Title: OH. MY. GOD.
Author: Pink Bunny
E-mail: [email protected]
Rated: PG-13

Author's note: *glances around nervously* I'm SOO sorry everyone!!!
I really wanted to write an epilogue sooner!! I really did!! But.. I was
REALLY busy with school and all, and I forgot about everything and ..
I became addicted to some other fandom... and I... *hangs head in shame*
I'm just SOO sorry!! I can COMPLETELY understand if you don't
remember the story! Hell, I didn't myself for awhile! Anyways, I decided to
finish what I started, so here it is....

Disclaimer: Sailor moon is mine. And I am the ruler of the universe!!
Everyone BOW TO ME!! (starts kicking and screaming as doctors rush
to put straight jacket over Pink Bunny) ^^;...


Arcade was quiet. Too quiet. But then again, what did I expect?

It all started innocently enough though. I called on a senshi meeting yesterday,
asking everyone to meet me at the arcade around 4:30 (after school) today,
because I have something to tell them. I didn't know everyone was going to
freak over what I told them!

I entered the arcade around 5:00... being fashionably late as usual. (AN: Suuuuure)
Well.. Actually I had detention and Haruna-sensei decided to give me a full
detention this time. Everyone was there waiting for me, and Rei steaming over as
usual. I saw Motoki-onee-san, and few other faces that I saw once or twice in
school. I scanned around the arcade again, checking for Mamo-chan. He is not
here yet!! How DARE him? Oh well.. More fun for me.. *insert evil cackling here*

I propped down in one of the booth the girls had, and heaved a sigh.

"Odango!! You call the meeting and you are LATE!" That was Rei.

"Give it up, Rei! Stupid sensei wouldn't let me out! It wasn't my fault!" I yelled,
positively drained of energy from the time-consuming and tiring detention.

"Well, Usagi, what did you want to tell us?" Asked Ami, being as sensible as usual.

"Well..." I started. But stopped as I noticed my cute Mamo-chan hurriedly
running towards the arcade.

"Well??" That was Rei again, as patient as usual.

"Hold on a second.. There is something I have to take care of..." I trailed off, and
went over to Mamo-chan. I really didn't get my daily kiss yet!


"Oh, hey Odango," said Mamo-chan. Being as polite as usual. I noticed an evil
look that Motoki was sending Mamoru that was screaming 'stop it!' I grinned

"Hey, Baka!" I said, suddenly recovering from my tedious detention.

"So.. how was your day today?"

"It was fine.. My sensei gave me a detention." I pouted.

"Aww.. my poor Odango," Mamo-chan cooed, oblivious to the stares he
was receiving from Motoki and now interested senshi.

"I know! And I didn't even get my daily kiss from my boyfriend today!"
I said coquettishly, batting eyelashes at him.

"Odango! You don't have any boyfriend!" Yelled Rei from the booth
nearby. I wisely ignored her. Oooo you would NEVER know Rei...

"Is that so?" said Mamo-chan. Grinning like a cat just eaten a canary
(AN: sorry... couldn't resist)

"Uh-huh," I nodded. Anytime now...

"Well, I guess that could be arranged..." with that, out lips met together
in a soul-searing kiss. I felt myself melting away... melting into him... and
distinctively heard a distant thud in the background.

I looked up, lazily, and saw Motoki and the majority of senshi lying
on the ground. I exchanged an evil smile with Mamo-chan.

"I... er... you... kissed..... him..." was all Makoto uttered before she
fainted with the rest of the senshi.

"Well, that went well!" I said, cheerfully.

"Sure, Usako..." he said, poking at his friend to see if he was still alive.
After it was clear that Motoki was still alive, he turned to me and
asked, "want to go get some ice cream?"

"YES!! "

And we walked away, leaving the quiet arcade to itself. They are bound
to come around soon, aren't they?


Few hours later

The senshi and Motoki started to stir. Distinctive 'ow's' could be heard
in background.

Rei gained consciousness first.

"What just happened?" she asked rest of the senshi.

"I think we all had a VERY weird dream... I dreamt that Usagi and Mamoru
were an item and were kissing right here," said Ami, pointing to a spot.

"Me too!" Everyone, including Motoki agreed.

Mamo-chan and I choose this moment to enter the arcade from our date.

"Hey guys!" I said, ice cream cone in my left hand, my right hand holding

"Er... you... er... it was real??!?!" Asked Rei, looking fazed.

"What is?" I asked, still latching onto Mamo-chan.
"You. Him. Kissing," she said, still looking dazed.

"Oh, this?" I asked, and pulled his lips down for another kiss.

Silence ensued.

After couple of minutes, everyone said simultaneously,


Before they fainted.

It was SUCH an interesting day.


The End!!

It's REALLY done now! With epilogue and all! Aren't you proud of me?
Everyone is welcome to send comments at [email protected]
Comments, flames, anything is welcome!!

Again, I'm sorry for my tardiness... Please don't kill me!!

Pink Bunny~!