AN: I do not own Jeepers Creepers, but he is a sexy beast. Am I the only one who thinks that? Probably...anyway he might get a little out of character, but he will live. He is just acting different for the sake of comedy and love! So yes on with the story. . .runs into a wall

Every 23rd spring for 23 days it eats. It eats to live. He smells people by their fear and it tells them if they have anything it wants. Now if he is only awake 23 days out of 23 years and all he can do basically is eat, wouldn't he get kind of lonely or want something else to do?

Its the morning of the first day, in his bedroom in the House of Pain; the Creeper stirs in his sleep.

"Few more minutes, Mr. Fluffy." he opens his eyes to see his teddy bear. If anyone found out that /he/ had a plushie he would be so embarassed. Luckily no one knew he had a bedroom.

the Creeper spread out his wings and yawned and went to get some coffee. As the coffee was brewing he went and got into his long coat and jacket. He then poured him some coffee and drank it all in one gulp.

He let out a belch and sighed, "Wake up, eat, go back to sleep. I need a change."

He walked by the pile of preserved bodies he had gathered from his last time awake. He still hadn't found the time in all these years to put them up on the wall, "I'll get to it later.", he said walking towards the pipe.

He opened his wings and flew out, he got into his truck and turned it on; ready to find his victims. He turned on the radio to see if anything good was on. He stopped at a station that seemed to be playing his song, but quickly shut it off when the singer started to rap the lyrics.

He sighed and knew he would have to just get that person, for ruining his song. He drove down the road with no one around. His mind began to wonder; he thought about that brother and sister. He took that boys eyes, but that girl was the first to stand up to him. She was brave, but very stupid, he would give to her she was pretty. She was his first choice, but something about her made him not want to hurt her. So he took her brother, no one ever stood up to him; mostly they were too afraid and would run leaving their friend to die. Something about her, her bravery or the way she tasted when he licked her cheek. He wanted to see her, she would enter his dreams during his 23 year slumber, but she had to be somewhere in her early 40's now. He went into a deep thought about her he didn't pay attention to the road and hit a car.

"Oh shit!" he said as he was awakin out of his day dream.

He could smell the persons fear and decided this would be the first victim. He got out of his truck and went to the car. A man was in it; the man looked a bit shocked. He never thought he could get in a wreck on such an empty road. The man got out of his car and walked to Creeper. The Creeper had his face hidden by his hat, he watched the man step closer. When the man was close enough Creeper took out a dagger he had made and sliced the mans head. He picked it up and thought the guy was quite ugly.

"I won't be needing this head." he though to himself as he threw it into the back of his truck. He went to put the body in and something fell out of a pocket. When the body was in he picked up what had fallen. It was a wallet, he got into his truck and looked inside the wallet. He found the guys license, some money, and pictures. Curiously the Creeper looked at the pictures. He seen a picture of a two young boys and a dog playing, he looked at another and was about to put it away when the third picture caught his eye. It was that guy and Trish. The guy he killed is. . .er. . .was her husband. He kinda felt bad, the one he actually cared for he killed her brother and now her husband. Maybe though fate did this; he looked at the guys license and noticed he lived in the same state and decided he would go see her.

AN: Okie all of chapter 1, tell me what you think so far. . .and even if you don't like it, i'm still gonna finish it. . .so he can be happy.