Title: OH. MY. GOD.
Chapter 1/??
Author: Pink Bunny
E-mail: [email protected]
Rated: PG

Author note: Erm.. This is my first fic, but doesn't let that scare you!!
It's not THAT bad! Anyways, I had this great idea that just POPPED
up and I thought that I HAVE to write something about it... And this story
won't be THAT long. It will be about 3 or 4 chapters, and maybe an epilogue
if I get enough feed backs. Okay, I will shut up... ohh!! And this story is
in First Season!

Disclaimer: (*sighs* who made up these stuff anyways? :P ) Okay, let's
get this over with. Sailor moon is NOT mine, I wish I could say that it is,
but then, there would be LOTS of people who would be willing to sue me,
and technically, I don't have money.


"Moon Frisbee!!!!!!!!"

The youma turned to moondust and I watched wistfully as Tuxedo
Kamen leaped away from the battle scene, leaving me and the senshi
behind, like he always does. He comes to a battle, rescues me, and
then just runs off without another word... Nice guy, huh??

Even so, my affections toward this ever-dashing hero of the night,
Tuxedo Kamen are growing stronger and stronger everyday, and it
just doesn't satisfy me enough that I get to be in his embrace only when
I'm in danger. I want to be in his arms whenever I feel like it, like if it's
the most natural thing in the world. I want to kiss him whenever I see
him. And I want him to smile at me like if I am the only woman in his life.
Why I feel this way, I don't know, but it is something that I can't hold in
much longer.

So, I have gathered an enormously large amount of courage to finally tell
him how I feel. Basically, by rationalizing and working things out in my mind
somewhat like this: Hopefully, he will love me back, but if he doesn't love me,
I have nothing to lose. He doesn't even know who I really am and all that would
happen if he rejects me is that I would just feel tad bit embarrassed in future
battles. I should be worth it.... Right??

Anyways, I decided to tell him my feelings when I saw him next. Of course, that
would be the next battle. I don't know when it will be, but I am actually looking
forward to a battle, but if I told this to any of the senshi, they would flip.

This is when Makoto waved a hand in front of me, trying to get my attention.

"Huh?", I said, returning to the "real" world.

"Are you okay?", Makoto asked, truly worried about me.

"Oh, I am fine. Just thinking"

"About what?"

"About... when the next battle would be... yeah!", I smiled innocently, hey,
it's not a complete lie!

"Riiiiiiiight, the battle", Makoto said, casting a dubious look towards me.

Gee.. That was close! I can't have them know that I am going to confess my
love to Tuxedo Kamen during the next battle!! They would probably forbid
me to even come!!!

"Usagi-chan, don't you have test tomorrow?", inquired Ami, changing the subject
ever so smoothly.

"Oh... yeah.. That..", I said, totally bored with the subject that Ami had brought up.
But relieved because she changed a subject, "I think I will study for it...soon ", I said,
crossing my finger behind my back.

"Leave her alone, Ami; Odango probably would never study for her test unless
her life depended on it", said Rei. Geez, what a pal.

With that, I began my ever-so-famous wailing "Wahhhhhhhh you are SO mean Rei!!
Don't you know that I actually try hard at times?" And I stuck out my tongue, and
the tongue war began (what else is new?)

"Stop guys, I don't think the public would find it appropriate if they see
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars engaged in a tongue war." Ami pointed out.

"Yeah Rei!", I said, not losing my chance.

"Hey... er.. guys?", said Minako, "You guys DO realize that we are standing in
the park in our senshi uniform, right?"

"We ARE??", Rei ever the firery one, yelled.


With that, we hurriedly sneaked into an ally and changed into our normal self.
Ahhh.. the joy of being able to walk a block without being worried that
your underpants would show. Whoever designed senshi uniform HAS to be a guy!

"Well, I got to go, it's pretty late and my mom wants me back before 7, so, bye!!" ,
With that, I walked away from the group. Hoping that next battle would be soon.


STUPID NEGA CREEPS! I yelled inwardly. They are just so~ dumb!! They never
attack when I actually WANT them to attack!! I even wished that they would attack
soon, but did they listen? NO! They had to NOT attack for a week just to annoy me
and leave me here at the arcade bored out of my mind.

The next youma better look out, cause you are gonna me moon dusted so~ fast that
you won't know what even happened!! Just when I was about to kick the video
game I was playing to pass the time, the communicator beeped.

"Finally!!!" I jumped up and grabbed the communicator. "Usagi here!" I saw Rei.

"Odango Atama! Get your BUTT down here!! There's a youma attacking!!!!"

"Right!", I replied. It was in The Park. Of course, when is it not? Well, here goes
nothing. With that I ran out, not noticing certain ebony haired man near me
getting up as well.


I looked at the monster strangely. It was VERY interesting; a huge pair of lips.
Wait... back, back,.. HUGE PAIR OF LIPS??!?!?!? What the? The monster was
walking around, kissing the people, and as it kissed each person, it sucked the energy
out of them. It was just PATHETIC! I waited, mind you, patiently for a week, and
the negaverse can't come up with anything better than huge RED lips? Geeeeeez!!

"How dare you suck the energy out of innocent people? As the champion of justice,
I shall punish you!", I said, hoping that I sounded heroic.

"Ohhh, look it's a little blond!! Come here and give me a kiiiiiiss!!", the monster...or
whatever... drawled.

"Oh, puh-lease!", I rolled my eyes, getting ready to moon-dust the youma.

Not, what happens later is not completely my fault. Well, I didn't know that
'THE lip' had the ability to spit on people, and freeze them with it.
And that's what the youma did to me. It spat at me. And, me, as graceful as I
could be, fall down, taking the FULL affect of the shot.

'The Lip' came towards me slowly. Other senshi couldn't do anything because if they
try anything, it might hurt me. I closed my eyes, expecting to feel the slimy lip to
kiss the energy out of me.

Then, that wonderful steel-tipped rose flew and landed in front of 'The LIP'.
Stunning it and in process, freeing me from the spit. It was my hero!! Yay!! He came
to rescue me!! 'The LIP' turned around, only to be get blasted with
"Tuxedo la smoking bomber". Ha ha! Take THAT!

"Now, Sailor Moon!!", he yelled.

"Right! Moon Frisbeeeee!!

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISS", with that 'The Lip' died.

"Well, that was... appealing", Minako said.

"Yeah", the senshi agreed.

Then I looked up, and saw Tuxedo Kamen, who was about to make his escape.
I needed to get out of there, and quickly said, "Guys, I got to go. My mom's
expecting me", and jumped after Tuxedo Kamen. Hoping that I could catch him.


Tuxedo Kamen was about to jump off another building when I saw him. Finally!!

"Tuxedo Kamen-Sama?", I called out, timidly.

He stopped and slowly turned around to face me. "Sailor Moon?", he asked.

No, I'm the youma! "Yes, I would like to talk to you - privately"

"Sure," he replied, obviously wondering what I wanted.

And with that he jumped off the building and headed to somewhere, motioning
me to follow him. Okay Usagi, just breathe..

"So, what do you want to talk about?", he asked.

"Well, it's about.... us..", I said.

"Us?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, I want to....er.. tell you my feelings toward you."

"Sailor Moon...", he started.

"No, don't interrupt me. Just hear me out. Ever since I first saw you, I knew
I was in love with you. I think you are really nice guy and... er.. I was wondering
if you feel the same way towards me??", I blurted out, crossing my fingers.
Hoping to all the gods that I didn't somehow scare him... Well, I was a BIT blunt...

"Sailor Moon.... Sorry, I am very sorry..." he became rather flustered, "but there's
already this girl I love, " he zoned out for a moment, "She is everything to me. I care
about you, but I don't think it's love. I am sorry..."

"I understand...", I said, bowing my head so he wouldn't see the tears that were
threatening to fall.

"She's something special. She has this smile and she's really pretty. And I just love
everything about her," he continued rambling off his thoughts, most likely not realizing
he was breaking my heart. "She looks a bit like you, but I don't think she's a super
heroine or anything. And you know what? She doesn't even know that I love her."

"Ohh.. Then maybe you should tell her.", I said, hoping to make a best out of the situation.
"Hey, what's that girl's name? If I know her, then I could ask her whether she likes
Tuxedo Kamen or not!" I know that this is really dumb, but Tuxedo Kamen's happiness
is my happiness, and I just wish that he would be happy. And who knows, if I know that
girl, maybe I can start to act like her, and maybe he would love me, or maybe just turn
HER to moon-dust...

"Erm...", Tuxedo Kamen began. "Okay... I suppose that if I am turning you down, I could
at least tell you whom for... Well, her name is Tsukino Usagi"

I could feel my jaw starting to drop. Tuxedo Kamen loves Tsukino Usagi?? But, that's me!!
Oh. MY. GOD!! Tuxedo Kamen loves Usagi!! Usagi the klutz!! Not Sailor Moon the
super heroine! I can't believe this!


To be continued!!

Like it? Hate it? Well, send all comments to [email protected]
I really would like some comments since it's the first fic I'm working on!!
See ya in a week!!

~ Pink Bunny ~