Inu Yasha looked in the small square window and began to blush and then to drool it was the bathroom window at Kagomes house, and well ....lets just say she wasn't exactly wearing clothes. Kagome had her back turned to him as she put up her hair so she could bathe then she felt a presence at her bathroom window, like right outside her window, but the only person who could do that was Inu Yasha and he wouldn't peek at her cause he loved Kikyo but just in case she turned around and tried to see out the now foggy window. She walked over to it and wiped it clean just after Inu Yasha broke out of his trance and flipped up onto the roof. 'Damn the window's all fogged up now I can't see her naked anymore!' Inu thought to himself and cursed quietly "Shit". Then he flipped back down to see a very nice side view of Kagomes chest and he nearly fell off the roof when she faced him to get into the bath and he got a full frontal view of her chest-area. She still had yet to notice him so he watched as she bathed and wanted to touch her, feel her, the more he watched her. His arousal was not helped when she began to wash her chest at the same time she began to talk...about him. He paid no attention to what she was saying because at that time he left because he realized why she smelled so good to him...she was in heat. He knew he would not be able to control himself much longer if he stayed and as he ran to the well he thought to himself 'But HOW can SHE be in heat? Only female dog and wolf demons go into can this be? Could SHE be a HANYOU?'
Sorry for short chapter but I'm kinda busy with my next trip an all so review if you want me to write longer chapters!!!
Kit (')