A/N Hello everybody again. Sorry once again that this is a week and two days late but I have been busy with the holidays and such. THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER. Hope you all have enjoyed the story and I appreciate everyone who reviewed and gave me some insight. I have a couple story ideas in my head but you probably won't see them so awhile so don't get your hopes up too soon. Well here's the final installment of Hysterical Blindness. Oh yeah, I don't own anything.

"Honey, are you almost ready?" Ginny screamed from the living room.

"Yes," came two voices down the hall.

"Well, I meant Ailey but both people's responses work."

"Sorry Gin."

"It's okay, Draco. Are the twins dressed yet?"

"Umm, about…" Draco started but the rest ended in the noise of something falling.

'What are they doing in there?' Ginny thought to herself as she walked down the corridor and into the room.

"Is this what you think is getting them ready?" she said barely restraining her laughter.


"Yup, absolutely," chimed two voices from underneath a pile of clothes.

"Well, I don't think so. Ailey has to get to King's Cross in two hours and you two, well three, are acting like we have all day. Come on dears."

She looked down on the floor scarcely able to distinguish which child was which beneath all the clothes. Draco sat in between the blobs looking like a confused and guilty child. Scattered about the large room was, as Ginny thought, was an insane amount of clothing. She couldn't imagine where the twins, Cowen and Tamsin, had amassed this much attire.

"Okay Cowen and Tamsin, as quickly, but as neatly as possible, clean up your room and get dressed because we have to be leaving soon."

"Yes mommy," they squealed before leaping up and running around the room with piles of clothes in their small arms.

Ginny turned back to Draco who had stood up and asked with a hint of amusement, "How did two five year-olds manage to get you, a grown man, on the floor?"

"Well you see Gin," Draco started while walking out of the room and wrapping an arm around her waist, "they are very persuasive."

Ginny smirked up at him while he continued.

"I went up to the room and to tell them to finish getting ready but stumbled upon Tamsin insisting on helping her brother find the perfect outfit, hence the scattered clothes. I told Tams' that whatever Cowen wore would be fairly decent and that he didn't need a fashion stylist. While I had been telling her this, Cowen had escaped her clutches and proceeded to slide on the clothes on the floor. Tamsin realized that this would be fun and began as well. I happened to be standing behind a huge heap of clothes and this is where they landed after they flew across the room on their clothes. They ran into the pile, in turn knocking me down. As you can see this explanation is perfectly reasonable."

Ginny grinned at his impish smile and replied "Absolutely" before kissing him soundly on the lips.

She drew away from him and turned to walk down the stairs while he walked to Ailey's room to help her with her trunks. She gently stepped off onto the floor and spun around as Scruffy ran to encircle her. Ginny bent down and rubbed his head before standing up to the pounding sounds of the twins tromping down the steps. Scruffy leapt away to follow them while they ran to the kitchen. Ginny could still hear Draco helping Ailey get everything in order as she gazed out the window to look at the field.

Draco had long since sold Malfoy Manor, so after the wedding they bought a renovated farmhouse in the country. Though separated from the inner city, they had the fireplace installed in the floo network as soon as they settled in so they could make sure that Ailey would constantly be immersed in the wizarding life.

"Ginny, are you ready to leave?" Draco called from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah let me just get my purse and coat and the twins' coats too."


Ginny walked over to the closet and pulled out her coat and purse along with the hot pink of Tamsin's little pea coat and the blue of Cowen's jacket.

"Come on, Tam's and Cowen, you need to put your coats on."

"Coming," came the reply from the kitchen.

Tamsin and Cowen stumbled into the room with Scruffy at their heels and ran to Ginny.

"Can Scruffy come with us?" asked Cowen innocently

"Yeah, can he?" echoed Tamsin.

"No, kiddos. King's Cross gets really crowded and we don't want to lose Scruffy. It will be hard enough having to deal with the two of you running around." Draco said ruffling their hair as Ginny buttoned up Tamsin's coat.

"Now Ailey," Draco continued "do you have everything?"

"Yeah, Dad. I have all my trunks, my new wand in my robe pocket, my books and Shakra right here. Everything will be fine. If I forget anything I can send Shakra to fetch it."

"True, but you don't want to start having a reputation like Longbottom's"

"Oh you be quiet," Ginny admonished while hitting her hand to his chest.

"Sorry I'm just telling the truth."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyways, we better floo over to the Leaky Cauldron then walk over to King's Cross. Draco, can you minimize Ailey's trunks?"


Draco waved his wand over Ailey's luggage then picked the floo jar off from the fireplace.

"I'll take Tamsin first, then Ailey can follow, then you can bring up the rear with Cowen, 'k Gin."


Draco threw the powder into the flames which turned emerald green and then disappeared with Tamsin. A minute later after Ailey had gotten herself together she too followed. Ginny finally bent down and picked up Cowen and placed him on her hip.

"Ready, sweetie?"

"Yup mommy" Cowen replied as he wrapped his arms around Ginny's neck.

"Okay here we go." She picked up a fistful of powder and shouted, "The Leaky Cauldron!"

Into the flames she disappeared.

After the seconds of awkward swirling, she and Cowen landed rather gracefully in the Leaky Cauldron and proceeded to meet back up with the rest of the family. After a few greetings to Draco's business colleagues they walked into the sunshine and down the street to the station.

The station was crowded with wizards and muggles alike as they all tried to maneuver their way to the wall between platforms nine and ten. This would be Ailey, Cowen and Tamsin's first time stepping through the barrier, but Draco and Ginny had already prepped them for what to expect.

"Now," Draco whispered as best he could to the children crowded around him "remember what mom and I said. Just run right through it. We should just go through the barrier the same way we went through the floo. Are you ready Tams'?"

"Yup," squeaked the little girl.

Draco glanced around to make sure there weren't any peering muggles and with a running start went through the wall.

"Whoa," both Ailey and Cowen while Ginny smiled before telling Ailey to go through the wall.

"Are you sure mom?"

"Absolutely. Just run right through."

"Okay." she hesitantly replied before disappearing into the brick.

"It's our turn now. Hold on tight."

With this she glided through the wall and into the familiar sounds of the Hogwart's Express.

"Are you alright Gin?"

"Yeah," she said while setting Cowen on the ground next to his sister who was gazing in awe of the train and the passengers boarding it.

"Okay Ailey," Ginny began "you better get on the train so you can get all your stuff settled and find a compartment to sit in. We love you and we're going to miss you. We'll wait here till the train leaves. Write us once you get there and tell us which house you get in. Try to make it Gryffindor." she whispered.

'Nope the house you want to be in is Slytherin sweetie. And if anyone gives you a tough time just remind them you're a Malfoy."

"Will do Dad. I'll write you as soon as I get there. I'll miss you. Bye you guys."

She bent down to give the twins a hug then stood up and hugged and kissed both Ginny and Draco. With that she turned around and walked to the train and stepped up into the car. Both Ginny and Draco and the twins were waving vigorous goodbye.

When they couldn't see Ailey anymore they stepped to a wall and rested against it. Draco had his arms around Ginny's waist while she leaned into his chest and the twins chased each other near them.

"It's strange that our first born is going to Hogwarts. It seems like just yesterday she ran up to me in the park, I met you again, then proposed."

"Yeah it is," Ginny agreed.

Some much had happened since Draco's proposal. After a private wedding by Dumbledore and Ailey as the flower girl, they all had left for the "honeymoon" Draco had arranged. They all had the time of their lives, Draco and Ginny finally together for life and Ailey with her real daddy and experiencing a new and fascinating world. The next 6 years were a whirlwind. A year into their new marriage Ginny gave birth to the twins who to Ginny seemed like a mixture of all her family members but, of course, predominately Fred and George. With the new additions to the family, Ginny finally fully grasped the happiness her parents had had raising her and her brothers. Draco, who never witnessed such a loving environment from both parents, tried to break out of the Malfoy mold and became the perfect father. The children loved him and Draco's face lit up where the whole family was together. Ginny was the happiest she could ever be. It still seemed to puzzle her how something so tragic could have resulted in something this fantastic.

"Gin, the train is leaving."

"Oh, okay," Ginny said being shaken from her stupor.

She lifted her head from Draco's chest and raised her arm to give one last wave to the train in a last ditch effort for Ailey to possibly see her. Once the train was out of sight Draco bent down to pick up both twins in his arms and whispered in her ear "Ready Gin?"

"Yeah, let's go home."

Like it? Well. Like I said above that was the end. Once again for anyone who cares Cowen means twin, Tamsin comes for Thomasina and means twin and Shakra means owl. If you want to get your own name meanings the site is Also a huge thanks to all my reviewers: woodnymph123, crazyred, princess, hoppers, StarryRavenFire, Lachupa, JOJO, missmee, Rominion, Heart Broken Devil, Charming Visions, blackdragonofdeath13, The Best witch of all, Angel SkyKitten, meep meep, Lady Shelina Raven, HaaHaaHaa15, sarah-928, WishingStarr, Mars18. I have really appreciated all the criticism and support. Hope to see you all for my next story.