C.L. : Well children! I had to think about this chappie. I thought I was gonna kill knives or something ...

Knives: Yea i thought you were gonna kill me too -glare-

C.L.: oopsie lol.

Nicholas: I ADMIT IT! I LOVE YOU! -cries-

Knives: -screams like a girl- OMG! YOU DO!!!!?????

C.L.: don't hate me after this I swear things will get better for Knives ... and all of you wanting Porn-Without-Plot or Plot-What-Plot ... you ain't getting it! I want to make this come together at the end! I want to ... to ... make a story with plot ... FINALLY! lol. ... well read and review! It makes me fuzzy and flames keep me warm ... oh and Lilly you suck! lol

Knives: yes what she said lilly! that was cold! poopie on you!

Nicholas: -clings to Knives-

Just Another Life.

Chapter 5.

Slender fingers gripped the steering wheel as the van slowly came to a stop in front of a stoplight. Ice blue eyes gazed out the windshield as he waited for the currently red stoplight to turn green. 'I just need to take a little spin. Then tell Nicky I'm really sorry for taking the van. What should I do? Should I forgive Legato for what he did to me? Or should I never talk to him again. Wow, I'm so tired of thinking. Come on Knives get a hold on yourself! Think straight, and get an answer.' Knives mused as he pressed on the gas. The light had turned green a few seconds ago and restless drivers where honking. The black van continued to drive forward.


'Where could that kid be! I should've never left him.' The caretaker mused as he reached the garage doors. His olive tanned hands pushed open the door and charcoal eyes narrowed at the sight of the empty space where the black van should've been. 'I can't believe it!' Nicholas made his way over to a covered up vehicle, which looked just like a motorcycle, and of course it was. The olive tanned man quickly settled down on the motorcycle and revved it up. He pulled out his dark sunglasses and quickly put them on, hiding his angry charcoal eyes. The motorcycle left a black tread mark as he quickly turned right.


Legato stared out the window as he heard the roaring of a motorcycle and saw that it was none other then their caretaker, Mr. Nicholas. Amber eyes quickly shifted to the door as he heard it make a small creak and a young man with sad aqua eyes stared down at him. A frown was placed on the blonde haired boy's face. Vash walked slowly up to Legato, eyes shining like if they were going to break ... he knew his heart already did. A small sickening smack echoed through the room as Vash let his hand fall right against Legato's tan face.

"Why?" Was the only word that fell from the lips of the blonde haired boy. Legato let his gaze fall to the floor. Guilty was his conscience as he tried to find the right words.


Knives looked wearily up as he pushed the gas again. He kept driving, not having the slightest clue of where he was heading. He took long deep breaths as he drove, passing a few cars. One was bright green, a Ford. Next he saw a nice blue colored Escort ZX2. He smiled but that wasn't truly his cup of tea, he wanted an RX-8, though not the best Mazda out there but that was the beauty of it. He could make it the best. Adding rims, not ghetto rims like the "Spinners", but nice chrome rims. Giving it a body kit and adding some nitrous ... he would have a great car. He laughed as he saw a small dodge neon pass by. It was fun looking at cars but at the back of his mind was the incident ... it pricked his mind like needles letting a dull pain fill his head.

Knives took one of his slim cream colored hands off the steering wheel and to his temples. Rubbing them slightly he sighed. 'I feel so horrible. Well, I should right? Right. I didn't do a damn thing and then Legato comes and tries to rape me! ... Why? Why does this keep happening to me? Why do all these things keep happening to me.' Ice blue eyes blink back tears as he slowly pushes the breaks. The stoplight is red and the Dodge Neon that was in front of him waited impatiently, the poor person must've been late for something. The ZX2 was waiting beside the Neon. Honking was heard again but strangely the light wasn't green. It sounded like a bunch of small cars and then a loud honk came, from what seemed like a large trailer of some sort.

Knives slowly looked around and saw the large honking trailer speeding towards them. His eyes widened slightly as he quickly started to add to the honking, trying to find away out of the speeding trailer's path. His face lit up with panic and fear. The driver in the Neon just raised his middle finger. 'Damn stupid person! MOVE! Your damn car is in the way!' Obviously the driver in the neon could not hear. His radio was on full blast, so Knives made it simple. He rammed into the back of the neon.

"MOVE YOUR DAMN CAR!" Knives cried out as he glanced in back of him. The trailer was moving quickly ... too quickly. Knives changed lanes but the man driving the ZX2 wouldn't budge either. All other cars had moved out the way of the trailer's wrath. The black van was too big to fit in between both of those cars. Finally the light turned green and the two cars in front of him pulled away. Knives floored the van but unfortunately the old van didn't get enough speed so plan b was to turn. He quickly jerked the steering wheel left but not fast enough. On one side of him was the large trailer moving at an incredible speed. Knives kept ramming his foot against the gas pedal. He closed his blue eyes and smiled sadly as he felt his body twist uncomfortably while the car span out of control. The trailer rammed into the back of the black van. Knives could feel his slim neck twist and he cried out holding onto the steering wheel praying for something to help him but nothing came, or so he thought.


Nicholas drove his motorcycle down the street. His eyes searched every where for the black van. He saw cars on sidewalks and the people inside them were breathing heavily, clutching their hearts. 'Hmm ... that's weird.' Nicholas mused as he kept driving. He saw an ambulance and police cars with their vibrant lights and their loud sirens going off. A large trailer was rammed into the side of a building and he felt his heart plummet when his charcoal eyes set upon a black van. The paramedics were taking out a limp form. The back of the old van was completely destroyed and the front of the van had hit a pole. He quickly got off his motorcycle as panic coursed through him. He ran towards the paramedics but two policemen made their way in front of the distressed man. His eyes narrowed even more as he explained to him that, that boy might be a kid from the orphanage.

"PLEASE! Just let me CHECK!" Nicholas pleaded with the officers.

"Sir, we are truly sorry but we cannot let you pass." One of the officers said quietly. His eyes shone with sympathy.

"DON'T TELL ME THAT!" Nicholas yelled as he pushed his way through them.

"Sir!" They both exclaimed but didn't try to hold him back. They exchanged small looks and went back to holding everyone else back. Nicholas' black hair was a mess and small beads of sweat glistened on his face as he made his was towards the paramedics who were surrounding the limp form on the floor. Nicholas felt his heart tear in two as he focused on the silver-blonde haired boy. 'No ... why? Oh God.' Tears pricked his eyes as his stomach churned.

"Knives." He whispered as he let the tears flow. The paramedics turned to face the crying man. One of them stood up and quickly started to pester Nicholas with questions.

"Sir, do you know this young man?" The paramedic asked quickly.

"Y-yes." Nicholas half-sobbed, and half-coughed out.

"Sir, are you the guardian of this child?" The paramedic asked gazing at the crying man.

"Yes." Nicholas answered more sternly, wanting to be near his Knives.

"You know that the boy didn't have a driver's license?" The paramedic asked, knowing that it was a very unnecessary question.

"... Will you just let me see him!" Nicholas asked urgently. He started to stride past the paramedic wearing white and red. The paramedic quickly put out his hand to stop the black haired man.

"Sir, until you answer all of our questions we cannot let you see the boy." The paramedic said, his face was impassive.

"WHAT!?" Nicholas hollered. His charcoal eyes were now shining with fury.

"Answer my last question sir. Did you or did you not know that the child didn't have a license?" The paramedic asked again. His eyes were a dark brown almost black color. His face was beige and he stood there with his arms crossed, he looked ... bored.

"Yes! I knew okay! We were going to get the young adult his license ... today." Nicholas said trying to stay calm throughout the unnecessary interrogation. "I see. Did you let him drive alone." The paramedic asked.

'Right. What an idiot! Why would I let Knives drive alone.' "NO! He went off when I wasn't there." Nicholas responded angrily. His charcoal eyes narrowed and he started to wave his olive tanned hand in the air. "Are you finished asking me stupid fucking questions! We can finish this discussion LATER! ... and ... what's your name?" Nicholas ended politely.

"Umm ... Jeff Jones. Why?" The paramedic asked quite confused.

"Oh I just want to know your name so when I talk to YOUR FUCKING MANAGER! So get the hell out of my way or I'll make sure that you will get written up!" Nicholas shouted as he shoved the man aside. He quickly bent down to look at the young boy. Another paramedic cautiously crouched beside the even more stressed out man.

"Sir. The boy has no serious injuries. He is just unconscious and we think he has a little whiplash. He won't be able to move his neck too much for the next week. I'm sorry for this and don't mind Jeff he's just angry because his girlfriend dumped him for a girl." The woman told Nicholas. She was dressed in the same uniform of white and red. She had a sympathetic look in her eyes as did everybody else around. "Oh we think this boy is very lucky indeed! There must've been some kind of angel with him!" She exclaimed. She sobered up quickly and went on talking, her emerald eyes kept switching from the knocked out boy to the crying man. " We need to take him to the hospital. would you like to go in the ambulance with him sir?" She asked politely.

"Yes." Was Nicholas' simple answer. He quickly got up and walked beside the stretcher on which Knives was being carried. Knives' silver blonde hair was stained with a little blood. Cuts covered his creamy face and a bruise was one his right cheek. His breathing was soft as he laid there. The ambulance quickly turned on its sirens and made its way to the hospital. Nicholas just sat there in silence, his eyes were on Knives and Knives only. He didn't care about anything else at the moment. The ocean of cars quickly parted to let the speeding ambulance through.


"Legato. I'm waiting for an answer." Vash said in an unreadable tone of voice. His aqua eyes watched the blue haired boy shift uncomfortably.

"I don't know." Was the simple answer given. Amber eyes cautiously looked upwards to meet the saddened aqua ones.

"That is the most FUCKED UP ANSWER!" Vash responded angrily his face was contorted in rage but his eyes screamed with sorrow.

"I want the truth! Was I not good enough for you? Did you want to break my heart? Did you get tired of having the same old FUCKING thing?" Vash yelled, tears streaming down his already tear stained face. His eyes were puffy as he fell to the floor crying.

"What about all the times I said 'I love you Legato.' Did you think I was fucking with you? Toying with you! I meant it! I wanted to be with you forever! So why? Why did you go and pull that kind of shit! My own brother! You tried to rape my own brother!?" Vash sobbed he couldn't stop now. He was letting it all go, letting all his feelings out, he tried to keep his doubts and other feelings inside but it wasn't worth it now.

He remembered his mother with her dark brown hair shimmering all the way down to her back. Her soft brown eyes always smiling. He had quite a good memory. He last saw her when they had barely turned 3. She had ... passed away from a heart problem but she always told him that it didn't matter what he grew up to be. To just be happy, to be satisfied. To find the woman that he'd fall in love with. To follow his heart.

'Mom I'm sorry. I screwed up. I followed my fucked up heart and it led me to all this shit. I bet you hate me now! I let myself be toyed with. I let Knives down ... I'm so tired of pretending ... pretending not to notice everything. Pretending to act like a grown baby. I see it, I swear I do; the way Mr. Nicholas and Knives always are together. I see everything ... Why don't THEY see that. Oh why? I just want to die. I never want to be held in Legato's arms again ...' but as Vash kept musing tears continued to flow and Legato picked Vash up in one swift movement, cradling him. Vash unconsciously leaned into the warm embrace. His eyes shut and started to whisper.

"Why Legato? I really did love you! ... I'm so sorry mom. Please don't let go. I really hate you, you know that right?" Vash whispered sadly, not really knowing what was spilling from his lips. His eyes opened slightly when he felt the blue haired boy pull away. Legato had a sad smile and he shook his head slightly.

"You're right. I'm the fucked up mind. I swear, I didn't know what came over me, I don't deserve you. Vash I-I want to tell you that I love you too." Legato paused for a second bowing his head, hiding his amber eyes behind his blue hair. "and I just want you to be happy and I know t-that I hurt you bad. I'm never going to do that again, because there won't be a next time. I'm the bastard and the creep. Please don't you hurt anymore. I s-swear that I won't bother you again." Legato sobbed out. Tears trickled down his perfect nose. His tan face showed regret for hurting his boyfriend like that.

"S-so you mean to tell me that we're through?" Vash asked shocked. One part of him was saying good riddance but the other part (might I add it's the bigger of the two parts) was sobbing asking if they could try this again. 'We would've been together for 2 years this upcoming month. Can't we try again? PLEASE! ... but why? He did hurt me bad ... but ... but I can forgive him right ... right!?'


The ambulance had just stopped in front of the December emergency hospital and was currently taking out the stretcher which held Knives. Nicholas let his hand slip to Knives' chest as they carried him towards room 1542A. They shifted Knives onto the stiff bed. Nicholas was shown to a small old chair next to the pure white bed. Charcoal eyes were staring at the sleeping boy as he combed the younger boy's hair with his olive tanned hand. He silently sobbed as he kept saying small apologies. He closed his eyes so they could rest when he suddenly heard the door creak open. A small pudgy doctor made her way towards Nicholas.

"Sir, the boy will be fine. He just has whiplash and will be having some back pains but if he takes the prescription given to him he'll be fine after a week or so. Everything else is just cuts and bruises, all he needs is some T.L.C." She said with a small smile. "Sir, I know this is very hard, but just be strong for him" She said as she motioned to the sleeping boy. Nicholas just nodded and turned back to looking at his Knives. 'My beautiful boy. Why did this have to happen to you? Why God? Are you punishing him for-for ... for loving me? Please don't! Hurt me instead! He doesn't need this anymore!'

"Umm ... sir! I asked what is your name?" The small doctor asked again gazing at Nicholas with a new sense of realization. Her eyes twinkled with understanding.

"Wha'? Oh, um it's Nicholas D. Wolfwood." He said missing her gaze.

"Oh, and your relation to the boy?" She said hoping for an honest answer.

"I'm his guardian." Nicholas said calmly. The doctor looked disappointed but accepted the answer.

"Okay, and how did he get a hold of the van?" She asked curiously.

"He stole it while I wasn't looking. I thought he was sleeping. And yes I know he doesn't have his driver's license." He said, his charcoal eyes moved back to look at the resting boy. His hand still combing the boy's hair.

"I wasn't going to ask that but okay. Um, Mr. Wolfwood are you sure you're able of taking care of this orphanage?" She asked.

"WHAT!?" Nicholas almost stood up to slap her but tried to stay calm. "Of course! This was a one-time thing! I've been taking care of this orphanage since I was 20!"

"I-I'm sorry! I swear! Okay, okay! Do you have insurance?" She asked slightly frightened. Her small little eyes widened and she stepped back a few steps.

"Yes." And with that Nicholas got up and dug through his pockets until he found his wallet. "Here" He handed her the information needed.

A few minutes later she was finished and handed the information back to Nicholas, his eyes were still focused on Knives as he grabbed the small papers. She smiled slightly and started to leave.

"I'll leave you two alone." She said with a twinkle in her small eyes.


The honey blonde haired boy looked at his boyfriend. His aqua eyes were locked in a gaze with amber eyes.

"Legato, you're right. You were a jerk, but we've been through a lot and I swore when we got together that we'd be together no matter what happened. So .... please stay with me. Please. I love you too much and I feel so alive when you're here with me! please lets start over." Vash started to plead, eyes filling with tears again. The blue haired boy just stared. 'Did Vash just say he wanted me to stay ... after all the shit I just did?' He finally recovered from his shock and quickly pulled Vash into a tight embrace.

"A-are you sure?" Legato asked weakly.

"Yes! Please lets start this over. I really want to try this over! I mean couples go through shit and they stick together. They try and work things out and fix stuff between them. If we're a couple ... shouldn't we go through the same stuff? The high and the really shitty lows? Shouldn't we?" Vash said as he wrapped his arms around Legato.

"... I-I think so," Legato responded, still quite shocked about how easily this was turning out to be. His amber eyes locked with aqua eyes before the met for a make up kiss. They held each other tight afterwards. Legato kept whispering apologies and sweet nothings as Vash snuggled into Legato's firm chest.


Ice blue eyes opened wearily. The slim frame tried to sit up but felt a horrible pain in his back and decided to stay down. His eyes widened as he remembered what happened. 'A black van, big trailer, stupid men in cars ... and a crash.' He recapped in his head. His silver blonde hair was disheveled and it felt ... sticky. 'BLOOD!?' His eyes widened even more and he franticly looked for an answer. What he found was his love. Nicholas was dozing off at the moment. He held his head up in position by leaning against the wall with the chair. His black hair was naturally wild and his olive tan face had a rosy tint to it.

"N-Nicky?" Knives asked in a raspy voice. He cringed as he heard a loud thump echo through the room. Charcoal eyes were snapped open as he held his pounding chest. He had fallen off his chair and hit the white tile floor. He quickly recovered and swiftly pulled himself up and towards the silver blonde haired boy.

"Knives! Oh thank God you're awake. Are you okay? You gave me a scare! I thought I lost you forever! W-Why'd you take the van without telling me!?" Nicholas said as he wrapped his arms around the slim frame of Knives. Small little tears trickled down the sides of Knives' face.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'm so stupid! I-I just needed some time to get my head straight and t-then a big trailer was speeding and ... and stupid cars wouldn't get out of the way! I'm so sorry! Please I didn't mean for it to get so screwed up! All I want to do is to love you! That's the only thing that matters to me!" Knives cried as he snuggled his face into Nicholas' thick black hair. He smelled the older man's sweet smell and sighed. He heard a little snore and switched his gaze back to the older man. Nicholas' head was resting on Knives' uncovered creamy chest. Knives cursed inwardly as he saw the cuts covering his body but kept smiling as he fell back into a peaceful slumber, at least knowing that his Nicholas was here and still loved him.


Vash opened his eyes and stared out of the window gazing at the setting sun. The beautiful splashes of colors. 'Whoa ... sunset? Where is Mr. Nicholas ... and Knives ... I didn't see him in his room. Oh God! Please don't let him do anything stupid.'

"Legato?" Vash called out, still pressed against his boyfriend's chest.

"Yes?" Legato responded.

"Where's my brother and Mr. Nicholas?" The blonde haired boy inquired as he shifted himself so he can look into those beautiful amber eyes.

"Well ... uh ... umm ... Knives ... err ... ran off with the orphanage van and ... um Mr. Nicholas followed." Legato said softly. Just then the phone rang. The nurse quickly shuffled herself over to her small desk. Her tubby frame bent over and picked the phone up.

"Oh! Nicholas! Young man where are you! Did you find the boy? ... WHAT!? Oh my sweet Lord! Is the child fine! Oh thank God. The van is what?! That doesn't matter anymore! I'm just glad that the boy is okay! Will you be coming home today ... No? Okay but you both will be here tomorrow? Okay. Tell the boy that everyone sends their love ... yes, yes ... I'll take care of the Orphanage. Goodbye. Get some rest! You sound horrible." She kept talking with the caretaker on the phone. Vash exchanged nervous glances with Legato. As soon as the pudgy lady hung up the phone they bombarded her with questions.

"Who was it!" Vash asked his stupid question.

"Was the boy Knives?" Legato asked right after, making up for Vash's childish question.

"What happened to him!?" The two boys said in unison.

"HOLD THE PHONE!!" The fat little nurse yelled. She waddled over to a chair and started to explain. After about 15 minutes later the boys were gaping and their eyes were as wide as saucers.

"My brother!?" Vash asked, not believing the little woman.

"Yes your brother Knives!" She said once again for the 3rd time during the story. Vash couldn't believe it ... everything bad was happening to Knives all at once. 'Almost being raped, and then getting in a huge car accident. I can't even take care of my brother! I'm so sorry mom.' Vash mused as tears formed at the edges of his eyes.

"But, like I told you already, Knives will be fine in a week. All he has is a little whiplash and some back pains. Everything else is just cuts and bruises! So stop worrying!" She said once again for the 5th time. Her soft eyes held empathy for the boys. Vash started to cry once again and quickly pushed his head against Legato's chest. Legato sat there as he held Vash, trying to shush him with soothing words.


Nicholas hung up the phone as he turned to Knives who was sitting up with the help of 5 thin pillows. He slowly motioned the older man to come over to him. Nicholas obliged and strode over to the sore boy. He wrapped his strong arms around the slim waist of Knives and laid his head on Knives' shoulder. Knives held onto Nicholas as he planted a small kiss on the top of the older man's head.

"I'm really sorry Nicky." Knives said, muffled by Nicholas' thick black hair.

"I know. Things WILL get better." Nicholas let out a happy sigh as they remained like this for the rest of the night.

(This is the song that gave me the idea for what the mom said to Vash. You know when Vash was thinking about his mom, and how he remembered what she told him before she died ... well yeah! That's this song! I love this song to bits! It reminds me of something my mom would say to my brother ... who is currently in Korea, stationed there. He's a Marine. Please wish him the best of luck!)

Simple Man by Shinedown

Well Mama told me when I was young Said sit beside me, my only son And listen closely to what I say.
And if you do this It will help you some sunny day. Oh take your time... Don't live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
You'll find a woman and you'll find love,
And don't forget that there is a someone,
up above.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Oh won't you do this for me son,
If you can?
Forget your lust for the rich man's gold All that you need now is in your soul,
And you can do this oh baby if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Oh won't you do this for me son,
If you can?
Oh, don't you worry... you'll find yourself.
Follow you heart and nothing else.
And you can do this oh baby if you try.
All that I want from you my son,
Is to be satisfied.
And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Be a simple kind of man.
Oh won't you do this for me son,
If you can?

C.L: I hoped you enjoyed it! it will get happier! i had to use little break thingies so you wouldn't get confused! my friends got confused and I didn't want you guys to get confused either!

Legato & Vash: -Busy cuddling-

Knives & Nicholas: -also cuddling-

C.L.: o.O -side steps away- just review! XD