Memories On Earth: Chapters 11, 12 and 13 -- THE END

Author's Note: Well, this is it. The last chapters of Memories On Earth. I had a great time writing this story, and I hope everyone who read it enjoyed it. I know that it isn't canon, and that it has its little problems, but I have to say I'm really proud of it! I'd LOVE to hear what you thought about the story as a whole, any problems you had reading it, whatever! It's actually kind of sad to realize that this is the end for it! But, never fear, I'm busily working on my next fanfic. Again, I hope you enjoy -- either review, or if you prefer, email to [email protected] with any comments. Laters, all! ACJ Leveille

Memories On Earth

After hours of searching, the group had decided to meet together in the arcade to discuss their next step. They straggled in one by one, all looking weary and worried.

Lita grabbed a booth, and soon enough, it was full. Darien sat, his fingers pinching his nose. "Where could she have gone?" He wondered. "We've looked everywhere!"

Raye reached forward, touching him lightly. He looked at her. "We'll find her, Darien. She's probably hiding." She frowned in thought. "Did anyone check her house?" She asked.

Lita and Amy both spoke up. They looked at each other, and sighed.

"Look, we've covered the entire town." Mina said. "Are you guys sure that she's the princess here, that she's supposed to be a scout."

Darien gave her a black look. "Mina," he bit out. "I realize that you haven't gotten to know Serena yet, so I will forget you said that."

Mina looked offended. "What? What did I say?" She looked at the girls.

"Serena's not really that bad," Amy said.

"Sure," Raye continued, "she's something of a klutz, but she always gets the job done."

"And you know she'll never desert you." Lita said staunchly.

Mina just looked at them. "Isn't that what she's just done?" She asked quietly.

Darien growled, but then let it go. It wasn't worth the effort.

Andrew chose that time to wander over to them. "Hey guys, what's up?" He smiled, then grew sober. "Do any of you know what happened to Serena? She came in here looking like she lost her best friend." He blushed. "She cried all over me."

"She's here?" Darien asked, sitting up and looking around.

"She was, but she left." Andrew's brow furrowed. "In fact, she left before she finished her milkshake."

The girls looked at each other. "That's not like Serena," Lita said.

"Yeah, now matter what, she would have finished her shake." Raye agreed.

"Something must be wrong." Amy said.

"She just left?" Darien asked, listening halfway to what the girls were saying.

"Well, she left with this guy. She just followed him, didn't even say bye or anything." Andrew scratched his head. "I hope she's okay."

"A guy!" Darien felt jealousy sear its way up his spine. His teeth clenched as he fought the feeling. Serenity, he knew, loved him and him alone, forever, but Serena... Serena was turning out to be a real wild card. "What did he look like?" He barked when he had managed to calm himself down somewhat.

Andrew jumped. "Hey, are YOU all right, Darien?"

Darien slashed the air with his hand. "They guy, what did he look like?"

Andrew shrugged. "Tall. Silvery. He had long hair." He looked around. "Wait, there he is!" He pointed at a man who had just come into the arcade, and was making his way directly toward Darien.

"Be gone," he told Andrew when he reached the table. Andrew shuddered, and the life flew from his eyes. He obeyed mindlessly.

"Who are you, and where is Serena?" Darien demanded, speaking through clenched teeth.

The man laughed, pulling up a chair and seating himself at the end of the table. His long hair fell on the surface, pooling prettily.

"You're one of Beryl's minions," Darien said coolly, noting the cloak thrown over his shoulder. "Malachite." He said the name lovingly.

Malachite's eyes opened, then shuttered. "You know me," he nodded. "I did not realize." He watched Darien carefully, as if he were a wild animal preparing to pounce.

"I know you." The Prince agreed, and Mina gasped as she saw his eyes changing from blue to gold. The other girls had seen it before, and weren't as shocked. The cool tone in his voice was pure Darien Chiba, though. "You have let your anger consume you, Malachite."

The man seethed, his silver eyes burning with his emotions. "What would you know?" He asked, leaning back. "I have your little girl." He said.

Darien bared his teeth. "I know. Is she well?"

"Would I harm my bait?" The man responded.

Lita leaned forward, past Darien. "If you hurt her, I will stomp on you. You will be destroyed." She promised, green power flickering in her eyes. Even she is remembering, Darien realized. He looked at Mina, and found her staring at the man with wide eyes. She had loved him, once upon a time.

"Malachite," he reached out, setting a hand on the man who had once been his best friend. "Take me to Serena." He commanded.

The man jerked away, confusion plain on his face. "You will come to the park in one hour. Then you will see your precious Serena."

Darien stood, and Malachite met him. They glared at each other, and soon the girls started to become aware of the powerful energy currents flowing between them.

"I am sorry I didn't find you first, Malachite," Darien said softly, and the energy was reabsorbed into his body. Darkness swirled around the enemy, buffeting him, making his hair fly. He stared at Darien.

"I will be there," The prince confirmed. Malachite nodded, and disappeared.

The girls looked at each other.

"We don't have a lot of time," Darien said. "It's going to be messy."

Amy nodded. "I'll go get Luna. Everyone, we meet at the park in forty-five minutes." The girls scattered.

SAILOR MOON ********************************* SAILOR MOON

Forty minutes later, the group was gathered again, waiting. Sailor Jupiter was pacing, talking to herself.

"Don't worry, Luna, we'll save Serena," Mercury assured the cat, who was sobbing.

"You must, all of you!" She looked at the scouts. "The princess must not die!" She declared.

Darien stood, dressed in his armor. His sword was sheathed at his side. He had wanted to be Tuxedo Mask for this confrontation, but was unable to transform himself. Mars was holding Serena's brooch, and when they found her, she would be able to turn into Sailor Moon and help them.

He looked at Artemis. "You need to change, and fight with us." He said coldly. He was upset at the cat - if he hadn't been so harsh, Serena would not have run off. Now she was in the hands of the enemy, and she didn't have her power. Deep inside, Serenity held the Silver Crystal, it was true, but without her memories, it was useless to her.

Artemis jumped, running for a nearby tree and flying up it. "No way!" He yowled down. "I can't fight!"

Darien had clear memories of Artemis fighting with trainers. He was an expert at martial arts, and wasn't too bad with either a bow, or a sword. "We need you!" He shouted up at the cat.

"No!" Artemis turned his back. Darien closed his eyes and counted to ten.

"What do you mean, change?" Luna asked, twisting around his ankles and looking up at him.

Darien crouched, smiling at the cat. He rubbed a finger on her back. "Mistress Luna," he smiled. "Your partner would be a prime addition to our group. Can you convince him to join us?" He glanced at the reluctant animal, then smiled at Luna.

"I can try," she said uncertainly, "but what do you mean by change?"

"He didn't explain it to you?" Darien asked incredulously. He looked at Artemis, who turned red. "You have a human form, Luna."

"What?" Luna screeched. She turned, glaring at Artemis. "Is this true!?"

Artemis nodded, head down with shame. Luna growled at him, then looked at Darien. "How do I do it?" She asked grimly.

"I don't know." Darien told her, shaking his head sadly. "I just know that you were often seen in your other form. You are truly a beautiful woman, Luna."

Luna looked at him, and blinked. "All right," she said. She jumped up the tree after Artemis. They screeched at each other, then he heard low murmurs, then Luna took a swipe at the white cat, and they both tumbled from the tree, falling into a bush.

There was silence. Venus came over to Darien. "You look different," she said. "I can see how the Princess could fall in love with you." She looked sad.

"You have your own love, Venus. Or, you did." He thought of Malachite, who had taken great delight in teasing Venus, then kissing her senseless. They had been no less devoted than he and Serenity had been. They had all been paired off, he thought, looking around at the sailors. Each couple had been unable to fight the forbidden longings to venture into each other's territory. It had made the war all the more hideous, for it's ultimate betrayal. The girls were pure and good, and had survived.

His guard should have, as well, if he had been able to find them. If had had been sent an advisor. But they had been lost to Beryl's darkness before the war - had fought him at every turn. Their hearts are pure! He told himself. I have been as much at fault as they, for letting them stray. Love had covered his eyes those long years before, making him blind to the turmoil in his own court. His father had been too ill to combat them, and Darien had never comprehended the danger. I will not fail them again!

The bushes began to rattle, drawing his attention, and a tall, dark-haired woman stepped forth. She was somewhat awkward, legs shaky. She had a handful of white in her hand. A handful of hair. She was pulling forward a man, with long, snowy hair and a petulant expression on his face.

Sailor Venus jumped forward, arms extended, clearly ready to call down her attack on the intruders.

"Wait!" The man yelped, pulling himself free and standing straight, tugging on his shirt. He looked haughty. The woman turned to look at him, impatiently disapproving.

"Who are you?" Jupiter asked, her antennae going up slightly.

"Good lord," The woman muttered, rolling her eyes. "Stop this, Artemis." She pleaded, hauling on the man.

The scouts faltered. "Artemis," Mina exclaimed, looking at the man. She walked to him, popping in circles around his stiff form. She reached a hand up and caressed his hair. "It's soft! Oh, Artemis, you're cute!" She said.

Artemis deigned to open his eyes, and smiled at his charge. "You're short," he said.

Luna bonked him on the head. "Here, Prince Endymion," she said, her voice melodious, feminine. The girls goggled. "He will fight with you, if you can keep him still." She muttered.

She walked shakily over to Amy. "May I have Serena's brooch, please, Mercury? I will hold it for her."

Mercury nodded mutely, producing the object. Luna took it gently, closing her eyes and speaking in a foreign language. The crescent moon that still decorated her forehead glowed slightly, and the broach disappeared into the ether. "Don't worry, it's safe." She assured the scout, walking off.

Darien watched it all steadily, looking sourly at Artemis, who was grinning now, looking around delightedly.

"Now what?" Mars asked, coming up behind him.

Darien felt his cloak whirl out with the wind, felt the energy churning in his soul. He was ready for this fight. He was ready to crush Queen Beryl and release the souls of his guards. He answered Mars. "Now, we wait."

Memories On Earth

Serena huddled in the darkness of her prison. There were no bars, no cage here, just a vast emptiness. It was cold, and dark, and her tears had long since run out. Now she just shivered, staring out with empty, hopeless eyes.

Someone cleared his throat, and she forced herself to attention. She looked up. Him. "Who are you?" She asked, her lips blue with the chill.

"I am Malachite, little girl." He held out his hand. "Come, it is time for us to leave." He said.

Serena glanced at his hand, but didn't move. She couldn't. She had walked for miles, and her muscles had stopped responding. The man bit off an oath, and reached for her, grabbing her into his arms. His hands and chest were cold. He was part of this world.

A flash. Serena cried out, grabbing at her head. She knew him. He had been with Mina... the princess. Laughing. Smiling. He had kissed her. There was someone behind her, his hand on her waist. She was so happy.... And the memory faded.

She looked up at him with new eyes. "You do not belong here." She said with certainty. He carried her in his arms. His mouth was tight. "You were his friend." She didn't know whose friend, but it didn't matter. "You don't have to do this."

Malachite didn't say a word - he just kept walking. They moved from the chill shadows, slowly through a dark portal, and Serena found herself in the park. She breathed in, seeing a force gathered, waiting for them. The girls, all of them, the Princess and Prince Endymion, and two figures that she didn't know.

The reinforcements have arrived, she thought, laughing. Her teeth clicked, and she couldn't feel her fingers or her toes anymore.

"What do you want?" Prince Darien called out.

Malachite floated them down through the treetops, setting her down on the ground. Serena felt strangely safe in his arms, and once free, had no inclination to move from where he set her. The man gestured, and a glowing black shield rose over her. Serena watched it sleepily. She was so cold....

Serena brought herself awake with a snap. She had to listen. It was important.

"I want the Imperium Silver Crystal." Malachite called out. "Give it to me, and I'll give this pathetic weakling back to you."

How insulting! Serena thought, then realized that she was starting to wake up and be warm again.

"The princess has the Silver Crystal, Malachite, and we do not have the princess!" Darien said. He motioned at the scouts, arranged in a fighting pattern, waiting.

"What?" Malachite cried out.

"Yes, Darien, you must protect her." Serena said quietly, watching the drama unfold before her eyes. She looked at the princess, with her long blonde hair and smiling face. Mina looked determined. She stood next to Darien, as was her right. "Where is the crystal?" Serena wondered. "Why doesn't she bring it out and blast him to pieces?"

Mina was beautiful, and Serena had long followed her career as Sailor V. It's so unfair, she thought. She looked at Darien, tall and strong and handsome. She had loved him as Darien Chiba, and as Tuxedo Mask, and now she found herself falling in love with him as the Prince.

"You lie!" Malachite said, desperate.

"No, I don't. We don't have the princess." Darien said, stepping forward.

"No, how can this be?" He stumbled, sinking to the ground. Above the park the shadows gathered into a whirlpool, a darkness reached out at them. A face appeared in the clouds.

"Queen Beryl!" Malachite whispered. He prostrated himself before his liege.

"You have failed me, Malachite." The voice echoed through the trees. "Your heart is turning from me, you betrayer!" She shrieked, and darkness boiled from the trees to cover everything.

Serena huddled deep behind the shield of darkness, feeling scared and vulnerable. I wish I had my brooch.

The darkness reached an arm forward, grabbing at Malachite. His silver-white hair tossed wildly in the wind, and he fell to his stomach, groveling, pleading for his life.

"Stop!" Darien thundered, and Beryl fell back, startled. He went to kneel beside the man, and looked into the frightened silver eyes.

"Renounce her, Malachite. Renounce her claim on you and you will be free!" He said.

The silver eyes stared back at him blankly. Fear was all the man knew, fear and the pain that Beryl had trained him with. "Oh Malachite," he whispered, pushing the hair back from his face and turning him gently onto his back. "I forgive you, my friend, I forgive you." He held the man to him, bringing forth the golden power flowing within him, bathing him in it.

The man relaxed, and his eyes became tranquil. Warmth returned to them. He smiled, an innocent smile, full of memory. "I am sorry, my Prince," he ground out, coughing slightly.

"Do you renounce the Dark kingdom and it's wretched Queen?" Darien questioned, looking into the heart of the dark cloud.

"I do," Malachite nodded, and then jerked spasmodically as his body was wracked with pain. Darkness flew from him, globs of black tar-ish goo that hurled themselves back toward the Queen who hovered above. Behind them, the shield holding Serena safe dissolved, leaving her alone. She was immediately assaulted by the wind, and cold raindrops splattered down, wetting her slowly but thoroughly.

A figure ran at her, out of the shadows, a woman. She didn't know her. Serena crawled back into the trees, crab walking. Pain flared in her joints, movement was difficult.

"Serena!" The woman cried, and her voice made Serena cry out as the visions hit her. Memories, she realized. The woman, running with her, talking with her... changing before her eyes.

"Luna!" She cried out, falling flat on her back in exhaustion and trying to sit up. "Luna, it's you, it's really you!" She grabbed the woman and held her close. "I thought I had lost you."

Luna smiled, the crescent on her forehead scattering light in the darkness. "I was with you, Serenity."

"I know..." Serena said, thinking of the cat-form Luna had stayed in for so long. "I know... everything, now." She said, more strongly.

Bowing, Luna held forth the brooch. "I don't know if you need it anymore, Princess, but here is your brooch."

Serena took it gladly, fastening it on her shirt. She transformed quickly, taking on her warrior aspect without delay. "Stay here, Luna," she ordered. "You need to be safe." Luna nodded obediently and sat on the ground.

Sailor Moon ran into the morass of seething shadows, looking for the scouts and her beloved Endymion.

She found him first, he was cradling Malachite to him, and a golden glow suffused them both. He is healing him, she realized. She looked around, and saw the girls waiting, looking uncertain, close by. Artemis stood behind Mina, holding on to her shoulder. She motioned them all closer.

"Sailor Moon!" Mars cried. "You're all right!"

"I'm glad to see you too, Mars!" She said. "Right now, we have to get Malachite over there." She saw Mina. "Venus, take your... him over there," she pointed toward where Luna was waiting. "Luna will watch over him for you."

Mina's mouth fell open. Her eyes darkened, and she clutched her head, then fell into a bow. "Yes, Sailor Moon," she said, her hair whipping in the wind. As Endymion released the power, released his injured guard, Venus swept Malachite up and helped him to walk. They talked quietly, no doubt rediscovering each other.

"Artemis, girls," she motioned, "form a circle. Prince Endymion and I must fight, and we're going to need you to protect us."

The girls, all looking dazed, nodded, and obeyed. Sailor Moon walked over to Endymion, and helped him to stand.

"You need to change," she told him. His armor looked nice, but for their fight, he needed to be Tuxedo Mask.

His eyes flared gold as he saw her, and he leaned in for a kiss. She felt the joy in his heart, the jubilation. He knew she had awakened to her true-soul. A golden fire passed over his hands, then was absorbed into his skin.

"I'm ready, Sailor Moon," he bowed his head, waiting. She pushed on him, pushed her own silver energy into him, and he crumpled to the ground, clothing wavering and shaking. He stood swiftly, dressed in his tux. "My love," he whispered, kissing her quickly.

She smiled tenderly at him, then pushed him away. "We must kill this thing. Beryl has been allowed free rein for too long." She stood, and they were encircled by the scouts, Artemis standing guard as well.

"You can't kill me!" Beryl shouted from the heart of the wind. "I am the Negaverse! I am one with the Dark Kingdom - I am the Dark Kingdom! I am invincible!" She screamed, and dark energy streamed like lightning, flashing down around them.

Sailor Moon tightened her mouth, and drew on her memories. "Then we must rid this world - this universe - of you both." She closed her eyes, reaching inside herself. She felt the heat behind her breastbone, her soul stone, burning brightly as she touched it. Silver light filled her eyes, and she drew the stone forth.

"The Silver Imperium Crystal." Tuxedo Mask breathed, staring at it. It looked like a large diamond, but it glowed with all the power of Serenity's pure heart - and the moon's strength. It floated above her hands, rotating freely. Sailor Moon looked down on it, and smiled.

SAILOR MOON ********************************* SAILOR MOON

Tuxedo Mask watched as Sailor Moon closed her eyes, and felt her focus. He had never seen her fight using the Silver Crystal, but he had no doubt that was what was going to happen.

She pulled it free, a glowing jewel floating in the air. Her hands cupped it, and she smiled. She closed her eyes again, and he felt the brush of power from inside of her. A rush of silver replaced her Sailor Moon costume with a gauzy white dress - Serenity's dress. She opened her eyes, and the silver power surged as she lifted the Silver Crystal high.

The scouts joined hands, and a cone of power was formed around them, the Crystal at the apex.

Beryl screamed in rage - but Serena just smiled. Beryl meant nothing now. The power of the crystal was strong, and it would swallow the Dark Queen whole.

She invoked it, opening herself to the rush and flow of energy. She saw nothing, heard nothing, tasting nothing but sheer power. It flowed through her, was part of her. She knew, as she had always known, that she was born of that power - born to wield it, born to use it. Her bones were rods designed to reflect and focus the power to do what she wanted with it. Such beauty....

To Beryl, she instructed, trusting her instincts and Darien's help. The light blasted on and on, and faintly, far off, she heard the death cry.

She let go of the power, and collapsed.

SAILOR MOON ************************************* SAILOR MOON

Tuxedo Mask caught her as she fell, cradling her in his arms, smiling broadly. Serenity faded, her form changing, turning into Serena. Sweet, beautiful Serena. He hugged her to him, and let his own personal power bathe her and soothe her.

The scouts closed in on him, raving over Serena. Above them all, the sky brightened and cleared. It was still day, and the birds began to sing. Luna helped a still-slow Malachite to his feet, and they hobbled over to join the crowd.

Serena opened her eyes blearily. She looked around, seeing everyone. "Did we win?" She asked.

Darien - he had transformed when she did - looked down at her. She was watching him lovingly, and her hands were grasping his tightly. "We won." He assured her, and leaned down to give her a kiss. My Serena!

Memories On Earth

"Okay, I call to order the official Sailor Scout meeting!" Raye called over the din.

The temple meeting-room was filled with people, the five scouts, Luna and Artemis in their cat forms, and Darien and Malachite, who seemed to be fitting in nicely.
They kept talking over Raye's scream.

"Hey! Guys!" Lita screamed, whistling for attention.

Everyone looked over at her. "What!"

Lita looked at Raye, who sat down. "Amy, what are we going to discuss today?"

Amy looked up. "Umm... I don't know. Not much has been happening."

"Hey, are we still going to have monsters attacking?" Serena cried, leaning into Darien's arms.

Mina and Malachite looked at each other. They were laughing lightly. He had changed greatly from the cold, hard servant of Beryl he had been. He was the Malachite from all of their memories, and was fast regaining his place as Darien's best friend.

"I don't know, Serena. I think we should enjoy the time we have, though." Amy said.

Raye nodded. "There is more coming, guys. I don't know what, and it's a ways off, but we'll be needed again."

"How are we doing on the search for the Guards?" Darien asked. "Anybody have any news at all?"

Serena looked at him, knowing that he was worried about them. The scouts and Darien had gone down to Beryl's home base, and looked for Jadeite, Nephrite, and Zoisite, but their glass coffins had been empty. Somewhere, the Prince's guards were wandering, and no one knew if they knew who they were, or how old they were, or anything.

"We'll find them, Darien," Serena told him, slipping her hand into his.

He patted her arm. "I know," he said and bent to give her a kiss.

"Sorry, Darien, no one's got any information yet." Raye said. "We'll keep looking though."

The meeting dragged on, mostly gossip and talking. Finally, Raye got fed up and dismissed them all.

Darien walked Serena home. Once away from prying eyes, he let the power flow and dressed in the scroll-collar shirt. Serena giggled at the change, and let her own dress flow into being. They stopped at the park, staring up at the moon.

"It's beautiful," Serena said, leaning into Darien's warmth. The night smelled of flowers and moonlight. Serena's hair curled behind her as she watched her home world twirl through the sky.

"Not as beautiful as you are," Darien said, looking down at her big blue eyes.

"Darien!" She said, blushing.

"Meatball Head!" He countered, teasing her.

They strolled for a time, saying nothing, just enjoying each other's presence.

"You know," Darien said suddenly. They ducked under one of the low-hanging trees and emerged on the sidewalk outside the park. "Sometime, we're going to have to go up to the Moon Palace and see what's left."

Serena thought about it. "We should go down - all of us - and fix up the Palace of the Earth, as well."

He nodded, taking her hand as they walked, swinging it. "One day."

"Right. One day." Serena agreed, with a smile.