A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry for the super long wait. Nevertheless, here it is, and hopefully, a decent read. A few mature elements scattered about, but nothing you can't handle.

Utter cacophonic chaos.


To say she screamed would be an understatement; she shrieked bloody murder. It was such a bloodcurdling scream that I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Though my vision swam, I could make out the fury in her eyes transition to fear. Utter terror. Through the confusion, I realized that Crissi had released her stranglehold on my neck as she tried to swat the rosary away from her body. Huh. It was odd, because she was trying to avoid touching it. I watched the road fly by beneath me. I nearly dropped to the pavement, but I suppose those kickboxing lessons really paid off, because I grabbed the car and heaved myself through the window back to my seat. I felt myself wobble precariously as I landed on Paul's leather seat. Noticing that she let go of my throat, Paul increased his speed and jerked the BMW away from Big Sur and Crissi. I wasn't expecting that, so with a hoarse yelp, I toppled...

Headfirst into his lap.

To say the least, I was a little stunned. One minute I was staring into the maniacal eyes of my look-alike and the next, I was face first in Paul's crotch. The heat flushed from my hair to my cheeks.

Paul gave a little yelp and pushed me away. "Flattered, Suze, but now is not the time!" Was he kidding me? I quickly scrambled away and put on my seatbelt. I felt mortified. Though he knew it was unintentional, I caught the look he cast in my direction. I craned my neck to see behind us. Crissi was meters behind us, clawing at her face where the rosary hit it. It was hard to see in the dark, but I could have sworn I saw a crucifix-shaped welt on her incandescent face. I rubbed my neck and was startled to find raw welts as well. It burned at my touch and I instantly wrenched my hand away. I tried to inspect the damage, but I couldn't see much in the dark. I only knew that Crissi had left a handprint on my throat.

There was a silence in the backseat I didn't notice before. I turned around again and realized that Matt was out like a light. He was collapsed against his door, mouth open in an unflattering way. "What happened to him?" I asked, bewildered. My voice was husky from being strangled and I began to cough. Damn it!

Paul, still panting, looked over at me. There was concern written on his face. I shook my head and waved him off. "I'm perfectly fine, but what about him…?" I looked pointedly at Matt and, reluctantly, he drew his eyes to the backseat. I tried to ignore the plaintive longing on his face. "Oh, I guess the idiot exerted himself," he feigned nonchalance and I tried not to scoff. Paul hit a pothole. Matt didn't even move. I supposed Matt being knocked out was to our advantage. We could just lie and said he drank too much. He wouldn't believe what he saw tonight, anyway.

When we realized Crissi wasn't behind us, we finally relaxed. But the problem was far from over. I leaned into the cushy car seat.


He grunted. I continued. "We're going to have to like, dump Matt off somewhere. It wouldn't do to have him, like, wake up while we're doing something, you know?" Before he could add anything crude, I quickly said, "Something mediator related."

I saw a hint of the cocky Paul. His lips quirked up. "Well, anything we 'do' is mediator related, if you think about it."

I tried to ignore that statement and the weird tingling it caused. What was wrong with me? Just because Jesse didn't want to do anything that physical did not give me any right to seek that elsewhere. I think my hormones were acting up again. I cleared my throat to no avail. I still sounded like a hag. "I don't know if my family would be exactly thrilled at the prospect of me bringing an unconscious guy home."

There was another pause. I looked at Paul again. "How did you know I was at the beach with Matt? I mean, you kind of saved me from him."

"Oh. He passed you a note, didn't he?"

I nodded. Realization dawned. "I didn't drop the note, did I?"

"Well, you did, in a way. I kind of got the hint when Matt was bragging about 'shagging a chick on the beach'. I knew you were his latest conquest so…" I visibly shuddered. Holy cow, how could I have gone to the beach alone with such a pervert? Shows my sense of judgment. Really, why is it that I can never figure that sort of stuff on my own? "I figured I better stop him before something happened. Although…I don't think he meant to get that far."

"Let me guess, Crissi made him feel me up?"

Paul didn't say anything, but I figured that meant an affirmative. I slid my gaze his way. The lights from the dashboard illuminated his still face, eyes bathed in an eerie glow.

"Thanks, Paul. Thanks for being there. Even if it was Crissi's doing, I'm glad you were willing to stop it." Paul tilted his eyes in my direction and I looked away.

"If I seemed a little too brusque, it was because I didn't want to freak Matt out. He probably didn't know Crissi was messing with him." He paused. "About what Matt brought up…the whole how I look at you in school and all that-"

"Don't. Really, you don't have to explain yourself."

"But the jackass wasn't lying."

Changing the subject, I pulled at some stray threads on my backpack. "Why did the rosary burn her like that? I've never seen that before. I mean, that was so weird. Like something you'd read out of a vampire flick."

I could tell Paul wanted to continue our earlier conversation. I saw him open his mouth and shut it resolutely. He tried to feign disinterest, but he finally stopped the whole I-don't-give-a-care attitude after another mile. I thought the small talk was over so I tried to shake my hair dry. Suddenly, he spoke. "Suze…you know she's a malevolent being, right?" I jumped. He was quiet for so long because he was mulling over what I said. Actually thinking about what I brought up. "I mean, ghosts usually just want to get their business done and pass on. But apparently, her business is here. With you. You mentioned that she's after your body. That totally shocked me...but with Crissi, I guess I should be used to it. It's not like ghosts to want to possess other people. Rattle a few windows, pop up here and there, give money to a few living relatives…but she isn't your normal ghost. Fuck, I don't even think she's a ghost."

My mascara-less eyes widened. I suddenly noticed how cold it got in the car. It didn't help that my hair was still sodden from the ocean. To distract myself from Paul's eyes, though they should have been on the road, I fiddled with the heat. He nudged towards the corresponding toggles and I nodded my thanks. After pointing the vents toward me and raising the temperature, I asked, "What do you mean?"

Paul didn't bat an eye as he maintained his focus on the road. He cast a glance into his rearview mirror uneasily. "I know we're just starting to get back on semi-friendly terms" - I rolled my eyes. I avoided Paul like the plague in school sometimes- "so I don't want to scare you, but think about it, Suze. She's trying to take over your body. The rosary burned her. She never embraced like, religion of any sort before. Other than like, Satanism. Is she like, I don't know, a demon or something?"

There was an awful silence following this statement. Suddenly I burst out laughing. This was way too much. Cajoling, I tried to lighten the mood. "What, is she a succubus or something? Preying on the innocent in their sleep? Harassing all the ickle Paul Slaters' in the world?"

Paul didn't laugh. He didn't even smile. He just looked at me with something akin to horror. "When she was alive, we used to do things together," he said quietly.

I raised an eyebrow. "I know…but then again, you've never elaborated, so I could only assume."

Paul shifted uncomfortably. "I'm not proud of the stuff we did. Hell, sometimes it wasn't even my doing. I just went with the fun and games. I mean…" he raked a hand through his hair and looked at me. I averted my eyes. "You look like her, you know? Back then, I really wanted- I really had- damn it, I really wanted you. I still might. But that's beside the point. I'll admit, it was purely physical. She offered me what you never would, being who and what she was, she was the closest thing to you. I knew that she had a tattoo because, well, I've seen it."

"What's your point, Paul?" I said sharply. I felt my eyes narrow and my heart pound. I didn't need this right now. I needed to get home. "Paul, just drive. I really don't want to hear-"

"Just listen to me! You thought I raped you when it was really us just screwing around with your mind. I thought it would be interesting to see what she was capable of- I didn't want you to get hurt; I figured that it wouldn't be rape if you actually wanted to fuck, being on all those drugs. But you didn't, and I apologize. It freaked me out, what she could do. But do you realize what I'm trying to say? She was capable of so many messed up things in life. She did a lot of sick things. She knew what ghosts were. She taught us how to be bloody telepathic. I bet she did something up there that makes her…more."

I felt tears prick behind my eyes. Damn hormones. "I put all that behind me, Paul, stop bringing it up! You're lucky I trust you enough to even believe this crap."

"Suze, I'm not trying to hurt you anymore, but you need to know. If I don't tell you now, I never will."

"It was just a sick illusion, wasn't it?"

He nodded.

"Well, I guess I figured. Thanks for scarring me for life," I said angrily. "So now what? What's the difference between what Crissi is and what a normal ghost is? Does it really matter if we're just going to exorcise her like the rest?"

He glanced at me as if I were a complete imbecile. "It's not a matter of what's the difference. It's how do we get rid of her. Suze…I don't know if exorcising her will work this time."

"Why, Paul?"

"Because I've already tried."


"And?" I felt my heart pound. Thud. Thud. Thud.

"Well, obviously, Suze," Thud. "She's still here. And she's right behind us."

I turned my head. That she was.

Jesse…I hope you're safe.

She stopped. My heart stopped. She gave me a smile and I could hear her voice in the car: "Jesse, eh?"

And with that, she vanished.

Paul and I sat there, dumbfounded.


As I undid the cuffs to my shirt, I rushed to Susannah's house and rang her doorbell. As I continued to busy myself with removing my tie, I noticed the lack of light coming from within. I rang the doorbell again. There was no response. It suddenly felt too close and I loosened my collar. "Susannah!"

Unexpectedly, I heard rustling nearby. I frowned and turned my head. I tried to stare into the darkness, but the dark was so complete I could not fathom what was moving. My house across the street was the only source of light on the street. Where were Susannah's parents and brothers? Where was she? I backed up frantically and craned my neck, nearly running into the tree on their yard. I could not see Susannah in her room. It wasn't that late… she couldn't possibly be sleeping. Her room was dark. There was no movement at all within the house.

Susannah was not home.

"Susannah!" Nombre de dios.

I had half a mind to break into Susannah's house when something hit me painfully in my side. Shocked, I felt the air within my lungs escape and I fell. I turned my head to what must have been the sky. What had hit me? Was it an animal? Susannah's dog?

I tried to move, to get up, yet I could not. I froze when I heard her laughter.

"Jesse, darling, you are too cute." And then, she stepped into my view, swinging my tie with her revolting hands. I tried to move but found myself immobile. There she stood to the side of me, taunting me, daring me to move.

"What have you done to me?" I asked calmly. I watched her finger my tie. She looked the same as before, only she had a slight aura of evil surrounding her. A woman of the night, truly.

"Ohh…I just wanted to have some fun tonight."

"You and I have very different ideas on what 'fun' means, Crissandra."

She smirked, toying with the bottom of her exceedingly short skirt. I realized with horror that I was still on the ground. Jesu Cristo!

Querida…Susannah, where are you?

I kept my voice mild. Perhaps I could distract her. Was she here to harm Susannah? If Susannah did not come home tonight, she would be safe.

"Stay away from Susannah," I warned as threateningly as I could.

She waved her hand. "I'm not here for Susannah, I've already dealt with the bitch. I'm actually here for you." I felt myself tense at the mention of Susannah. How dare she harm Susannah.

"Want to know a secret, Jesse?"

"Not remotely, no."

Her smirk grew as she swung a leg over my tie. I raised an eyebrow. She held both ends of my tie in her hand, and without warning, she began to slide it back and forth between her legs. She slowly began to increase her momentum. Her eyes rolled into her head and she said, as if in explanation, "I'm not wearing any underwear."

My eyes widened. Nombre de dios! I tried to raise myself but I still could not move. She suddenly dropped my now soiled tie onto my face. I attempted to shake it off, shuddering. Repulsive, vile fiend!

Suddenly, she stepped over my torso. Stark realization hit me as she walked up the length of my body. No! She stopped at my neck and leaned down, exposing more than what was deemed polite. I averted my eyes. How could I move?

"When I lower myself onto your face, I want you to suck me dry."

Was it possible for me to stop her? Mal ramera! I tried to move my arm, my head, anything.

"Never," I hissed vehemently and tried to move my arm.

She clucked her tongue. "I thought you were smart, too." She grabbed the tie, did a few more vile things to it, and leaned close to my face. She whispered, "When I'm through with you, you'll be begging for more."

I heard tires squealing. I saw her pivot and bare her teeth in a feral manner. She moved away from me. I heard a door open and slam shut.

"QUERIDA!! Do not step any nearer!" I felt my throat close and I gasped for breath. Susannah!

"Jesse, take out a crucifix!"

I suddenly realized that Crissi was distracted. I felt whatever witchery she used upon me vanish and I quickly got up. I reached inside my collar and pulled out my necklace. It was a beautiful crucifix. I saw Crissi move to attack Susannah. A sort of fury permeated my mind and I threw the cross at Crissi's back. Upon touching her, she screamed and, as quickly as she came, vanished. I ran to the site where she escaped and retrieved my necklace.

She could touch things wielding a crucifix but she could not contact the crucifix herself.

"Jesse!" I screamed and rush towards him. He ran towards me and lifted me, kissing my face, my eyelids, my cheeks, my lips.

"Querida, where were you? I thought you were staying in your room, safe."

I felt him pull away from me and assess my clothing. His eyes widened. "You are wet! And you are wearing swimwear."

His eyes narrowed and I felt his calloused fingertips touch my neck. "Susannah, what is the meaning of this?"

I suddenly remembered the giant red welt on my neck. "Oh," I smiled sheepishly, "that was-"


I turned and saw Paul saunter up to us. "Hey, Jesse."

Jesse's eyes darted from mine to Paul's. "What is he doing with you?"

"Um." I looked towards the car. Matt was still in it, sound asleep or knocked out, I still wasn't sure. "Can we get inside first? It's getting awfully chilly out here."

I walked pass Jesse and Paul and opened the front door. I had a lot of explaining to do. Matt could wait-it was partly his fault for all of this.

"Paul, why were you alone with Susannah?"

"I wasn't alone, Jesse, just relax."

"How can I relax knowing she was assaulted by Crissi?"

"You were being assaulted by Crissi, too, were you not?"

I turned around and stared. Jesse looked uncomfortable. "I did not desire that sort of treatment."

"Really?" Paul raised an eyebrow as he shut the front door and locked it. He crossed his arms. "You actually resisted it?"

"We have more important things to talk about," I interrupted and stood between them. I didn't think they were going to be arguing, but we had more important things to discuss. Again, I noticed just how tall Paul and Jesse were. They seemed to tower over me.

"We're going to be keeping an eye on you tonight," Paul said.

Jesse, though obviously displeased, nodded. He held my hand. "It is imperative that you have more than one person watching you. We," he gestured towards Paul and himself, "will take turns staying awake while the other sleeps. You can sleep peacefully, meanwhile, in the…safety circle. We'll gather all the crucifixes we can."

"We need to talk to Father Dom," I added. They both agreed. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed as many energy drinks as I could. "Truth be told, though, she can still access my thoughts in my sleep. Shouldn't I stay awake as well?"

Jesse and Paul looked at each other. They seemed to reach a decision and nodded. "We'll monitor your dreams," Paul announced. "You really need to sleep peacefully, because we need to figure out how to get rid of Crissi. Fast."

Jesse gave my hand a final squeeze and left, saying, "I'll find all the crucifixes."

They could not be swayed. I sighed in defeat as Paul and I walked up the stairs. Fine. Let them be their chauvinistic selves.

"Hey, would painting crosses all over our selves help?"

I glared at Paul and he held up his hands. "Hey, it was just a suggestion."

I opened my bedroom door and frowned suspiciously. The window was open. My drawers were opened and things were scattered everywhere. Not from the wind, either.

"Susannah! Paul!" We both rushed back to the stairs and looked down. Jesse seemed fraught with worry. "She left another message…she claims that she took away all the crucifixes in the house. Yet she cannot touch them. How could she have done that?"

I descended the stairs. Crissi wouldn't be back for a while, so we were not too worried about that. Yet what Jesse said alarmed me. He had a point. However, I highly doubted that all the crosses in our house could be gone. Sure, we weren't the most devout people, but we had enough.

"I think she's just trying to scare us. Jesse, you still have your crucifix, run to your house and grab a couple. I think we might have to make some."

I looked at Paul. "It's not Palm Sunday or anything…"

He rolled his eyes at me. "We'll use random things around the house. It'll be fine. I don't want us to separate, however. Do you think we're just better off across the street?"

He had a point. I nodded. "Let's just go to your house, Jesse; I don't think Crissi knows to target it yet." I walked to the kitchen. "I'm getting the chicken blood!"

I heard Paul mutter, "You and your pagan rituals."

I skipped to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I grabbed the bucket and peered inside. A fair amount. I shut the refrigerator when I saw something on the ground. It was a note for Brad.

Thanks for letting me come over. Feel like hanging with the ladies tonight?


My mind raced. Wait a second…this was from Matt. The one who was currently outside in Paul's car. Unconscious. There was something wrong with this picture. Matt came over…when?

Suddenly I raced to where Jesse and Paul were. "Take this," I shoved the bucket at Paul and continued out the door.

"Susannah? What is wrong?"

I looked around and finally spotted Paul's car.

It was empty.

Why did Matt come back to California…really?

Or was Crissi using him?

Utterly confused, I shook my head. Maybe this was just some paranoid notion.

As of late, I just wasn't sure anymore. About anything.