Sorry it took so long to update, I have family staying at my house and I can mostly go on the computer at night...
Okay this is it! The last chapter. Its long I know, but I think its good. In a few days I'll be posting the sequel called: The Nothingness Inside of me. Its going to be starring Raven again. So keep checking every few days.
Okay...enough babbling on about the sequel,
Raven was lying on her bed. She threw the tennis ball she was holding at the wall. Stupid father. The ball bounced back at her. She threw it again, harder this time. Stupid mother. The ball hit the wall, and then bounced back at her. She whipped it so hard it left a small dent. Stupid Aquilus.
The alarm went off, red lights and wailing flooded the tower. Raven jumped, scared by the sudden noise, What the hell is the deal with the current crime rate lately? She asked herself, rolling off the bed and standing up.
The Teen Titans piled into the car and rode downtown. Beast Boy kept staring at Raven. "What?" she asked raising an eyebrow, "Nothing," he replied still staring. After a few minutes Raven gave him a fierce look that not only made him look away but also shut everyone up inside the car.
Raven sighed, her forehead pressed against the window. I hope whatever this is it doesn't take long; I just want to stay in my room and wallow in self pity right now.
The car screeched to a stop. Raven, Starfire and Beast Boy were thrown forward, "What the-" began Beast Boy. Cyborg, who had stopped the car quickly, pointed up. Standing about a block away was Trigon. His 50- foot red muscular body was tearing off the roof of Gotham City's medical lab building. "Whoa, is that...hold on a sec. Didn't we already take care of that creep?" asked B.B. scratching his head, "That isn't Trigon," said Starfire quietly, "That is part of Raven's soul, it is her demonic heritage part," she said knowingly. Robin squinted then pointed, "Slade." He hissed.
Robin unbelted his seatbelt and ran out of the car slamming the door shut. "C'mon what are ya'll waiting for?" asked Cyborg as he unbelted his seatbelt and ran outside. The others followed him.
"Hello Robin," said Slade quietly. The two of them were standing about two metres apart. "You guys take down Trigon, I've got Slade," said Robin not moving his eyes away from Slade. Slade lunged forward, attempting to punch Robin. But Robin ducked and swung his legs at the side of Slade's. Slade crimpled, but recovered himself quickly. Robin did a backwards summersault and stood up. He did a backwards flip up onto a railing, then jumped up and came flying down at Slade in a kicking pose. Slade grabbed Robin's leg and flung him a good twenty feet. Robin twisted himself so he came down sort of like he was doing a round-off.
Cyborg and Beast Boy yelled "Teen Titans!" B.B. changed into a pterodactyl holding Cyborg in his claws. Cyborg used his sonic cannon to blast at Trigon. Trigon roared, it sounded like hell had broke lose. Starfire shivered and leaped up, circling Trigon's head shooting starbolts at him. Trigon swiped at Starfire, but she dodged his hand. Raven looked to the side, there was an abandoned car. Raven closed her eyes and yelled, "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" Her eyes glowed with white eeriness. Raven grunted and lifted the car which went smashing into Trigon stomach. Holy crap, that was a lot harder than I remembered it being! Trigon roared. He turned and looked down at Raven, who was standing alone in the middle of the deserted street. He roared and sent thousands of black ravens at Raven. She put her right arm forward and made a shield. The first hundred or so melted when they hit Raven's energy shield. But, slowly the shield started melting away. Shit! Shit! Shit! Raven yelled "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" again. She made another shield, it blocked off the rest of the birds. Without part of my soul I can't project it out for long and it doesn't have as much force as it used too! Thought Raven desperately, I have to help my friends, this is my problem anyways. I don't know how much of a help I'll be though...
Cyborg and Starfire took advantage of Raven's distraction. Cyborg blasted with his sonic cannon while Starfire blasted with her starbolts. This intense force knocked Trigon off his feet. He crash landed on a restaurant that had emptied when Trigon first arrived. Beast Boy laughed nervously, "I hope they're insured." Trigon started to get up. Ten cars hit Trigon at once. He screeched in pain. Raven gasped for breath, and steadied her self against a building's wall. Okay, THAT nearly killed me. Raven's eyes were unfocused, and her temples burned in pain.
Okay...let's hope this doesn't kill me. Thought Raven as she was standing on top of a building behind Trigon. All I have to do is hit a car really hard at the back of his head, hopefully it hits him hard enough to A) kill him or B) knock him out so we can kill him ourselves. Okay... one... two...three! "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" yelled Raven as she sent five cars Trigon. I'm losing control! Yelled Raven in her mind. I have to let go before it kills me. Raven broke her grip from the cars, they missed Trigon's head and started falling. "ROBIN LOOK OUT!" yelled Raven as they went flying toward Robin and Slade doing battle on the street.
Robin barely took in the words. Slade looked up at the falling cars. Now or never! He thought to himself, he lunged at Slade and grabbed the pouch that he was sure contained the vortex globe. He rolled out of the way just as a car landed on Slade. There was a sickening crunching sound. Robin slowly opened the leather pouch, inside like he guessed was the globe. Robin smiled to himself.
Oh crap, crap, crap! Thought Raven, Did it hit Robin?! Why do I always hurt everyone?! Raven ran her sweaty palms through her hair, her stomach sinking lower and lower. She faintly saw through her clouded eyes, the figure of Robin. Thank god!
Trigon was being shot at by Cyborg and Starfire from both sides, while B.B. head butted Trigon as a rhino on both legs, then would fly away when ever he tried to step at him.
"Yo! Trigon!" yelled Robin. Trigon roared and turned towards Robin, who was standing on top a building, "Say bye-bye!" he opened the vortex. Trigon roared, he was slowly being pulled in. Cyborg and Beast Boy high-fived "Boo- yah!" they yelled. Starfire laughed along happily, clapping her hands. Only Raven seemed to be depressed. I couldn't handle it. True if I hadn't lost control Robin might have not gotten the vortex. But I put my friends in danger. This is a lose/lose situation. I can retain full power if I put my demon part of my soul back, but I am a threat and danger to everyone. If I leave it out I am slowly being drained of power, and a danger if I lose control. Raven levitated herself down off the rooftop.
Raven started walking towards the T-car. Someone tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around. Standing there was Robin with a crooked half smile on his face, "I believe this belongs to you," he said handing the glass globe to her. There was a swirling red mist inside. Raven took it and looked down, blushing slightly "Uh, thanks." Robin smiled and walked to the front seat of the T-car. The other titans climbed into the T-car.
"This calls for a celebration!" yelled B.B. as the titans walking into the T-tower. "Breakfast bash!" yelled Cyborg running to the fridge, "Better be a no meat breakfast bash!" yelled Beast Boy chasing after him.
"Where are you going?" asked Robin to Raven as she started walking toward the hallway were the bedrooms are. Raven smiled slightly, "Just putting him away," she said extending her hand which held the globe. "Hurry back, okay?"
"Yeah, I'll just be a second." Raven walked up the few stairs. Her bedroom door whooshed open as she stepped inside, and then closed. Her room was dark, and depressing to some. But, Raven liked it. She walked over to the desk, she sat down and brought the globe to eye level, "It's a lose/lose situation. I am endangering everyone with or without you," Raven sighed, "And that's the last thing I want is that. Without you my powers are slowly melting away, that's just something I'm going to have to live with. I can't control you as easily anymore, and the guys have seen enough of demonic-Raven. So... good-bye then." Raven opened a drawer inside the desk and placed the globe. The red mist swirled around. Raven frowned and pushed it to the back where she wouldn't see it even when she opened the drawer.
Raven walked back to the living room, were Cyborg and Beast Boy were still fighting over what to make. Raven smiled slightly and shook her head. She walked over to Robin and Starfire who were both watching TV. Raven didn't sit as close to Robin as she would have wanted too. She looked over to Starfire and Robin, they were sitting close. Damn Starfire. Raven smiled and turned her attention to the TV.
How'd ya like it? I know I went all warm and fuzy with Raven at the end.
The first chapter called: Mr. Tall, Dark and Evil? for The Nothingness Inside of Me will be posted after Tuesday.