A/n: okay ... I know I haven't updated but I've been in a writers block ... but I got an idea XD!

It is about an Orphanage that Nicholas takes care of! Knives and Vash are teens though! Yay! AU FIC! Knives is OOC and Vash ... is just the same! I'll introduce more characters and more of the plot behind it next chapter ... if I get enough reviews! This is going to have odd pairings! NxK and ... others ... probably VxL and I'll keep middie the same! MidxS(S for sluts!) XP

Knives: you better review ... . and why teh hell did you make me a punk!?

C.L.: MWAHAHA! OOC! YAY! Knives and double earings! ... -cough- anyway! please enjoy ... this is yaoi! I made this for fun! I have my own picture of Knives in my head ... and I made him that way in this story! MWAHA!

Knives: o.O;;; -side-steps away- e-enjoy -runs in the other direction-

Just Another Life.

Chapter 1.

The small young figure leaned against the wall. His slim body stayed still as his large ice blue eyes watched the young children play. Their small smiles and their little laughs made him frown. This was everything he didn't want to remember ... his past. He was actually quite lean and muscular, but all that was hidden behind his soft creamy skin and very slender body. Guys liked to make fun of him, calling him names like "little girl" and "chick". It didn't bother him very much because he hardly paid attention to them.

His thick hair, which was an almost silver color, but not quite. It had a blondish tint to it making the hair glow. When he was little he cut it very short, but somehow he started growing it out again. The mesmerizing hair stops right below his chin. He also didn't mind the comments thrown at him for being a punk. He started to turn into one at a very early age. His arms crossed against his chest and his black baggy pants dragged to the floor. He had the perfect amount of black eyeliner, just enough. His dark red shirt had various cuts on his sleeves and he wore a choker. He had 2 earrings on each side and had 3 silver chains dangling around his pants. He thought he looked nice. He started to get bored of watching the small children and closed his eyes right when a young man about his age came up to him yelling his name.

"KNIVES! We're supposed to go to school today ... if you haven't forgotten!" The young man said. His hair was spiked up and he wore a red turtleneck with a nice pair of blue jeans. Around his right shoulder was a black backpack. He wore a golden chain around his pants and had a goofy smile plastered on his face like always. He had a small mole under his left eye and his hair was a thick honey blonde color. His bright aqua eyes shined radiantly as he said this.

"I think I'm going to skip today." Knives said quietly as his eyes turn back to the children. "I don't feel like going through all that shit today" He finished with a smirk.

"B-but ... that's the 3rd time in a row!" His eyes get wide as he heard this but quickly came back to his senses and started to try and pull Knives in the direction of the front door. "Mr. Nicholas will get mad!" He said.

'Oh yes, who can forget Mr. Nicholas, the caretaker of this rundown orphanage dump.' Knives' smirk got a little bigger. 'I remember the first caretaker when we came in here. I was 3, but I still remember. Mr. Adams was a pretty cool caretaker. Nicholas was 12. He always liked to pick me up ... not that I would mind...' the young man pulling him towards the door jerked Knives out of his thoughts.

"COME ON!" The man yelled.

"Vash will you quit it! I'm not going! I don't care about this stupid public school! If I wanted I could skip all this crap and go straight to college for a master's degree in ANYTHING! Now let me go damn you!" Knives shouted. He ripped away from Vash's grip and walked back to where he was standing.

"Brother! Let's go!" Vash said with a pout.

"Go with out me! Man, you're annoying!" Knives said angrily.

"Fine! You get in trouble!" Vash said hotly as he walked out the front door, "You tell Mr. Nicholas why you're skipping out on school!"

"... I will" Knives said underneath his breath as a little kid urged him to play with the ABC blocks.

His mind kept drifting away as he pulled the blocks together to make words the kids didn't understand.

"What does 's-o-l-i-t-u-d-e' mean Brother Knives?" A small little girl with pigtails asked. Everyone was a brother or sister at the Orphanage, or at least that's how Mr. Nicholas taught them.

"Well it means to be-" Knives started out but was interrupted.

"Now, now. I don't think we should teach 4 year olds that!" A man said lowering his dark sunglasses as a smile played upon his lips. His olive colored skin matched his dark charcoal eyes perfectly. His black hair seemed to have a mind of its own. He wore a black suit with a kind of 'V' cut letting part of his chest show. Knives turned to look at him and cursed himself as he felt himself let a little tint of red splash his creamy cheeks.

"Yes Mr. Nicholas." Knives said simply as he hoped that no one saw that.

"Come with me. I have to talk to you." Nicholas said with a small smile.

"Okay" Knives said slowly as he lifted his slim body from the ground. He turned to the little girl and whispered, "I'll tell you later." The little girl smiled and nodded as she ran back to the group of other kids playing with toy trucks.

Knives shuffled his feet as he followed the other man to his office. Mr. Nicholas was about 6'4 while he was only 6'0, which made him a giant ... well at least to Knives. Knives instinctively closed the door after entering the room.

"We need to talk. I know you've been skipping out of school. I mean once or twice A week is fine ... but not in a row. I mean come on; I used to do it all the time! My excuse was I already knew everything, so what's yours?" Nicholas asked as he sat on his mahogany desk.

"..." Knives stayed quiet as he sat in one of the chairs, his hair falling over his eyes.

"I guess your answer is the same." Nicholas said with a grin. 'Why do I have the sudden urge to wipe that hair out of his face' Nicholas mused to himself. "You're 16 you need an education!" Nicholas said quickly to stop his musing.

"Yeah ... but it's just BULLSHIT!" Knives yelled losing his temper.

"Don't yell at me like that." Nicholas replied calmly. Knives stared at the floor as a bigger blush threatened to come out as his hair covered his face even more. Nicholas couldn't help it as he swiftly lifted his hand and to tuck the silver-blonde hair back behind the younger one's ear. Knives couldn't help it and a blush of dark red covered his cheeks.

"..." Knives stayed quiet. He didn't know what to say after that.

"I'm only telling you this for your own good," Nicholas said pretending like he didn't see that his gesture flustered Knives.

" ... Um, whatever" Knives mumbled as he got up from his chair. "Just remember ... I don't need a father!" He added before he gracefully strode out of the room. His black baggy pants scrapping the floor.

Nicholas sighed as he got up. He reached for the phone and called the high school.

"This is Nicholas, caretaker of the December Orphanage. I am calling on behalf of one of the orphan teenagers named Knives. He has fallen ill and won't be back for a while. I will pick up the work he has missed and also the homework that he needs to complete. Thank you. Good day." Nicholas hanged the phone up and he let out another small sigh as he ran his olive colored hand through his black hair. 'Why am I doing this. I should've just let him get in trouble. But that's not me! He looked cute with those rosy cheeks ... God I need a girlfriend!'

He took out a pack of cigarettes and headed through the door. He passed the children's playroom and stopped when he saw Knives sitting there with the children. He looked dazed. His soft face with those beautiful blue eyes. He had the most mystical hair that Nicholas had ever seen. Silver tinted with blonde. Nicholas looked Knives over one more time. 'I loved the eyeliner that he always wears. I also like the way he dresses. The tight red long-sleeve shirt with holes, and his baggy pants. Those earrings also tempt me, he looks hot.' He mused as he stood there; his eyes fixed on Knives' body. 'When did I start thinking like this ... I'm getting desperate! ... But he does have a girlish look to him. That slender body. I wonder how one of those nipples would taste...' and that's when he mentally slapped himself. 'He is 9 years younger then me! Snap out of it! ... I need to go out on a date with hi- A LADY!' He shook his head and let out a deep sigh as he headed out through the front doors and out to the yard where an oak bench could be found. The only thing he didn't see as he walked out was Knives gazing back at him and got up as soon as he turned away.

Nicholas quickly took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth as his other hand raked all over his body for his lighter. A small hand(compared to his) with slender fingers held out a silver lighter. Nicholas' eyes widen as he swiped it out of the gentle hand. He shifted his gaze up to the woman who held the lighter ... 'Ah shit! That ain't no woman!' he mentally punched and kicked himself as his eyes focused on the slim body of Knives.

"You dropped this on your way out." Knives said "I thought you were supposed to be a good example ... A kid could get hurt with this" He said with a mock serious tone of voice. A smile played on his lips as he said this.

"Oh ... Thanks." Nicholas mumbled softly.

"... I was just playing!" Knives said quickly.

"It's not that ..." Nicholas said as he still slapped himself mentally for thinking that Knives was a girl.

"Can I sit?" Knives asked quietly.

"I'll be smoking ... but other than that sure. Oh and I'm picking up your homework at 3 o'clock. I said that you were sick." Nicholas grins. Knives sat down and sighed as he heard that.

"So I actually have to do crappy homework." He said in more of a statement. His blue eyes looking up at the sky. His slender hand ran through his thick hair.

"I guess so." Nicholas chuckles. His charcoal eyes glanced at Knives. Knives shut his eyes as he let out a relaxed sigh. Nicholas puffed out a small cloud of smoke and quickly glanced again. His eyes focused on the kid's pink luscious lips. The content silence was broken when Nicholas got up and dropped his cigarette on the floor before stepping on its with his shoe. Knives kept his eyes closed as he spoke.

"Leaving already?" Knives asked curiously a small smile spreading on his lips.

"I guess. You know, you're pretty boring!" Nicholas shot back. He let out a laugh when he saw Knives snap his eyes open and scrunch up his nose. His blue eyes shined as he also got up.

"Well, it's boring when you're gone." Knives said quietly staring at his feet. He felt an arm wrap around his shoulder, and quickly looked up at the smiling caretaker.

"Then lets go inside." Nicholas said as they start to walk on the small path that led the way to the front of the orphanage.

As they walked Nicholas let his arm slip from resting on the younger one's shoulder to his waist. Knives' eyes widen and a flush of red splattered on his cheeks once again. Nicholas didn't even seem to notice that his hand slipped all the way down there, because when he saw Knives' face he looked worried.

"Are you okay?" Nicholas asked as his eyes focused down on Knives' eyes. Knives looked up to meet the other ones gaze and his cheeks reddened once more.

"Um" Knives let out as he tried to find the right words to say. Knives looked down at the arm that was resting on his waist and Nicholas' eyes followed. Soon his olive colored face had a dark shade of red as he quickly took his arm away from its resting-place.

"S-sorry" Nicholas stuttered as he picked up the pace and left the Knives behind. Knives quickly went after him and ran in front of him before he had a chance to walk around the building and be in plain sight.

"... Are you really sorry?" Knives asked as he stepped a bit closer his slender frame moving closer to Nicholas as his blue eyes locked with the charcoal eyes of the older one.

"..." Nicholas stayed quiet as he pondered this himself. 'Am I really sorry? ... No. It felt nice. But yes I am sorry! I shouldn't have even given a thought to my urges. This kid is- wait that's it! this is a KID! As long as I think this way then my grown adult instincts will say this is wrong ... the fuck? Grown up instincts? I'M 25 not 40!' Nicholas sighed as he stared at the young adult in front of him ... who somehow is 3 inches away from him now.

"Well, do you?" Knives whispered as he leaned a bit closer with his head tipped upwards so he can look into Nicholas' eyes.

"..." Nicholas ran over what he just mused and answered, "... No" He answered before he let his hand slip to one side of the boy's face and turn it even more towards him.

He wrapped the other one around the younger ones waist and lifted him up. He picked him up just enough so the he could brush their lips together. Knives let out a small gasp and his eyes widened even more. Nicholas locked lips and slipped his tongue in while Knives gasped. Knives quickly wrapped his arms around the caretaker's neck. Their tongues danced for a while before Nicholas' conscience kicked in. 'Ahem ... WHAT AM I DOING!? I'm kissing a 16-year-old! I am 25! And not just any 16-year-old ... it had to be a boy. A very hot boy at that ... but a boy! I can't be kissing Knives even though he tempts me every day. Why did I break down today?! I have to stop this!!'. He muses as he tightens his hold on Knives and feels the boy wrap his legs around his waist. 'Has he been wanting me for this long?' He muses a little more but snaps back out of it when he hears a small moan come from Knives. 'I need stop this before I just lay him down right here and fuck him senseless.' Knives slowly grinds his body against Nicholas but soon finds himself being gently pushed away.

"W-what?" Knives panted as he looked at Nicholas with his big eyes and flushed face.

Nicholas slowly removed his hands from around Knives' waist. "I just can't. Not with a child from the orphanage." he explains quietly.

" ... I'm NOT a child!" Knives stated as he took his arms away from Nicholas' neck. He straightened himself out and slowly turned away. "I'm sorry ... I guess I should have never tried." He said. His blue eyes looked down at the floor making his silver-blonde hair frame his face as he quickly walked away.

'God, I ask you one thing ... Why do you make my life so hard. Why couldn't I lust over some GIRL! Why did you make me lust after a WAY younger boy. A boy that is hot and has the most wonderful taste. That has skin like silk just like his hair. That has big ice blue eyes that I just lose myself in. That has a slender body that fits perfectly underneath me. Oh why? I'm just an ordinary man who is lusting over a way too perfect boy. Did I mention his hair god? I bet not so let me start. His hair is a silver color with a hint of blonde. Jesus ... yes I think I'll talk to both of you for this one. His hair is like the finest strands of linen. so soft to the touch. You could stare at it forever, wondering how it feels! Mm, I didn't get to taste one of those nipples ... maybe I should go find him ... no! I'm the caretaker I'm not supposed to be doing this kind of thing with a kid! SHIT! I have to go pick up his homework ... I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. I have to have him safe so when I come home I can talk to him, yea, just talk ... why is my life so complicated now that he finally turned 16. One month ago he was fine. I obsessed over him from a distance ... but now, now he just set the bomb. I can't hide anymore ... Okay ... I got to go get that homework for him!' Nicholas lets a sighs rip from his lips as he takes out the keys from his pocket.

Taking another cigarette from his pack he walks over to a black van. He slowly turns the ignition on. He puts it in reverse and backs up. He then puts its in drive and quickly makes his way to the December Public High School

C.L.: I hope you liked it!! this is just the beggining! It will get interesting! obsessions! hmm. What will they "talk" about!

Knives: -shudders- why the hell did you make me like that -slaps-

C.L.: x.X -falls down-

Knives: Review! or else! ... you can flame but like I care ... okay ... go away ... -walks away-

C.L.: x.X -knocked out-