Chapter 1

Amon Masawi could not help but mirror the mood of the dark brewing thunderclouds. He heaves a heavy sigh as he looks down onto Tokyo's downtown district. Standing tall on top of the tallest skyscraper in Japan, he was a man of power, a billionaire that owns conglomerates of the most lucrative businesses in Japan. His fortune was inherited at the young age of 18. Amon was a witness to the horror of his parent's execution. Surviving their legacy, he built his father's business into an empire. Just a mere 10years, he wanted to start a family of his own so he can have an heir for his fortune.

Beautiful women from all over the countryside are relentless for the powerful handsome bachelor's attention. Amon's interest for relationships only seems to last a couple of months. He had a wild side and often used women for his manly needs. He was notorious for that. Yet, women gave in to him freely, practically throwing themselves at him as if he was a movie star.

A knock on his office door brought Amon's attention back to reality. His two vice presidents, Haruto Sakaki and Touko Masaki walks in. Touko looks at Amon with her usual wanting eyes. She scans his physique, well chiseled and muscular. Standing 6'2 and very menacing. Tall, dark, and handsome came into her mind, as a very good depiction of Amon. Touko on occasion, seen him with his top off when the company had parties at the beach. He had nice chiseled abs and chest. His eyes were cold dark gray. Amon never smiled and was very aloof and unfriendly. He exuded authority. She liked the fact that when Amon walked into a room, he automatically commanded attention and respect. Her infatuation with him for the past three years has been simmering to a boiling point. She made her shares of bold attempts to acquire him as a lover, but he paid no attention to them. Touko was in her own right a very beautiful woman; long beautiful flowing brown hair and light amber eyes. She was a classic beauty, sophisticated and well endowed in all areas of the feminine body. She can have any man she wanted with a bat of an eye except Amon.

Amon nods an acknowledgement to his two employees. He never speaks unless it was important. Sakaki and Touko were used to this. Amon was never friendly. He had no real friends and was a loner.

"Amon, we are here to bring you an update on your latest acquisition. You will be happy to know that this business will gain at least 50 percent more profit than last year."

Amon looked at the data without real interest. He didn't bother to compliment the work. Money was not very important to him. He had everything. He had many mansions and expensive cars. He wore expensive clothes. He ate at the best restaurant. He spends money as if he drinks water. He wasn't overly flashy but all the things he owned were of fine quality.

Amon looked at his watch to see the time. "I got to go."

Turning to leave. Sakaki and Touko just look at each other and shook their shoulders.

"That's that" Touko replied following Amon out the door.

Amon had an appointment to see an old family friend. Father Juliano had called Amon for a favor. Ever since he was a young kid, Father Juliano has been his family's priest. He was the one who had wed his parents, baptized him, and he was there to give the sermon at his parent's burial. He was there for Amon whenever Amon needed him. Amon came from a devoutly Catholic faith. He went to church every Sunday. Anytime the old priest needed Amon's assistance, he dropped everything to accommodate him.