PLEASE READ!!! There is NOT lemon but Yugi will say something to Atemu and then I will skip to the next day. It won't even be a lime!!! I bet some of you don't want one because it would ruin the story and some don't want to read it and I don't know how to write one anyway! So once again, there is not a lemon. I will skip to the next day. I'm just warning you.

Chibi: Oh, and the black horse's name is Yami. Or Yami-ko, to be exact. It is Yami but like I said before, it is her nickname. And I will name their foal the name Pharaoh Atemu's Angel gave me! Thanx for the suggestion! It was a cute name so now their child gets to have it!

{....} : me interrupting

(....) Yami mind talking

/..../ Yugi mind talking

'....' Private thoughts

Chapter Nine: Learning to Feel

Atemu had woken up to joyous whinnying coming from his horse. He groggily looked out the cabin bedroom window and then gasped loudly.

"Merut! Wake up! Look!" {Remember, it means love in Egyptian}

"What is it Atemu-chan...?" Yugi asked as he woke up.

"His mate...She's here....!"

:Yes, my son...Her name is Yami, Atemu. Keep living and being happy with your love...Remember, your mother and I love you...:

Atemu gasped as he heard the voice in his head.

"Yugi, did you hear that?"

"Hear what Atemu?" Yugi questioned.

Atemu smiled and shook his head, "Nothing aibou...It's nothing..."


Atemu looked up at the sky and clutched his heart.

'Thank you, my father, mother...My father, Pharaoh Akunamakanon...' {Well, that's how I think you spell it. On this one website they translated his name like this, and in the anime, it sounded like this too. It sounds like A-Koon-nam-a-canon. I hope I got it right.}

"C'mon Atemu! Let's go to them! I wanna see her close up!" Yugi said happily.

Atemu followed Yugi out the door and watched as he instantly glomped the black mare. When Yugi took a closer look at her eyes, he gasped. Her eyes were red...Crimson.

"Atemu, look at her eyes...They are crimson...just like yours...!" Yugi told him.

"Woah! Damn! They ARE red!" Atemu yelled as he inspected the mare more closely.

The mare noticed the close proximity Atemu was in. How dare he poke his eye right into her eye! She snorted and caused Atemu to fall backwards into the dirt. Yugi laughed at him. As Atemu got up, he cast a glance at Yami-ko who seemed to be smiling.

Atemu pointed to his horse's mate and yelled, "How dare you! You know, I was the one that brought you together with my stallion 3,000 years ago! I could just send you away you know..."

All the while Atemu was curling his fingers and looking at his nails. He then brushed them across his chest and blew on them and stretched his hand out as if looking at a wedding ring. Yugi was sweatdropping at his koi's vanity.

The horses weren't even listening. They were too busy nuzzling each other senseless. They then trotted off to an apple tree and nibbled on an apple together. {I know I got this from the movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmeron. What? It was a cute part...}

Atemu turned around and noticed they were gone. He sighed and held his head down in shame.

"Aibou! How am I supposed to get anyone to listen to me?"

"Hmmm...I would have to say...Bribing them; with something good. Not simple stuff. Real fancy." Yugi replied.

Atemu squinted his eyes and turned his pupils to his aibou's face.

"Oh, what would you like aibou?" Atemu asked seductively.

"Hell, anything to do with that sexy Atemu! Eep!" Yugi covered his mouth.

"AHA! Come here!"

Yugi began to run into the cabin laughing. He was making his way toward his jii-chan. He knew Atemu would stop in his tracks. He still wasn't over the ordeal that he was nice then evil then nice again. Yup, just like Yugi thought. As soon as Yugi ran behind his grandpa, Atemu stopped immediately. His eye twitched.

(Aibou.....) he cast sternly through the mind link.

/What Atemu-chan?/ Yugi asked all too innocently.

"Oh! Yugi my boy! You and Yami will stay here unless you wanna do something else. I am going to go fishing! We are going to cook the trout or whatever I catch for dinner! Ja ne!" his grandfather said while going out the door.

"Let's hope he does catch something...Remember last time aibou....?"



"I am going to catch a huge salmon!!! Hahaha!" Sugoroku yelled.

Yugi and Atemu looked afraid of the man.

'This is not my grandpa...' Yugi thought.

'He is not related to my perfect aibou...' Atemu thought.

"Yami! Pass me a fishing rod! Oh, and you better catch at least a decent fish. Well, I know neither you nor Yugi will capture one like mine!"

"Don't count your eggs before they hatch old man...." Atemu whispered loud enough for only Yugi to hear.

Yugi replied by covering his mouth and closing his eyes and began to giggle.

As expected, the grandfather caught a little minnow while both Yugi and Atemu each caught a large bass. Atemu asked a man to take a picture of him and Yugi. The man obliged and took the picture of Yugi and Atemu holding their fish in one of their hands and the other one had a peace symbol. They both smirked playfully.

Then the man took another picture of them including Sugoroku. Atemu and Yugi were both showing off their prized fish and smiling while Sugoroku frowned and held up his tiny two inched fish.

End Flashback

"Yeah...But that was still funny!" Yugi giggled.

"Yes aibou. Well, what do you want to do?"

"Hmmm....Let's play Xbox! Halo!" Yugi said as he hoped over to the couch.

Atemu walked over to him and was about to sit down when Yugi hugged him rather tightly, pressing their bodies against each other.

'Ahh....Yugi! You're making me hard by just hugging me like that...!'

"Here aibou, come sit in my lap..." Atemu suggested.

Yugi sat in between Atemu's legs and nestled himself so that he fit comfortably. Unfortunately for Atemu, Yugi was rubbing against his crotch.

Yugi could feel Atemu hardening against his backside but he chose to ignore it. He picked up the X-box control and began to play Halo. He didn't even have to get up because it was the new wireless control by Logitech where you could just push the button in the center to automatically start the system. {Well, that was the only reason why I chose X-box. I heard about the controller on G4 Tech TV. Hehehe...}

Yugi then pushed back into Atemu a little bit more and began to load his pen name up.

His Halo character was named Aibou and the other one was Yami then a next one which was named Little One. Atemu wasn't really concentrating on Yugi playing, he was too busy trying to get his arousal go down but it wasn't helping all that well.

He then began to rest his head on Yugi's shoulder and wrap his arms around his waist. Yugi was still blasting the hell out of the Grunts in front of him when a Hunter came, along with a Jackal and an Elite.

"Damn! So this game just wants to send all the different aliens on me does it?! Well, have a taste of my machine gun you little—"

Yugi was cut off by the loud sound of the gun produced by the game. He shot the Hunter in the weak spot, stuck a plasma grenade on the Elite and used a melee attack on the rest of the Grunts and Jackal.

"Aibou...I am kind of scared by the way those little Grunts....Uh, grunt like that. They sound like monkeys when they run or when you kill them and they are the only ones that can talk. Why are one of the most intelligent species of alien such a baby?" Atemu asked.

"I don't know...That's why I call them Grunties!! I got it after .Hack!"

'Silly aibou...'

After a while, Yugi became bored and stayed content with just staring into his koi's crimson eyes. Atemu was doing the same except staring at Yugi's amethyst eyes. They both sighed and had cupped their hands against their cheeks and slouched. Atemu moved forward and laid on top of Yugi to take a nap when Yugi asked him something.

"Grandpa is asleep right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Ok, good...He is a heavy sleeper and he is upstairs..." Yugi whispered.

"Oh, he never did catch his fish did he?" Atemu asked.

"Nope! Hehehe...He needed us there Atemu-chan!" Yugi giggled.

"Yup! I saw him go upstairs with no question and he sighed. And I heard him grumble 'Stupid fish'."

"Yami...Atemu-chan...Was it true what he said....? That you wanted to lay me...Make me yours...?" Yugi asked.

Atemu blushed feverishly. "Yes...aibou....But not in the way your grandfather explained! I would never want to hurt you--!!"

Atemu was silenced by Yugi's fingers.

"Atemu-chan...It's ok...You can if you want...Go ahead...Take me..." Yugi held out his arms as an invitation.

"Y-Yu-Yugi-chan...? I-I--"

"It's ok..."

Atemu accepted Yugi's invitation and got on him. It was the happiest night of their lives.

The next day...{See! I told you! I don't want you to be mad at me for writing it, plus, I can't write one anyway. So we're all happy here.}

Yugi was in Atemu's lap once again watching the horses. Atemu was happy for his white stallion. He had gotten the mare pregnant. He was all too happy for his old friend.

He got up and brought Yugi along. He got near his horse. With one hand he stroked his stallion's nose and the other hand was holding Yugi's.

"Yuugi! You naughty horse! You got Yami-ko pregnant on the first day she got brought back!" Atemu playfully scolded his horse.

"Ew! Atemu...! Your horse acts just like you! You'll probably do that to me...again!" Yugi yelled.

"Wanna see aibou?!"

Yugi ran away laughing as Atemu chased him. He eventually got tackled to the ground and got tickled. Atemu won that war obviously. They went back inside the cabin. Yugi's face was still flushed from laughing so much so he went to the sink and splashed cold water on his face.

"So what do you want to do now? Watch TV? Play duel monsters?" Yugi asked.

"Duel monsters. But we shall split our deck in half because we worked on this deck together and I don't want you to have to make a new and unfamiliar deck."

"Let's see who has the better half! I hope I get Maha Vialo {sp?} in it!" Yugi giggled.

"And I hope I get Black Magician and Black Magician Girl!" Atemu said.

Yugi grunted and Atemu took out their deck. He shuffled it and cut it in half and gave one half to Yugi. They each drew their five cards and looked at each other.


Chibi: Hope you liked this chapter! I personally thought it was funny!

Atemu: Yes, very funny...Um...

Yugi: Atemu....! I'm gonna win!

Atemu: No aibou, I am going to win.

Chibi: R&R please!