A little look into the planning process of a chapter of MitHH
Everything that follows is an actual conversation that actually happened, actually
Selly: And about Isaac…
KW: Who's Isaac?
Selly: The ghost guy?
KW: Oh. I thought his name was X Man or something.
Selly: "X Man"???
KW: I stubbed my nose!
Selly: And then they'll get down to the basement and the powers will start working and Remy will get zapped because Rogue's touching him…
KW: And he'll be like : AGHHHH!!!!!
KW: And then -mimes falling over dead-
Selly: She didn't kill him.
KW: What if she did!
Selly: Yeah, then they would all be like "Oh my god, you killed Remy!"
KW: Poor Remy.
Selly: I think I feel a humor fic coming on.
Selly: Come do Pilates with me!
KW: Isn't Pilates a place?
Selly: A place?
KW: Yeah, like the name of a place where you do yoga.
Selly: Pilates is like a type of yoga thing.
KW: What are you doing?
Selly: I'm reading over the last chapter.
KW: It was the kissy chapter.
Selly: I know it was the kissy chapter…
KW: What if he holds Remy captive? What if he tries to shoot him with his machine gun?
Selly: He hasn't got a machine gun.
Selly: Oh right, he just pulls a tank out of his pocket.
KW: -cackle-
KW: What if he was like: If you defeat me in combat! But he's not really that type. Everyone time I hear that, I think of Monkey Fist (Copyright: Kim Possible)
Selly: Monkey ninjas, attack!
KW: Des and his monkey ninjas!
Selly: Eww…
KW: What?
Selly: Nothing, just…"charred". Keep it, but icky.
KW: Like a burger!
Selly: Yeah, that was what I was thinking of.
KW: Des the burger!