Disclaimer: If I said that was in chapter 1 do I have to write it again? Anyways HP & Co. belong to JKR. The other characters and this plot belong to Dani.

year1989rocks: Is this soon enough?

white-Angel1215: I sent the praise on to Dani.

Allana12193: I'm glad you were able to find the sequel. I passed on the praises to Dani. We've all been asking her to write more.

drxd: I have no idea about the names. I know some were the names of the original readers. I'll ask her next time we talk.

Imagination444: Since I've read this a few times, I know all the answers to the questions your wondering, and the ones you haven't yet began to wonder about. evil laugh Sorry, temporary evil moment there.

toxis: No, our beloved Knutless Reject has allowed me to post for here. I didn't even start to read until a few months after the Knutless Reject thing.

Mergincia Phoenix: raises eyebrow A little enthusiastic/hyperactive, aren't we? Dani and I are both glad you like it.


"What are you kids talking about?" asked Sirius, coming in. Lupin wasn't far behind.

"Oh nothing important." Harry lied.

Gabrielle shot him an evil glare. He pretended to not notice.

"Well guess what? You're father and I have some important business. You know, from the Order." said Sirius.

Harry had the strange feeling he wasn't saying everything he was going to do.

"So we'll be left alone here?" protested Gabrielle.

"I'm sure you'll both find something to do." consoled Lupin.

"Yeah, they will. I just bought a Muggle um.. device...It's a Dvb, I think."

"Dvd, Sirius." corrected Harry.

"That's right. And I bought them some "movies", or whatever they are." he said. He then turn to Harry. "You know how to operate it, right?"

"Well, I can try." said Harry.

"Well alright then. See you." said Sirius.

"Bye kids, don't stay up too late." called Lupin.

"Bye dad, Sirius."

"Bye Sirius, bye Professor Lupin." called Harry.

Gabrielle giggled. "Professor Lupin?"

"Hey, I'm not calling your dad "Lupin" in front of him. It's not um.. respectful."

"Then call him Remus. That's what his friends call him, even my mom." she told Harry.

"I'll see." then he suddenly remembered that Mina Lupin, Gabrielle's mom, was attacked and killed by a Deatheater, according to Hagrid.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, Gabrielle but, did you know how your mom died?"

"I don't mind. I was only 9 then. I've pretty much gotten over it.' she said.' Well, I know the dark lord was behind it but I don't know who the Deatheater was. But if they're still alive, I swear, I'll bite their head off!'

Harry laughed but he knew she had to hate the person who killed her mom.

The two of them decided to watch the Dvd. Sirius had a television, of course. It was one of the few muggle thing he had collected for Harry.

"There. That should do it. Anything else on the manual?"

"Nope, Harry. I guess we're all set." she told him. "Now what should we watch? You've got Speed, The Exorcist, A Wolf in Paris, which I don't approve of, and My Best Friend's Wedding."

"Any one is fine. I don't get to watch anything most of the time, you know, the muggles." he said.

"Alrighty, the Exorcist then."

"The what?"

'The Exorcist. They say it's one of the scariest movies done." she informed him ,though being magical herself, she didn't know what shewas talking about.

She put the movie in the player and sat on the couch. Harry didn't know where to sit. Somehow, after he'd kissed Hermione, he didn't feel comfortable sitting with other girls, at night, watching a scary movie and alone in the house.

"C'mon, Harry. Sit down. You're gonna watch all this standing?" asked Gabrielle, gesturing the place next to her.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm gonna just sit over here, on the chair." he told her.

"Suit yourself." she said and continued watching.

Harry paid no attention to the movie. He was still thinking about his mom and this Ariel.

Then, when he turned and looked at Gabrielle, she was holding a cushion in front of her.

"I am never going to see this film again! What is wrong with that girl? Why was her head turning? And what is with all those green...'she complained, scared.

Harry laughed. He wished Hermione was here to see the movie. The last time they saw a movie, actually it was the first and last time, they saw "House on Haunted Hill".It was scary, too but they didn't stay awake to find out how scary it was.

"Are you sleeping over?" he asked Gabrielle, who had difficulty yelling the answer over all the screaming form the television.

"No!" she yelled. "Once dad comes, we're going back home!'

Harry didn't want to yell so he pressed the stop button, seeing Gabrielle's frightened face.

"What'd you do that for?" she asked, a bit annoyed.

"Do I really have to answer that?" he joked .Seeing her roll her eyes ,reminded Harry more of Hermione. "I think I want to go read a book." he said suddenly.

"What? And leave me alone for that crazy girl to eat?" she protested.

"She's not gonna eat you, you know." he said, smiling at how silly Gabrielle was being.

"I'm not leaving anything to chance. You've beaten Voldemort, I reckon you can take that possessed girl any day. I'm coming with you!"

"But you're a werewolf!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah. Another reason why you should do what I say!"

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Okay, fine. I'm going to go unpack anyway...you can help me!" he said, snickering.

"Is it too late to say 'no'?"


The two of them went up the stairs and into Harry's new room. It was a lot bigger than his old room back at the Dursleys. In fact, it was probably bigger than Dudley's as well. Harry went to his trunk. He opened it and started taking out all that was inside. Gabrielle decided to feed Hedwig. She was fluttering excitedly in her cage.

"Hey Harry, don't you think you should let her out?" she asked, tickling behind Hedwig's neck.

"That reminds me!" he exclaimed and rushed to her cage at once. He opened the small door and Hedwig flew happily out. "Sorry old girl."

Hedwig didn't mind. She was already fed. She nipped his ear affectionately and flew out the window.

"Where's she going?" asked Gabrielle.

"I'm not exactly sure. She goes on her late night flies and comes back in the morning back at the Dursleys. I reckon she'll surprise me with a mouse tomorrow."

Harry got back to unpacking. He folded the invisibility cloak and put the small things like the silver key and his mother's ring into a small box.

Gabrielle was helping him unpack when she stopped and stared at something. "When did you take this?" she asked, having a great big grin on her face. She was holding a picture.

"Oh. That's the picture I told you about. The one that saved Hermione." explained Harry.

"Aren't you all the cutest ickle firsties there was. And look at Ron's cute freckles!"

Harry laughed. Ron would've been blushing right now. He'd probably look a lot like his hair.

Gabrielle yawned. "So.. sleepy." she muttered.

Just then, Harry heard the door open.

"We're back!" said Sirius loudly.

"Gabi, c'mon, time to go home!" called Lupin.

Gabrielle said her goodbye and goodnight to Harry and they ran down together. The Lupins said their goodbyes to Harry and Sirius.

"Come back anytime!" Sirius called out. "So, Harry, have you eaten?" he asked, closing the door.

"Yeah. I'm a bit tired, though."

"Better sleep then." and pushed Harry up the stairs.

Before he could reach the bedroom, Sirius spoke.

"Um, Harry..."he began.

"Yes?" asked Harry, turning around.

"Don't think your mom wanted to become a Deatheater, okay?" he said.

Harry didn't know where this was coming from but he nodded anyway.

Sirius then proceeded to his room.

The moment Harry closed the door, he rested his head against it.

"I have such a normal life, really, really average." he half mutter and half sighed.

He walked over to his bed, which was now full of his things, and started cleaning up. He put all his clothes in the small closet in the corner. He stuffed it rather than put. He took the small box with the two small things in it, and placed it in the drawer of the desk next to his bed.

He put his beloved broom, leaning at the other side of his bedroom. All the other things, he seemed to find odd places for.

However, after he'd finish clearing up his mess, the room still looked like it was lacking things. It didn't bother him, though. He knew he had fewer things than the average 17 year old boy. And as he was a wizard with a magic wand safely tucked in his pocket helped a lot in not being bothered.

Harry walked to his bed, took off his shoes and went to sleep. He really was tired. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that he had killed someone. It might've been the heartless, cruel and none humane Dark Lord Voldemort, but he was still someone. He forgot about all that for a moment and had a peaceful sleep...and a peaceful dream.

He wasn't in it. It was like her was watching this all.

"Lily, we've got to go. .He'll find us! I am so sorry I ever put you up to this. Will you ever forgive me?" said a woman. Harry couldn't quite make out who she was but he knew that the other woman was called "Lily".

"It's not your fault. And I'm sorry too." said Lily.

The first woman started crying as they both ran. They seemed to be in the woods.

The "Lily" ran next to her ,closer than before.

"Look ,we're going to be alright, you here me? We're going to make it, leave this place, get our boyfriends and marry them." she said.

The girl wiped her eyes, still running.

"But Lily...They saw us ki...they said we betrayed them..." she began but was interrupted.

"No. You listen hear, El, we are not going to die here! Once we leave this place, you're gonna be my maid of honor. I don't care when but you will. Don't lose hope on me now...I need you to make it..." she said pulling the other woman's hand.

"But l-look at me...I'm bleeding!"

"No. You're going to make it! Please...I need you."

They both reached a dead end.

"What do we do now ,Lily?" she asked, hysterical.

"Run around it!" she exclaimed.

As they did they and Harry, heard a cold laugh and it echoed...

Harry felt something poking him in the hand...


Good? Bad? Is it still good?