Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Chapter Seven
Dear Lucius,
It seems that this will be the last letter I write, Arthur Weasley has returned from the big battle and told me how the forces of good have defeated the Death Eaters. He also told me how bravely you fought, with little concern for your own safety, side by side with Harry to help vanquish Voldemort. Arthur says that without you they never would have made it. I am so proud of you, my darling. He showed me part of a letter Ron had written to his mother in which he detailed a conversation he had with you during a brief lull in the fighting, Ron said he had asked you how you could just charge into the unknown, and how you had replied that you "only wanted everything over and done so I can return home to Mari and our child." That means more to me than anything you've ever said to me.
Arthur also told me how after surveying the smoking remains of the Death Eaters, Harry Potter declared himself the greatest wizard ever. I am sure you were not surprised in the least, isn't that what you always told me would happen, all those nights we spent talking, after, as you so eloquently said, you had fucked me senseless.
So this will be a new world that our son grows up in. And how he is growing. Watching him running around playing with Draco always reminds me of how you used to chase him across the lawn as he was just learning to walk. I can't believe that it is not even four years that we have known each other. I don't even remember what my life was like before you. Our son is almost three, and you haven't seen him since the morning you left us when he was barely a year old, you've missed so much.
I think of how you were the one who went to the nursery when he woke in the middle of the night, and changed his diapers before bringing him back to our bed so I could feed him, how you would wrap your arms around both of us and rock us as he fed. I never once doubted your love for him, or for me. You certainly told me enough how you loved me, not in words; I honestly don't think you ever said you loved me, but I knew you did. I could tell by the way you looked at me. You were always so gentle, unless I wanted you to be rough.
Of course, you weren't always easy to be with, there were always other women in your life, I remember how amazed you were when I allowed you back after you had been gone for days, doing who knows what with whom. You seemed genuinely shocked that I would take you back; I don't think you ever really understood how much I depended on you, or that I really had nowhere else to go, I had given up my old life completely to be with you.
Yes, the good outweighed the bad, no matter what anyone else thought, I found you to be a kind and loving man. The Weasleys keep telling me how much you've changed. I don't know about that, I only know the Lucius I love, maybe knowing that love was there gave you a new perspective on life.
In closing, I must tell you how much better my life is for having known you. I cherish every moment we spent together, and I promise to make sure our son knows just what a wonderful man you are.
Rest well, my darling, you've earned it. Be at peace knowing I will keep my promise to you.
I love you,