Author's notes: This story is mostly based on the Tekken Anime movie and is set right after Heihachi flew off on a jet plane and the Tekken fighters escaped the island via a submarine. It is also based on Tekken 2 endings of specific characters, as well as a few opening sequences from Tekken Tag Tournament. This fanfic is in Jun Kazama's point of view. Rated NC-17
Disclaimer: Jun Kazama, Kazuya Mishima and all Tekken characters are the property of NAMCO. This is only a fan fiction from the imagination of an obsessed fan. No copyright infringement intended.
There he was...dangling precariously from his father's hands. He begged...pleaded with his father to spare him. But no. His father was a monster. He was thrown off the cliff. And I screamed. I could do nothing but scream. I ran then. I ran until everything became a blur. My young body became that of a woman. And I ached. I saw bruises. And blood. And the heat came. Fire everywhere. Was I in hell? And there he was again! By the cliff. But this time, it was he who was going to kill his father. I must stop him! I must save him! I ran again. I yelled for him to stop. Then I felt it. A sharp pain in my abdomen. The world began fading away. He saved me. In the darkness, he saved me. I knew he did. I was in his arms. I felt safe in them. Was it wrong? And then the light came. He began fading away. No! Please don't!
"I think she's coming to."
I opened my eyes slowly. The light blinded me for a moment, making me squint several times before I finally adjusted. I found myself, bruised and bandaged on a hospital bed. I tried sitting up but when I did, the room started to spin, forcing me to lie back down.
"Easy," the doctor said. "You need to rest more, Ms. Kazama. You just woke up from a coma."
"A coma?" I croaked. My voice sounded hoarse and was barely above a whisper. "I was in a coma?"
"For three days," the doctor informed. "You were lucky. You broke two of your lower ribs but you're going to be alright. You received quite a blow there."
I rested one of my bandaged hands on my stomach. It still hurt. I can't remember where I...Kazuya! I got this when I saved him! I turned slightly to my right and saw that the nurse taking off the I.V. tubes.
"Doctor, was a Mr. Kazuya Mishima admitted here too?" I asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," the doctor frowned and ran his wrinkled hand over his shiny head. "He caused quite a ruckus here. He wouldn't let any of the nurses tend to his wounds and insisted that he be released. We were this close," the doctor pressed his forefinger and thumb together, "to strapping him to the bed but he beat up the orderlies and ran off to who knows where."
My heart raced with trepidation when I heard this. Where could he have gone to? No one knows where Heihachi is. Perhaps he's searching for him now. I shook my head. I thought I had changed him. I know I had changed him! Why couldn't he just let go of his anger and go on with his life?
"You'll need to stay here for at least another week. WWWC will cover your hospital bills. I'll send in some soft food for you later," the doctor started for the door but stopped and turned my way again. "Oh, before I forget Ms. Kazama, two of your friends have been coming here to check up on you. A...Mr. Wulong and a Ms. Chang."
"I think they're still in the corridor. I'll go get them," the doctor walked out the door, leaving me to ponder on my thoughts. Miss Chang...I don't remember having a friend with that name.
"Jun!" Lei poked his head through the door and hurried to my side. He reached for my hand and held it tightly. "How are you? Are you alright? Does it still hurt? Do you need anything?"
"I'm fine, Lei," I gave him a queasy smile and slid my hand away from his. I looked over his shoulder and saw the Indian woman from the tournament. She beamed a small smile my way. Lei followed my gaze and stood up.
"Oh, sorry. I tend to forget things sometimes," he chuckled and gestured for the woman to come closer. "Jun, I'd like you to meet Michelle Chang. You remember her back on the boat?"
"Yes," I nodded. "Hi," I held my hand out to shake and she gladly took it.
"I came here to personally thank you," Michelle said. "Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would've died."
"Think nothing of it. Anyone would've done what I did, given the chance."
"Yes..." Michelle seemed skeptical but she threw a grateful smile my way. "Well, I best be on my way. My plane leaves in an hour. It's been nice meeting you," she shook my hand again and then Lei's.
"Oh, I'll help you with your luggage," Lei insisted and took a couple of suitcases from the floor which I didn't notice until then. "It's the least I could do."
"Thank you, Mr. Wulong."
"I'll be back in a jiff, Jun."
I watched him leave with Michelle. When I heard the doorknob click, I sighed and stared at the ceiling, my thoughts still lingering on Kazuya's abrupt departure.
Chapter I