Hello just a disclaimer- I don't own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters nor will I ever this story has been made up by me, and my friend for your entertainment enjoy

Chapter 1 (more to me that meets the eye)

Told from Yami's P.O.V

As I sit in class I look around, and I see lots of different types of people, and I notice that everyone has something different about them selves. Some things that are noticeable differences and some aren't very noticeable, Like for instance my hair is very different its three different colors for crying out loud. I have black hair with red pointy tips and blonde highlights that point out at the sides. Some people think that's weird, others think, 'wow that guy looks cool' but a few mouths ago I found out something else that makes me different from my self, something I'm not very open about, something that would make me think people would hate me, you see I just realized that I am attracted to men. Why me though why do I have to be the abnormal one, why is it always me? I see every guy with there girl friends and it makes me mad, like I wish I were them I wish a girl can make me happy, but no, they don't, its not like I haven't tried I did, with this girl named Téa Gardener. She was really mad at me when I dumped her she hasn't spoken to me since.

"Hey yo Yami!" said an EXTREAMLY handsome blonde hair brown eyed boy that was 16 years old and was about a foot taller then me, I'm short

"Hey Joey, how you doing" I replied getting a little red in the checks as I did all the time I was around him because I like him so very much "man I be fine, its just that Mai, she be all not wanting me and shit, she said she be busy with her business for me, that what she told me yo! That pisses me off you know how much I love her yo!" he said while taking the seat next to me on my left. I tried not to show my jealousy as he talks of mai, but it was hard because that's all he ever talks about is her it was always mai this and mai that, why never talk about how I feel and how I am doing, no way though its always about that slut Mai, I mean she is a prostitute how in the hell does he have a chance like that "maybe Joey you should find yourself a new girl friend, you know someone you know who will be loyal to you to the very end" I said even though I want him to go out with me I'm not going to say it, he may hate me forever "I don't know yo...I really love her thought I don't think I'll be happy with anyone else but her" the sound of that always made me want to just drop it so I wont show my jealousy like I do sometimes but oddly enough Joey hasn't caught on to it yet.

"Why don't you stink to mating with your own kind dog!" said a all to familiar voice to my right who always listens in on use even when we don't know "YO KAIBA, SHUT YOU MOUTH IGHT WE AIN'T TALKING TO YOU, YO!" Joey yelled at him over me being that I'm the monkey in the middle here "Joey just don't bother with it, you know how Kaiba is" I said as I got up and was holding Joey back form a possible fight that I know Joey can't win "well rich boy better learn to keep that trap of his shut, or I shut it for him!" Joey's a talker and I knew it, Joey may talk big but he can't back up anything he says.Joey took his seat again looking pissed off but at least I saved him from a feud with Kaiba. Everyone was scared of him, I mean who wouldn't be he stands about 6'0 tall and unlike Joey will back up everything he says, he kidda runs the school weather I like him or not he runs the place as if he were the principle, do I like Kaiba, no not really, he may have brilliant blue eyes and nice shiny mushroom cut brown hair, but he is a complete ass hole there has never been a smile on the face of that man since the day I saw him.

Kaiba set up one rule for this school that no one has gone against because they're so afraid of him, and that is that no one is aloud to be gay. Yes that does sound stupid, but its true that's why I can't come out of the closet yet till after I get out of school, because he will kill me, he is so psychotic that he would kill me for being gay he is that much of a homophobe that he would go though with murder, and he would get away with it because he is such a rich business man that owns the Kaiba corp. the biggest business in the world

. "Yugi..." Kaiba says in a stern voice and a glare "you know my name is Yami Kaiba so call me that ok Seto?" I said with trying to piss him off a little but not bad enough to get into a fight with him "CALL ME KAIBA!" Kaiba said angrily "...um sorry...Kaiba, what?" I said sarcastically to Seto Kaiba, who hates being called by his first name "we have to duel after school, I have to prove that I am way more superior to you" Seto Kaiba said crossing his arms across his chest and staring coldly into my eyes. Ever since I beat Kaiba in a duel, he has been insisting that we rematch, no way do I want to duel that nutso. "No sorry Kaiba I'll a little busy after school, helping grandpa" with was half true but all I had to do was help grandpa with the Landry when that's over I planed to go to Joey's house "whatever" he said then turned and looked out the window"

"Class its time to start your test today but before you do I would like to introduces to you a new student this is Jake class, I want you to make him feel very welcome" said the teacher before she handed out the war of 1810 test, with I thought was easy because hell I know when the war of 1810 is! I look at Kaiba and he has his Walkman on as usual, not paying any attention to a word the teacher said to the class

The new kid sat down in the seat in front of me he was cute he has spiky light brown hair and green eyes, he wore a belly shirt and leather pants with a chain off to the side of them he had a cute face I couldn't help but stare and him for at lest a little while, then I decided to make him welcome by saying hello. I poked him on the shoulder and he turned around "hey there my names Yami, what's yours?" he turned all red, with was weird, then he coved his mouth and started to sequel like a little girl "oh my god! You're so hot!" he said looking straight at me, I looked behind me to see if there was a girl around with there wasn't "Oh my god my name is Jake Miller I just moved here a week ago, and oh my god there are like lots of cute boys to choose form I don't know were to begin" he said in the most feminine voice I had EVER heard in my life, I was thinking there is no way he can't hide himself from being gay so I guess that's why he is so open I envy him

"Nice to meet you Jake, but I need to tell you something important before you say another word" I said whispering to him "yes hunny go right ahead and tell me!" "Shhhh!" I said, "don't talk, listen up there is this guy named Seto Kaiba, and-" he interrupts me in mid sentence "OH MY GOD WERE IS HE WERE IS SETO KAIBA!" he shouts getting up from his seat "FAGOT" someone yell across the room, Jake flinched at the sound of the word, I don't blame him I don't like it either "he is sitting right next to me" I said pointing to my right. Jake gets up and walks in front of his desk.

"Seto! Is you I can't believe its really you, all these years and now we finally meet up again this is so totally cool" Jake spoke very fast looking amazed as he looks at Kaiba, Kaiba looks up slowly "and who in the world are you faggot" Kaiba said and Jake flinched again "I-its me hunny, little Jakey, you don't remember me, I mean I couldn't forget you!" he said looking like there is no were else he would rather be right now but then standing in font of Kaiba. "J-Jake...but your dead!" Kaiba says looking amazed, I sit and think to my self 'Kaiba, knows a gay guy, but he hates gays' "no hun I didn't die, you father saved me" Jake said angrily "and he didn't bother to tell you that I am alive did he?" he said sitting down on Kaiba's right with his legs crossed.

"Your gay?" Kaiba asked looking at him with a glare "why yes I am, you inspired me Seto to be myself! You are the one man I been spending my life looking for Seto, and now I find you, when I wasn't even trying to this time" Jake smiled sweetly but Kaiba kept glaring at him "you might as well has died if you were to turn out like this.... being an apple EWWW I can't believe you turned into a fag!" Jake again flinched at the sound of the word not noticing Kaiba's word for a homosexual "what's the matter you don't like being called a fag do you?" Jake flinched more this time closing his eyes mumbling something to him self not sure what because he did in quietly "your nothing but a fag! FAG! FAG! FAGOT!" Kaiba kept canting that word over and over again until Jake jumped on Kaiba and started beating him really badly like we see Seto do from time to time to someone who starts a fight with him, but never have we seen someone else take on Kaiba like that especially not a homosexual, he kept punching him in the face over and over again till someone removed him off of him, its like the nice Jake that I meet was possessed for a short minute.

I was a little weirded out that someone can freak over one word; my guess is that Jake has been abused with that word too much and can't take it anymore School ended that day all I can think of is what happed to that Jake guy I didn't seem to have him in any other of my classes that or he got kicked out on is first day, it's a shame though it be good to have someone stronger then Kaiba around the funny thing was that it looked like Kaiba wasn't really trying to hurt him like he couldn't, I don't know I don't get Kaiba sometimes. "Yugi!" speaking of the devil he stood behind me looking as mean as ever "Kaiba? Yugi's over there at his locker!" I said sounding somewhat annoyed and trying to be a smart ass at the same time "were dueling now! At my house your coming with me!" he said glaring into my eyes "oh my god you are so ugly!" he added looking discussed with he really didn't have to say "thanks" I said angrily "but no thanks I told you I am busy today, maybe tomorrow" I said closing my locker and walking away, as he glares at me from a distance, and I keep walking hopefully he wont follow me like he did yesterday to duel me, he can be really persistent sometimes. I start walking out of the school when Jake calls me over to him as he comes out of the child psychiatrist office "YAMI!! Come here hunny I wanted so badly to talk to you!" I was wondering if I should be afraid of him or not being that he just beat the shit out of Kaiba but he seems nice so I don't think there is anything wrong with him unless I call him a fag with I wouldn't do in the first place. "Hun! I wanna know if you wanted to come with me to Tri Plasma?" Jake asked smiling at me widely "with, you? Ummm...." I said not really wanting anyone to know what I was "well with me and my date, I already asked my boyfriend to come with me, you see I been going out with him for about a year now, we been long distance but now we finally live in the same town, ITS SO GREAT! I am sooooo happy hunny, I just thought well, it was his idea actually that you will go to Tri Plasma with use?" he asked with him making a praying jester to me "what the hell is a Tri Plasma Jake? Is that a club?" I asked thinking maybe I can go with Téa so I won't be left out "of course wanna go, but you have to go alone to it, you see I have this friend that's looking for a man so badly, he was in my old school my friend moved in the next town over though" I was thinking he wants me to meet with a friend of his that be cool I guess, being that tea and me aren't together any more and she won't say yes to me even if I begged her "well ok Jake it sounds like fun, you say you boyfriend knows me?" I asked wondering who in the class was gay because he didn't remember knowing anyone who was gay in the class "well we will get to the meet ups later hun, I really got to get home and clean the house and unpack all mine and dads stuff, here is my number give me a call tonight at 8 o'clock I'll be around then to pick you up in the cab, this will be great we will be partying all night long" Jake handed me a paper and nudged me, and started walking off "bye hun call me later!"

That was chapter 1 there lots more to come Yamis really dense if you haven't notice a gay guy asked him to a club and he want to bring a girl ee well we shall see were this is going to lead him to... one can only imagine...