As the end of a dismal June came to a close, a 16 year old Harry Potter sits under a street light in front of his uncles house as a snowy owl swoops form the skies "Hedwig!" he called out of glee for he had not seen his owl since the final term of a horrible year at Hogwarts.
The owl had dropped a parcel in his lap as she perched onto his shoulder, the parcels sender was none other then Ron Weasely;
Harry, thought this might cheer you up, flip to page 2 of the Prophet
Harry did so interested in seeing the news,
The Ministry has found sufficient evidence
That a Miss Delores Jane Umbridge been respon-
sible for illegal goings on before and during
her staying at Hogwarts. Before leaving, in
Hopes of discrediting The boy who lived, she
She sent 2 dementors to Mr. Potter's residence
in muggle London no less. During her stay in
the school, she attempted to performing an
Unforgivable curse before being interrupted.
If found guilty, Miss Umbridge may face a
Minimum 5 years sentence in Azkaban, this must
Of coarse wait for the appointment of a new
Appointment of the Minister of Magic due to his
Lack of responsibility after warnings of He-Who-Must-
Not-Be-Named return.

Harry couldn't help but grin from ear to ear after the year of pure hell she gave him but also he wondered who would be elected minister of magic. He thought for sure it would be someone lower in rankings but high in experience due to the fact that all officers that held position in Fudges regime also disregarded the warnings of Voldemorts return. "Boy, if you want to eat tonight you'd better come now or your going to be hungry" yelled he over-weight uncle. As he entered the house still wearing his dopey grin he was stopped by his cousin who was also quite large, "What are you so happy about, and what have you got there, a letter from your boyfriend?" Harry found it best to just ignore his cousin no matter how intelligent and witty his insults were. After a deafening silent dinner with his aunt and uncle he went to bed, after the warning they received from Mad-eye they no longer yelled at him, they simply ignored him. As he sat on his bed he began to clear his mind, Dumbledore suggested he continued with what he had learned with blocking Voldemorts from accessing his mind, that was how he lost the only father figure he had in the past 14 years. The next morning Harry awoke with a start noticing some one sitting on his school trunk with his back facing Harry "Excuse me but...who are you?" when the man turned around it was none other than his former professor Lupin, "Professor! It's great to see you!" Harry said in a joyous tone. "Good too see you as well Harry. Well, are you ready to go?" Lupin asked. "Go where professor? Is it... Can I...Are we going-to Grimsauld place? Harry choked. "Yes Harry. Now why don't you get dressed and pack your things. I will need a word with your Aunt and Uncle so just wait here for a bit. Harry nearly jumped into his close and he just threw all of his clothes not being able to wait to see Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, Ron, Hermione and Sirius! Wait, Sirius is dead he thought, with those few brief moments of happiness he had completely forgot about his god fathers death. He sat on his bed for 20 minutes with a sullen expression thinking about how odd it would be to be living in Sirius's old house when he wasn't alive; he tried to banish this thought from his mind when Remus walked in to the room, "Your uncle is an ass" he said matter of factly. Harry found the quite amusing and with that they were off to the house formally owned by Sirius. "How will we be getting there, Professor?" Harry queried. Remus gave a hearty laugh and said "You'll see Harry" and to Harry's annoyance that was all. Minutes later they were standing at the end of Privet Drive when Lupin drew his wand from within his shaggy and tattered robes. Harry was about to ask what he was doing then he remember he himself had accidentally 3 years back called the Knight bus the bus for 'wizards' in need' which then brought him to the leaky cauldron. Just then Lupin called out lumos and before Harry could grab his trunk from behind him a large triple-decker bus appeared from as it would seem thin air. He was greeted by the usual greeter Stan, a young, acne plagued man "Well idn't it Mr 'Arry Potter" followed by slang Harry couldn't understand as he trudged behind Lupin to a couch in the middle of the bus. "I assume you know Stan?" Remus grinned. Harry half-heartedly grinned back not in the mood for Stan and his mumblings. When Lupin told the driver the destination Harry hadn't heard him so he just assumed he said 12 grimauld place, but to Harry's surprise, when the bus stopped at Diagon Alley Remus stood and told Harry to gather his things and to follow him. "We must attend to some business here before going to our eventual destination" he explained picking up on Harry's bewildering expression. By the time Harry and Lupin had a room all setup and there things taken care of they were eating there dinner in the seclusion of there personal rooms as opposed to the mess hall. "What are we doing here professor?" Harry asked some what anxious to hear of the business his former professor brought him here to attend to. "Well Harry, your 16th birthday will soon be upon us, yes?", Harry nodded, still not quite sure where he was headed. "Judging by the confused look on your face, you haven't been keeping up on the Prophet?" "Well, Ron sent me one copy of the issue when that old bat Umbridge was being accused of illegal actions" Harry exclaimed, his pulse sped up of the thought that something big enough to be in the Prophet that was going to affect him. "Did you read the entire paper, Harry?" he asked, as his grin widened. "No Professor, but I have it right here" he said as he dug threw his trunk, "Ah, here it is" Harry proclaimed, as he reveal the paper folded to the article concerning the former High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. "Turn to front page Harry" Lupin grin became wider then Harry had ever seen it, Harry could feel the excitement dancing in his veins, his hands almost shaking.

The Ministers Final Decree
Today, Cornelius Fudge has released that his last act
Of Minister of Magic would be to change the age
restrictions of the wizarding world to do things such as
use magic out side of school down to the age of 15.
Another change he has made is the age of apparition,
he has lowered this age to 15 as well "In these
changing times the laws need to change with
them. Now that You-Know-Who has returned, magic
must be used, especially in formally under age
none pure-blooded wizards and witches to do what ever
the can to protect their muggle family and themselves.
Apparation age must be lowered also because people of
15 years are not able to rely on there magic abilities,
they must also contain the ability to escape."

"Does this mean I...?" Harry choked in excitement. "Yes, Harry. Tomorrow you will start your apparation lessons, by the end of the week if all goes well, you shall have your apparation license." Remus continued to have his large grin.
That night, Harry found it impossible to sleep. 'I can't believe it! I'll be apparating by with in the week!' was all that was running through his mind. Then, a brilliant thought occurred to him "Dormius Incantus". A sleeping spell! Moments after he cast the spell he awoke well rested and ready to tackle his apparation lessons he leapt out of bed and into a black sweat shirt and a pair of jeans that belonged to Dudley when he was about 6, but were still a little big for Harry, so he also grabbed a belt.
Half-way out the door, Harry realized, he had no idea where this place was, in mid stride, one foot in his room, on in the hall, Harry turned around to find Lupin sitting in a chair smoking a pipe reading the Prophet "I didn't know you smoked professor" he said in a worried tone "Only before full moon, the potions for my transformation bothered me, so I put the wolfs bane and the other herbs into a pipe, same result, no side effects." Harry still unsure, but eager to learn to apparate, shrugged it off for the moment,
"Professor, is it almost time for my lessons?" Harry asked anxiously. "Yes I believe so, I think we should head down for breakfast first though"
"But...but..." Harry knew there were no points in arguing when Remus used that tone. With that the started down the hallway and down the curving stair way. When they entered they mess hall, they noticed something they had not the night before. There was one sole picture left of Sirius saying wanted, with Sirius screaming. Harry couldn't take it he had to look away. Lupin had a sad smile as he saw it. Noticing their reaction, Tom took down the poster, almost apologizing to Harry and Lupin without words. After a silent breakfast, "Well, shall we take our leave?" Remus asked in a pleasant tone. Harry nodded slowly, to think, only 3 years ago he had learned feet from where he stood, the learned the rumors of Sirius Black, the murderer, and now, he mourned for Sirius Black, the god father. As they exited the Leaky Cauldron, things quickly brightened up as they were greeted by Mr. Weasley, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.
"Harry!" Hermione and Ginny squealed simultaneously as Hermione rushed forward giving him a massive hug. "Hey Harry, can you believe it? we'll be apparating and disapparating in no time! Well, you will at least, if Bill didn't pass right away, what are the chances I will?" Ron said in a not-so-optimistic tone. "Honestly Ron, with an attitude like that, how do you expect to do well?" Hermione said in a disapproving, very Mrs. Weasley like tone. "Hey guys, it's great to see you. How long have you been here?" Harry asked. "We just arrived Harry, floo-powdered to the Leaky Cauldron, and we came out for some air" Mr. Weasley explained in his usual perky tone. "The class begins in 10 minutes, we should get going" Remus said.
As Remus and Mr. Weasley discussed matters pertaining to the Order, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Harry talked about the past month "Fred and Georges joke shop has been bringing in loads of galleons, they even bought me a book on keeping, it's written by the keeper for the Chudley Cannons's." Ron said excitedly. "Ron, that's great, I can't wait until we can practice later" Harry said enthusiastically. "Let me guess, Hermione's been reading all summer?" Harry said jokingly.
"No!" Hermione said in a hurt voice. "I been looking up jinxes, spells, and hexes and practicing them." she said in a very matter- of-fact tone. "I'm using magic as much as I can because a lot of people in the Ministry are upset by this law and when the new Minister is elected they'll will most likely revoke it." she explained.
"Find anything good?" Harry inquired
"Actually, yes, I found several spells, one is a spell to temporally vanish the head of the target to a random place." Hermione seemed quite impressed with herself after seeing the looks of shock from Harry, Ron, and Ginny. "That's bloody brilliant Hermione!" Ron proclaimed. She nodded in approval.
"How about you, Ginny, what have you been working on? Harry inquired. "Well, Ron and I have been practicing Quiditch, he's been playing keeper and I've been playing chaser. This year you'll be seeker and I'll switch over to chaser, I prefer that position anyway, seeker gets lonely." Ginny said with an awkward giggle. "Hermione was playing too" she added. Before Harry could ask about this, Mr. Weasley interjected, "We're here" he said as they stopped in front of a dusty shop bitch a sign that had just been replaced 'McGonagal's House of Apparation" All the children looked stunned after reading the sign "I didn't know that she taught apparation" Hermione gasped.