Sorry it took so long to update. Not quite sure why I have no life but whatever. Here ya go.

Chapter 13

Seto had called his host parents thinking they would say no and he would tell the others and they would cry boohoo sob sob because he couldn't pay for there movie tickets.

But instead he got a;

"Sure, you can go. Just call if you need a ride. Oh and do you need money? We can drive by and drop some off."

Which had surprized him greatly.

"Shouldn't I be home by 5:30?" he had asked.

She paused for a minate. "When did we say that?"

So he had hung up the phone realizing that Melonie had lied to him and he's been going home everyday early when he could have been speading that time with Remi which for some reason upset him.

So now he was here in a movie theater with people he really didn't care for...or at least wouldn't admit he cared for. Amazing no?

Something funny must have happened in the movie because Remi brust out laughing.

"That was great wasn't it?" she said to Seto in barely a whisper.

Mike, who was sitting on the other side of him, said, "Ignore her. This is the girl who would laugh at the sence in Titanic where the guy dies and the girl lets him fall to the bottem of the ocean."

Seto stared at him. "You've watched Titanic?"

Mike looked away. "No..."

Remi brust out laughing.

Seto stared at the screen. A big fat guy in a blue-green suit was getting his ass kicked.

Even Seto laughed with everyone else on the next said funny part.

Remi stared at the screen looking puzzled. She turned to Seto with confusion writen all over her. "I don't get it."

He heard Mike whisper, "Yeah, she does that."

He just sighed. For some reason instead of wishing he wasn't there at all, he wished he was there with Remi. Just Remi.

Yeah yeah I know: Short