Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction I ever posted, so if it totally sucks let me know. If I get good reviews I will be posting the next chapter every week or so (depends on how busy I am during the week).
Enough delaying! Go ahead a read it and review!!!
The girl walked down the stairs. Each step seemed to creek a little louder than the last. She bit her lip cursing silently to herself. He would hear her and kill her like her friends, 'he' meaning the mass-murder, No, she thought to herself, Bobby. Bobby was her friend, until something cracked...
There was soft giggling from behind the couch. Raven's eyes rose from the page of the horror book she was reading, she narrowed her eyes, sighing slightly to herself.
No, she thought to herself, Bobby. Bobby was her friend, until...
Once again there was soft giggling.
Raven, deciding it was hopeless to continue reading her horror book, looked up from the book and said in a bored tone "What gives Beast Boy?" "Aw," the green shape shifter said playfully pouting "How'd you know it was me?" Raven closed her book and placed her book on the coffee table in front of her. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples "You're the only one lame enough to have pleasure spying on people." Beast Boy pretended to look insulted, he was used to be insulted by Raven, everyone was. "For a matter of fact I wasn't spying I was sake-out to see if you had any suspicious behavior. Because someone stole my '1000 Laughs in 1 Hour' tape," Raven rolled her eyes "And I happen to know you hate that tape." Raven got up stretched and started walking around the couch. As she passed him, she patted his head "Sure you weren't spying," she walked up the small set of stairs as the doors opened for her and headed towards her room.
Beast Boy pulled out a small blue notebook. He flipped through it, inside were plans for pranks and doodles. Giggling as he looked at a few. He flipped to almost the back of the little blue notebook. There written on the top of the page was 'CASE OF THE MISSING TAPE' and a doodle of a tape with a question mark in the middle. In the middle of the page there were the names: Raven, Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg. He crossed out Raven's name "She'd never steal my precious tape it would be too FUN FOR HER!" he called out the last words in the direction that Raven went, though pointless as he heard the swoosh sound of her bedroom door opening and closing a few seconds after she left B.B. "Okay" he said to himself, next on the list was Robin. B.B. pulled out a Sherlock Homes type of hat and placed it on his head, giggling as he stalked over to the work out room where Robin and Cyborg where training.
B.B. walked over to Robin who was doing serious damage to a punching bag. B.B. slipped behind the bag and poked his green head and waved slightly. Robin stopped his fist just inches in front of B.B.'s face, he flinched. "What's up Beast Boy?" asked Robin as he let his arm fall and picked up a towel and mopped his sweaty forehead. B.B. pretended his pencil that he used to check off Raven's name was a microphone and asked into it "Where were you on the day of his morning?" he asked his eyes narrowing as he placed it in front of Robin's mouth. He smiled "I was here all morning working out," he spoke into the make-shift microphone "Any witnesses?" B.B. asked, Robin looked over at Cyborg who was pumping weighs in the corner "Just Cyborg" pushing the pencil away from his mouth. Suddenly there was wailing and the room flashed with red light. The titans rushed to the living room. They looked over at the computer which was also flashing red, there was a black flashing dot on the map where the museum was. "C'mon!" yelled Robin half way out the door, the rest of the Teen Titans followed him.
Okay, your finished! Please, please, PLEASE review. I'll be posting the next chapter soon