyped up in the ring. Roxie was standing in the ring looking her competitor over with a smirk on her face. The bell rang and Lexi got the first punch in. Roxie was taken back with a sour look on her face and charged at Lexi. Roxie went to throw a punch but was blocked by Lexi. Lexi grabbed Roxie's hair and shoved her into the corner where Justine was watching her 'baby' sister fight. Lexi held Roxie in the corner forcefully and tagged Justine in. Justine climbed into the ring and kicked Roxie in the stomach. Justine grabbed Roxie's waist and lifted her on top of the corner. Justine climbed on top and put Roxie's neck in a neck hold. She flipped her on her back straight to the mat. Justine jumped down and lifted her arms in the air to get the crowd going. As Justine was looking around, Roxie kicked her in her knee causing Justine to tumble to the ground knee first. Roxie stood up and grabbed Justine's leg and twisted it with all her weight. Justine yelped in pain as she grabbed her leg. Roxie looked up to Lexi and cocked her head with a smirk. She walked over to where Sable was standing and tagged her in. The two women started to where Justine was laying but luckily Justine rolled out of the ring and stood up breathing hard. The ref got in Roxie's face to get out of the ring. Justine smirked and got back in the ring to finish what she started. Justine ran to Sable and slammed her to the mat. Sable started to get up but Justine slammed her back down with the heel of her shoe. Justine walked back over to where Lexi was waiting and tagged her back in. Lexi ran to where Sable was laying and jumped up and landed on Sable's neck. Lexi rolled Sable over and held her leg in the air. The ref slammed his hand on the mat...1...2...Sable kicked out. Lexi stood up and wrapped Sable's legs around her leg turning Sable over into a pretzel shape. Sable was trying to grab the rope with her hand but couldn't reach. Just then Roxie ran into the ring and kicked Lexi right before Sable was about to tap out. Lexi was lying on the mat holding her side as Justine was yelling at for her to get up and finish this. Lexi rolled over to stare at Sable. She crawled over to the woman who was just lying there. She grabbed her leg once again and held it high in the air with all her might. Before Roxie could run in again Justine grabbed Roxie's waist and lifted her in the air and dropped her on her back. The ref was over at where Lexi was so he didn't see what Justine had just pulled. He again slammed his hand on the mat...1...2...3! Justine and Lexi had done it! They beat Sable and Roxie together. The crowd was going as wild as the announcers were. The ref grabbed Justine and Lexi's arms and held them high in the air. "Your new winners. Justine and Lexi!" yelled Lillian in the microphone.
Kurt Angle walked out onto the stage holding pens, two sets of papers that were stapled together, and a microphone. Stepping into the ring he walked up to the girls and began to speak into the microphone,
"Well ladies, I made you a deal and you came through on you part. So here I am to come through on mine. If you'll just sign these then we can make the announcement." The two took the pens he was holding out to them as well as the papers, and each taking a turn using the others back to keep the paper steady, signed on the dotted line. Handing him the stuff back, Angle took it in one hand and raised the microphone up again.
"Ladies and Gentlemen I give you your new WWE Smackdown Divas!" At his announcement the fans started screaming, while Sable and Roxie were having a hard time keep their jaws off the floor. Neither one could believe what they had just heard; they didn't want to believe it. Roxie, eyes still wide decided she needed to say something, to try and fight this. Getting a microphone from the booth, she threw a glare to Justine and Lexi, who were too busy taking in the adrenaline rush they were getting to notice, and looked at the general manager.
"Kurt what the hell is this all about?" She asked looking at him accusingly. Hearing her voice the two girls turned around to look at her. "Why are you giving them a contract? They don't deserve it!"
"Roxie let me tell you this one thing. You have no control over what I do as general manager. I'll decide what they do and don't deserve."
"This is bull and you know it! So they won one damn match! It doesn't prove anything!" Lexi and Justine, whose blood was boiling at this point, decided that they wanted to handle this from here. Walking over to stand next to Angle, they stopped him just as he was about to reply to her. Standing on her tip toes Lexi leaned into his ear and said 'Let us handle this one', and took the mic from him,
"Let's get one thing clear first of all. We obviously deserve this contract more than you if we whooped yo' ass and you're supposed to be the professionals." She started as she and Justine walked to stand in front of Roxie and Sable, who had come to stand next to her. "Two, don't get all pissed off cuz we embarrassed you both on television and in front of thousands of people right here." She then handed the microphone off to her sister.
"Three, like Mr. Angle said, you have no say at all what he does as general manager. I think you're forgetting that one small detail." Justine said cocking her head to the side like she usually did when she was irritated with someone or something. "Four, see those little pieces of paper we just signed over there, those make us your equals now and they also say we obviously do deserve to be here." Then looking over at her twin she sent her a look that told her exactly what she was going to say next. Holding the microphone in between them and both began,
"And last but not least, don't piss us off, cuz ya know what, we be some badass bitches from Detroit City!" With that said Justine handed the mic back to Angle, and they both walked through the entrance and backstage never stopping to look back. Looking at the two women left in the ring Kurt said into the microphone,
"Well ladies they've said what they needed to say, and I'd take their advice if I were you. They aren't people I'd want to be on the wrong side of." And he followed the same route that the girls had just taken, with Roxie and Sable not far behind.
A/N: Hey everyone!! So this is the first chapter and we're dying to know what you think. We've been working on this for a while trying to make it the best we can and we hope that you liked it. We've already got an idea for the next chappy and have started it!! Woohoo!! Oh and please, please review!! We're both absolute review junkies... sad but true. Hmm so yeah that's about it. We luv ya and like I've said hope you enjoyed it!! Later ya'll!!
The Twins