Chapter 4: The Mission Begins

Disclaimer: I WILL NEVER SUCUMB! dodges the law

A/N: I am SOOOOOOOO Sorry for not updating since '04... my creativity stagnated, so I am working on this story, Neji's Revenge (check it out!) and a new Inuyasha Fanfic by the title of The Love of a Lifetime. Look for 'em PS: Graduating next year WOOHOO!

Sasuke awoke to rays of sunlight peeking through his bedroom window.

He streched and sat up scanning his room.

As he got dressed and walked out the front door to his apartment, he was surprised by a bubbly Hinata.

"Sasuke, guess what?" She exclaimed, excited as can be.

"What is it, Hinata?" He groaned inwardly, expecting another love confession.

"Naruto and I are going out! Isn't that great! She looked about ready to burst.

Sasuke was taken by surprise by this information, not expecting Naruto to have a girlfriend, especially having her be another ninja.

"Really, well thats nice, but I must be going." He shrugged it off with his nonchalant attitude, as he did most info he heard.

"Ok, but tell Naruto I said hi ok?"

"Alright" He gave her a small smile.

"Thank you Sasuke!" She called to him as she bounced away.

Sasuke shook his head as he walked towards the usual meeting spot.

Sakura was already there, but as soon as she saw Sasuke, she turned away and began to cry.

He looked away, not really caring that he had hurt her feelings because he had more important things on his mind.

'I have to find her.' He thought to himself.

Kakashi surprisingly showed up on time that day, compleatly serious.

"The mission begins now. Let's get moving people" Kakashi yelled to Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura.

The three grabbed their things and headed out behind Kakashi, prepared for anything

While walking a few hours later, Sasuke pulled Nauto away from Sakura.

"Hinata told me to tell you hi." he said almost grimly.

"Really! YAY!" he yelled, getting glares from Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura.

"Oops, sorry." He gave his biggest smile, and they continued onwards.

"So you really like her dont you?" Sasuke asked Naruto, motioning to keep it quiet.

"Yeah I do... She's great isn't she? He said with a dopey smile on his face.

"But what about you? You love this girl we are going to rescue?" He asked, seeming concerned.

"...Yeah..." Was all Sasuke had to reply as they followed Kakashi to their destination

A/N #2: R/R and I will give you cheese nips! w00t!

P.S: The pants dont command you anymore... I do MUAHAHAHAHAHA!