This story has nothing to do with A Charmed Past, my first story.
Disclamer: I don't own any Harry Potter characters.
{Harry's dream}
Chapter 1: One Crazy Dream
{A woman, in navy-blue robes, was running down the hallway; she was yelling, "Godric, Godric. Where are you?"
"In here, Rowena." A man's voice answered.
Rowena cane in to the room where Godric was and asked, "Do you know where Emma is?"
"She's with Nick, why?" Godric asked.
"Helga and Salazar are looking for her." Rowena answered.
"GODRIC! WHERE ARE YOU?" A man's voice asked.
"IN HERE!" Godric answered.
A man, in green and sliver robes, and a woman, in lite yellow robes, came into the room that Godric and Rowena where in. "We have a problem." He said.
"What's wrong, Salazar?" Godric asked
"My brother just owled me and he wants me to join him." Salazar said.
"No." Rowena said.
"Does he want Sam to join, too?" Helga asked.
"No because my brother doesn't even know I'm married let done have children." Salazar said.
"What are you going to do?" Godric asked.
"I'm going to turn him down yet another time." Salazar said.
"Godric, do you know were Emma is?" Helga asked.
"She's with Nick." Godric said. "Why?"
"No reason." Salazar said with a small smile.
FLASH (scene change)
"Sebastian, I will never join you." Salazar said to his twin while fighting him.
"But we could be such a great team." Sebastian said.
"No. My team are my friends." Salazar said.
Salazar and Sebastian fought well but Salazar ended the fight by casting the killing curse on his brother. After he did that, he blacked out.
FLASH (scene change)
"Salazar, you're awake." Helga said softly.
"Helga," Salazar said groggy as he sat up. "What happened?"
"You won. Your brother is gone for good. But he, like you, has as heir and one day his heir and your heir will fight again." Helga said softly.
"Our heir." Salazar said.
"What!?!" Helga asked.
"My brother's heir will have to face the heir of the founders." Salazar answered.
Helga smiled; she knew Salazar was talking about, Emma and Nick. Emma was the youngest of their children and Nick was Godric and Rowena's son.
FLASH (scene change)
Emma and Nick were married a year later, when Salazar was strong enough. So were Sam (Salazar and Helga's oldest child) and Lora (a muggle-born witch)
Nick changed his last name to Potter…}
Harry woke up, this was the first time he heard names and was shocked at what he found out.
I'm making this story out that Harry is the heir of the founders of the school through his mother (Sam or Salazar and Helga) and father (Nick or Godric and Rowena). Tom Riddle is the heir of Sebastian Slytherin