SSAA: I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry! The electricity was screwed up and we didn't get the internet back and a whole bunch of other stuff but here's the next chapter. Plus the fact that I had writer's block…hehehehehe..


Kagome Higurashi2004: Arigato gozaimasu for the review! I have yet to translate all my responses to pplz reviews into Japanese so people will have to deal with the part Japanese part English responses.. lol

Kyome Takashi: I'm hurrying! I'm hurrying! Oh my god! Don't hurt me.. lol… don't mind me..

Darkfirenekokit: No prob! If you have any other questions just ask and I'll TRY to answer.. but don't ask me why…. Wait… I know everything! The secret of life is… death! That's the secret! Muahahahahahaha! Death gives death to life and life gives life to death.. people die because they deserve it…. Or they feel like it.. I'm going completely random aren't I?

Lost-forgotten-alone: Let's see… there… are…7 sits and 3 slaps.. is that good enough? And yes, Hiei is becoming mute.. NO! NOT HIEI! HIS VOICE IS SEXY!

KitKat-Ostereyes: Yay! You love it! Are you going to marry it?

The Wind MasterX: Not sure if I read your story or not because I've read 20 stories in one week.. so I can't remember… -sweatdrop-

Kim: I hurried, I wrote, and I didn't stop! I'll let you know when I stop so you can come yell at me and force me to write more!.. hey.. I stopped…until the next chapter.

Katsume: Me too! I have the Evanescence Cd and my friend has the latest one from her concert.

Angel2youkai: Intersecting name. I have another name on another place called TenshiInuYoukai.. weird.. awesome

Kagome Higurashi2004: Um… I had no electricity when you did this review… plus writer's block


Kitsune-Miko-Tenshi: I updated as soon as I stopped procrastinating! Lol..

Kagome-Higurashi2004: This is your…third review…wow.. you must really like this thing…

Shera the Flaming Kitsune: You will see in a chapter or two….

Shera: Ummm are you the same Shera the Flaming Kitsune.. just wondering.. I updated..

Kagome-reincarnation: Yay! Someone thinks this is getting good.. I think it sucks right now..

Rosefireshadow666: What's with people and 666…. Are you evil? If so.. maybe I should add 666 to my name.. –evil grin-

Shera of the Flame: Are you the same Shera from before? Okay, I updated .. you and Kagome Higurashi2004 are scaring me.. but its cool to have awesome reviewers

RoseFury: Glad you like it Fury-chan!

Tsuki-tora: I updated! I updated!

Miko: You reviewed the same day I updated.. weird.. but awesome!


"Don't 'Hi, Inuyasha' me, wench!" Inuyasha snarled, "Where have you been! We need to search for the shards!"

"We had to perform today, Inuyasha," Kagome replied.

"I don't care about your stupid singing group, we need to find those shards! Or have you forgotten its all your fault that its broken!" Inuyasha spat out.

Kagome gasped slightly and lowered her head, her bangs covering her eyes. Why did he always have to bring that up? Why did he always have to bring up the fact that it was her fault the Shikon had been broken? It was an accident, but he couldn't accept that and kept hanging that over her head.

Keiko had had enough. She suddenly got to her feet, surprising everyone, and stalked over to Inuyasha. What she did next, shocked everyone in the room, especially the

Spirit detectives. She raised her right and brought it down, slapping Inuyasha hard.

"Will you ever shutup! God, Inuyasha, I can't believe you would still hang that over Kagome! It's not her fault and you know it, so back off! She didn't mean to break the jewel and she's been working to put it back together!"

"Shutup, wench! No one asked you!"

SLAP- "My name is Keiko, I don't care how many times I have to slap you, but you WILL say my name correctly. I don't care if no one asked me, I'm involved in this as well."

"Feh, yeah right. You two aren't coming back with us this time. I don't need a two more weak females slowing us down."

All four of the girls glared hard at Inuyasha. No matter how many times he said it. No matter how many times they had beaten him up for it. Inuyasha would never stop. So, they would have to beat him up.

"Weak! You jerk, just because we're female you're going to call us weak! Agh! I can't stand men! All of you act like you're all superior, but what about you, how many times did Kagura beat you and yet you still act like we're weak!" Keiko yelled.

The spirit detectives sat back and stared at Keiko with wide eyes. So many questions were running through their heads. How did Keiko know this demon? Who was Kagura? What jewel were they talking about? When did Keiko become so outspoken?

"Uh…Keiko?" Yusuke asked, cautiously. No matter how many demons he faced, Keiko still scared him. And at that moment, Yusuke was scared witless.

"What, Yusuke?"

"Who is that and how do you know him?"

"Inuyasha no baka? Oh, he's the retarted half-dog demon that is apart of this group of people that Kagome helps out and I met him when I came to visit Kagome."

"A half-breed? Hn, pathetic." (YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHO THAT IS!)

"What was that you little shrimp! How about I kick your ass!"

"A half-breed like you couldn't do anything to me."

"What! Come and say that to my face!"


"Why you little-"

"Inuyasha! Sit boy!"


"Ow! Wench! What the hell was that for!"









"Stop already!"







"Hmph, that'll teach you," Kagome said.

Now, that whole scene started another staring round. But, this time, instead of staring at Keiko, they stared at Kagome in shock and fear. It was hard to believe that she could control the half-demon with just a single word.

"I always love it when you do that," Sango said, smiling.

"Who doesn't?" Kagome replied.

"Me," Inuyasha groaned from the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry Inuyasha, but you weren't listening to me. Keiko and Yukina can and are coming with us if they wish. They've trained and can help out."

"Pff. Yeah right." Inuyasha slowly sat up rubbing his red nose.

"Oooh, Inuyasha… SHUTUP! Spirit Slap!" Keiko raised a glowing blue hand and slapped Inuyasha. "I think you've gotten slapped more times than I've slapped Miroku or Yusuke! And you seem to forget that Yukina's a youkai as well! She's an ice apparition and can do a lot with her powers."

"Keiko! Where did you learn that?" Yusuke exclaimed.


"Genkai trained you! But why? How?"

"Simple, I asked and she trained."

"What! I had to participate in a tournament! Then I had to practically beg her!"

"That's only because you were going to be her apprentice. I was just going to learn a few simple things that would help me out in my travels," Keiko sighed.

Inuyasha got tired of the constant jabbering and decided to interrupt the conversation.

"I'm tired of this! Kagome, Sango, come on!" He yelled grabbing said girls by their arms.

"Wait a few minutes Inuyasha. We can't just up and leave." Sango said.

"Yeah, unless you don't want any Ramen…" Kagome smirked as Inuyasha's facial expression changed from one of frustration and anger to one of anticipation and hunger.

"Feh. Fine, five more minutes though."

"More than that." Kagome growled.



"What! No way."

"No Ramen."

"Grr. Fine."

Inuyasha growled and sat down in the corner with an upset look. His ears drooped slightly and he glared at the floor. Things weren't ever going to be the same. That he knew.

Finally, after sitting there in silent shock, Kurama stood up.

"Um, Kagome, what is going on?" He asked.

Sighing, Kagome sat down in the chair. She knew this was going to happen. If only Inuyasha hadn't have come so early. If only Inuyasha hadn't been so stubborn and impatient.




"-down. This is going to take a while."

Kurama nodded and sat back down on the couch next to Kuwabara and Yusuke. Hiei had stationed himself at the window in a shadowed corner.


Kagome was interrupted when Souta suddenly dashed into the room and up to the TV. He frantically turned it on and began flipping channels.

"Souta! What are you doing? I have guests."

"You're on TV! You and Keiko, Sango, and Yukina! They're showing a marathon of your music videos!"



SSAA: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I know this may seem strange. The girls did the videos before the concert and guess who owns the firm for the music video thingy? Lol.. you'll find out at a later point. Hope you're not too confuzzled. I'll try to update soon.