This is the new and improved When the Lost are Found chapter 1. I'm sorry for all the spelling errors.


As she walked down the streets of New York she couldn't stop thinking of what he did to her. She was seven when he left her alone at her mother's funeral. Francis knew she would have no place to go. He knew she was only seven and relied heavily on him for things. He also knew she had no idea who her father was. So basically he left her, cold, alone, and familyless on the day of her mothers funeral.

Now that she was so close to Manhattan she had no idea what she was going to say to him. Now she was in Brooklyn. It was getting dark and she needed to find a place to sleep. She took a few turns and found a quiet park. She nestled under a big oak tree, and intended to go to bed when a group of boys and a few girls started playing a game that included a near by pond. She was in no mood for confrontation (on any other day she would have pounced at the chance) so she got up to find a quieter spot to sleep. When a rather tall boy interrupted her.

"We bein' to loud for ya?" he asked tilting his head and making a poutie expression.

"Do ya hear that fellas were bein' to loud for her. I'm sorry darlin'."

"Hey leave the goil alone. She ain't done nothin' ta any of you."

It was hard to see in the dark but she did make out a short boy with a stick of some sort hanging out of his pants. He had on a hat on then again so did most of the other people. But when he spoke all the other's quieted down to listen to him.

"You leave her alone an' she'll leave us alone."

He finished and everyone resumed their game, except for him who started to walk in her direction breaking his own rule to leave her alone.

"It ain't safe for poitty goils like ya'self to be sleepin' in da middle of a park in Brooklyn."

"Were do you suppose I sleep then. I've got no money."

"I don't know, but not here. Why are ya here anyway? Ya don't sound like a Brooklyn native."

"That's because I'm not. I'm from Charleston, West Virginia."

"Well ya strayed poitty far from home."

"Yeah I guess I did."


"I'm looking for my brother. He supposedly lives in Manhattan."

"Hmm, Jackie Boi's territory. I could ask him if he knows your brodder. He knows alotta' people. What's his name? No wait first what's your name? I'm Spot Colon. Da leada' of da Brooklyn Newsies."

"Oh good umm, I'm Danielle Kelly and my brother is Francis Sullivan."

"I'll ask Jackie boi if he know's him. Ya should stay wit us tonight. At The Newsboy Lodgin' House. It ain't the nicest place ever but it keeps the rain off of ya. I got some questions for ya too."

Danielle really wasn't sure what she had just gotten into but Spot seemed nice and he might be able to help her find her brother. Since he had walked up to her she could see him better. His piercing blue eyes seemed to almost see through you. Danielle didn't seem to notice much more than his dirty brown hair and his dirty clothes. Everything about this boy seemed to be dirty. Danielle didn't mind though, she grew up dirty.

"Hey Spot I thought we were all supposed to leave her alone. What about you? Ya don't look too upset to have this goil followin' you around."

Said the same guy who spoke to her earlier. Spot didn't look too happy about his comment, but he spoke calmly,

"She's lookin' for her brudda Francis Sullivan"

After he said that everyone's attention switched to her. They stared at her for what seemed an eternity until Spot said,

"I'm takin' her ta The Lodgin' House and I'll see ya lada' tonight that's when we'll do introductions."

Then they walked off to the lodging house. They walked up to a small building with a sign that read "The Newsboys Lodging House." They entered into a small room that could be considered a lobby, he lead her into a small room with a fireplace and a few chairs.

"Would ya like ta sit?"


"Do you mind if I ask you some questions about 'im?"

"Do you think we could hold this conversation till later? I'm not feeling to grand." She asked.

"Sure, Dani, we can talk whenever ya want. There are beds and bathrooms upstairs. I'll show you where." Spot said.

"That would but much appreciated."

She replied. He led her up a staircase to a rather grungy old room with bunk beds and a door leading to what seemed to be a bathroom.

"Ya can sleep here." He said pointing to a bottom bunk in the corner of the room.

"And the girls bathroom is the next door over to the left."

"Thank-you" She replied soberly. "May I take a shower?"

"Sure I guess" Spot said, disappointed that he couldn't get more information about her brother out of her. Soon Danielle's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"When I get out of the shower will you still be open for that conversation?" Danielle asked, sensing his disappointment in not having that conversation with her. She really didn't want to talk about it, but after all this boy had done for her she owed it too him. Though she couldn't figure out why he cared so much about he family problems.

"Yeah Dan, I'll be here if you do want to talk."

She gave him quick smile and walked to the bathroom.

Why does he care so much about my brother? She thought. I've only known him for twenty minutes and he already is calling me Dan. No one but Francis ever called me that. Not that bothers me it's just weird.

She loved the shower. The hot water on her back was a pleasure she seldom got to enjoy. Danielle wasn't sure how long she was in there but she knew it was a while. When she came out of the bathroom Spot was sitting on a bunk in the lodging room. (As she assumed it would be called)

"How was your shower?"


She said still contemplating what she was going to tell him and what to keep to herself.

"Good. Do you not have any other clothes to change into?" He asked noticing she was wearing the same clothes he found her in. a skirt that reached just below her knee's and a blue, stained, blouse.

"Umm, I could never afford something different." She answered mad at herself for being that blatantly honest.

"Well I guess if you don't mind wearing pant you can barrow somethin' of mine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, here go change into this."

He said handing her a pair of pants and a shirt

"You might need a belt or somethin' wit' da pants."

"O.k. Thanks Spot." She replied. When she came out of the bathroom he realized her was right about her needing a belt but there was nothing either of them could do about it tonight.