AN: Sorry, been working on a newer thing lately, and I also had writer's block for this stupid thing, grr … Thanks to everyone who's stuck it with me so far, lol. I could use the support



Markus looked up with surprise as Selene stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. She folded her arms over her chest, and watched him, waiting for any sort of comment.

"Yes?" He finally asked.

Selene refused to say anything at first, and then finally stepped forward. "I was informed that you used to be a doctor," She finally said.

Markus's eyes lit in surprise at the bold statement. He couldn't help but wonder if she had been speaking with Caelan. He nodded his head before standing. "At one point I did treat the vampires of this coven. Then Viktor advised against it," He answered. "But why have you come to me?"

"I need a doctor who can keep a secret," Selene replied.

"For how long?" Markus countered. He picked up a figurine and allowed the glass object to roll through his fingers. "Secrets shouldn't be kept from others of our coven, don't you agree?"

Selene swallowed, but the fire in her eyes didn't disappear. "I need a doctor," She repeated.

"So go to Michael. He has much more advanced ways of medication," Markus replied.

"I can't go to Michael," She growled.

Markus turned to her, interest on his face. "I see." He then looked down, before turning to the window. It was a stormy night tonight, and looking below he could vaguely make out several of their warriors supposedly practicing for battle, but it seemed there was an argument below. After a few moments, Michael stepped out, and began to yell at them for acting so foolishly. He shook his head, turning away. "Well you have my complete secrecy. Tell me of your problem."

"I've been having sharp pains in my stomach," Selene said slowly, watching Markus' face for any reaction.

"That could be anything," Markus pointed out.

"I'm pregnant."

Markus dropped the figurine in surprise. He clenched his fists and met Selene's eyes.

"She's Michael's," Selene filled in.

"She?" Markus asked with confusion. Selene nodded in confirmation. "I see. Take a seat. I'm going to need to think this through for a few moments. I won't tell Michael – I assume that's why you require secrecy?"

"I can't tell him," Selene replied. "Not yet."

"Of course not," Markus said uncertainly. He squeezed Selene's shoulder as if in support, and then paced the floor. "You say there are sharp pains in your stomach? Have you been getting proper nourishments?"

"Yes," Selene said.

"It could be nothing, but we don't want to be too careful, do we? Let's see … there could be some irritation to the uterus. Or perhaps a recent wound? A pregnant woman should not be doing any sort of combat."

"I've been careful," Selene said.

"Still, little things can become big things. Do you mind if I …?"

Selene nodded consent, and Markus approached her, feeling her stomach. After a moment he stepped back. "It will be fine. Nothing that a few days of rest won't cure."

"Rest?" Selene exclaimed. "There's a battle going on out there."

"And a child growing in there," Markus replied, poking her stomach. "Pregnancy will be a battle of its own. Especially if you plan to keep this a secret from Michael. Now I suggest you take my advice and retire from the battle field for a bit. The child needs time to heal. Do you have anyone serving as a nurse?"

"Yes, Erika," Selene replied. Markus looked at her with surprise.

"Oh? I thought you two didn't get along," He said.

"Circumstance pulls people together," Selene replied. Markus nodded.

"So they do. Have Erika help you along for the next few days – a direct order from me. Your reasoning for withdrawal being that you are working on something for me, understood?"

"Yes," Selene said.

"You may not be happy about it," Markus said slowly, "But it is for the best. You must be cautious during this pregnancy. It will be difficult. I will check in on you in a day or so, alright?"

"That's fine," Selene said, standing up.

"When do you plan to tell Michael? Out of curiosity."

"When I'm ready," Selene replied.