Disclaimer: I'm not J.K.R...thanks for noticing.

Warning: SLASH...yummy

Author's note: One shot, unless i change my mind...or the reviewers do. Harry/Draco, I was bored, so here you have it.

On your knees, Potter

"Harry, wake up," Ron shook the raven haired Gryffindor's arm.

Barely conscience, Harry turned to look at Ron, "What?" He asked groggily.

"It's time for breakfast, then 'Mione and I are leaving for holiday."

Harry pulled the covers over his head and sunk further down into the bed. Ron chuckled, "C'mon, Golden boy, you have to face the day sometime.

Why? Harry thought, Sirius is dead, Voldemort is gaining power, and I get to spend Christmas alone.

Harry groaned. Ron sat on the edge of his bed and talked to the covers. "You alright, mate?"

"No," came Harry's muffled reply.

"You want to talk about it?"

Harry heard the concern in his friend's voice; he thinks I'm falling into shadow again, like I did when Sirius died. "It's just," he sat up and threw the covers away. "I'm going to be alone here for two weeks, thinking about how much fun you and Hermione are going to have." And a certain white-blonde b-He sighed in defeat.

"I'm sorry, mate. Maybe I can come back early." Ron said, hopefully.

"We'll see," He got out of bed, "Well, I guess we should get moving."

- - -

"Write me Harry," Hermione said, hugging the raven-haired boy. " I'll send your present on Christmas." Then she disappeared into a horseless carriage with Ginny and Neville.

"Bye mate," Ron hugged him as well.

Harry managed a weak smile as he watched his friends go. He sighed, heading back into the castle.

"Looks like it's just me and you Hedwig," He said to the snowy owl in the owlry a few minutes later.

"I've always liked that bird," Harry looked up, startled. "Always so elegant, when I come up to send letters to father, she's always sitting there, just waiting for you."

Who ever was talking was in the shadows, he thought he could place the voice, but it could be anyone.

"I know you can't see me Harry," they continued. "But I can see you, and believe me I like what I see. Meet me in the Prefect bathroom tonight at nine. Don't bother waiting for me when you leave here, I won't use the door."


"You want to know?" They asked seductively, "Be there tonight."

And nothing more was said.

- - -

Why am I doing this? Harry asked himself that night. He was under the invisibility cloak on his way to the prefect bathroom.

Something in the back of his mind told him it was because he's lonely.

For all I know this could be some trick Voldemort's playing on me.

But what if it's not? I mean, what if behind the doors to that bathroom there's a chance for real happiness, the kind you haven't felt since Sirius-

And suddenly he was there. "Butterbeer and holiday cheer," he whispered and the doors opened. Good thing Ron had told him the password before he'd left.

Harry took a deep breath before stepping inside. He slipped off the invisibility cloak and looked around. There was a note taped to the mirror. It was a map leading to a portrait in the dungeons. On the bottom in red ink it said the password was 'Cold fire'.

He sighed and asked himself if it was worth so much trouble to find out who this person was. And then he started for the dungeons.

- - -

"I knew you'd come," the same voice from the owlry informed the Gryffindor.

"Who are you?" Harry asked, stepping into what looked like a Slytherin bedroom. It was dark lit with only a few candles.

The mysterious person stepped out to where Harry could see him. His mouth hung open.

"I rather thought you'd enjoy this," Draco Malfoy smirked before taking a step closer to him.

"En-enjoy what?" Harry swallowed; the blonde was a little too close for comfort at the moment.

Draco reached out and ran his fingers over Harry's lips, "I just wanted to get you alone," Draco said, "Watch you squirm under my touch," he smiled and stepped closer still, their faces barely an inch apart.


"Shh," the Slytherin placed one finger over Harry's lips, "Don't fight it."

And before Harry knew what had happened Draco was on top of him, lips crushed together, hands all over the place.

Don't fight it!? He thought, and then the blonde's hands were in Harry's pants, and he didn't, he didn't fight it.

Harry fell into the kiss, taking off Draco's shirt as well as his own. Draco pushed them both over to the bed. He started to unbutton the Gryffindor's pants while still kissing him, using his tongue to explore Harry's mouth.

Harry let his hands map out every inch of Draco's body; he grabbed the back of his thighs and pulled him so that he was sitting on top of Harry.

Draco pulled out of the kiss to smirk at this move, and then he began licking all over Harry, having efficiently removed the boy's pants. He paused to dip his tongue into Harry's belly button; he looked up to see Harry holding in cries of pleasure before taking the raven-haired boy in his mouth.

He was close to coming when Draco sat up, his jaw dropped in disappointment. The blonde plastered the ever-present smirk on his face and crawled up to kiss Harry. "Tell me… I'm not …dreaming," Harry said between kisses.

"So you dream about me?" Draco smiled sitting up.

"Don't stop," Harry begged.

"On your knees, Potter."

His eyes shot open, "What?"

"You heard me, just do it."

Harry blinked a few times before he complied.

Draco smiled, removing his own pants and preparing himself to fulfill a fantasy that's always been in the back of his mind.

He placed his hands on Harry's hips to guide him in and he began thrusting.

Harry chanted Draco's name mixed in with moans and cries of pleasure be fore he came. He collapsed on the bed, Draco on top of him, and sighed.

"Draco I-"

"Don't say it Potter…don't say anything."

They kissed before both fell asleep.

When Harry woke up the next morning, Draco was gone.

There was a note beside him on the pillow. "Merry Christmas." It read, and nothing more.
Review if you'd like...i know i always do.

Love and Kisses
