Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha, any of it's characters, Naraku, or anything else I mention here.
separates the different parts of the story
Naraku VS. a Muffin
It was a Sunday-- no a Thursday, wait, make it a Tuesday, yeah, a Tuesday afternoon.
And on this bright and sunny Tuesday afternoon, Naraku, probably the most---
Naraku: (raises an eyebrow) "probably"?
Fine, fine.
So, on this fine Tuesday afternoon, Naraku, who is the badest, boldest, and biggest demon in all of Feudal Japan, was taking--- a stroll, yes a stroll. (glares at Naraku, who then shuts up) and it was quite a nice one too, considering the warm, sunny weather. (continues to glare - continues to shut up) Thank you. But as the sun rose high, the demon grew tired, so he returned to his dark castle, and retired to his room.
Naraku: (yawns) How I grow tired of this hot weather… (walks into his room) Now, I hope I can finally get some rest without any interruptions from a certain bitchy reincarnation who thinks she is so bad because she can control the winds and all I can do is change my shape--(notices a small dark figure in the corner of his room) …Ho? What is this? (walks over to it and picks it up) (examines it) It's a….a muffin?
Naraku examined the baked good carefully, turning it various ways, and poking at it every now and then.
Naraku: (still examining the small brown muffin) What is this confectionery mystery? I don't seem to recall making a reincarnation of myself that was in the shape of a… muffin. (takes a good, hard look at it) Oh well, I suppose it's safe to eat. (bites into the muffin)
So, the black haired Demon took a bite into the muffin and---
Naraku: (spits out the muffin) ACKKK!!!! Putuii! (spitting noises) Ughhhhh… what foul substance it this!? Did Inu Yasha place it here knowing I would come across it…? Or was it that devilish Kagura? (spits again) Whoever put it here, they will pay…! (spits again) Ugghhh!! You fell creature!! Take this!! (throws the muffin against the wall)
So, losing what little temper he had, Naraku furiously threw the muffin against the wall. However, the sly pastry ricochet-ed off the wall, bouncing back at him and hitting the demon square in the face, and then it just sat there, leering at him, in all of it's muffin perfect-ness.
Naraku: (cradling his wounded face) AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AHHHHHHHH!!! Damn you, you foul pastry!! (rubs his know fractured nose) Why you, you, you-- YOU BAKED FIEND!! (raises in the air and summons up his demonic powers)
And so Naraku rose up in the air, summoning up his demonic powers, and aiming them toward the muffin, who still lay silently on the floor.
Naraku: (blasting the muffin with all his demon magic) TAKE THIS YOU EVIL MUFFIN, YOU BAKED FIEND YOU!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! (continues to blast the muffin with his demonic powers)
As Naraku blasted away at the muffin, a certain bitchy reincarnation was making her way to her Master's room.
Kagura: (approaches Naraku's room) Master, are you there-- (sees him blasting the hell out of the poor muffin) (crosses her arms and sighs) Tell me, why in hell do I have to the reincarnation crazed imbecile? Must I deal with idiocy? What is this world coming to? (walks away)
So, the certain bitchy reincarnation left, leaving Naraku and the muffin alone in the room.
Naraku: (huffing and puffing) (returning back to the smoking, rubble-ridden mess that was once his beloved room and drawing back his powers) There… (huff) you fiend, that will show you (puff) to deal with the great Naraku!! Mwahahahahahaha!!!
The Muffin: (still sitting there in it's sheer muffin perfect-ness, peering at the worked up demon. Might I add that it is sitting on the only patch of ground that's left?)
Naraku: (still laughing insanely) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA (cough) (hack) (begins to choke) Ackk… I must stop laughing like that… it's doing quite a number on my delicate throat! (hack) Alright, now, it is time to began clean up. Kagura! Kanna! Your master is calling for you to do an evil deed!
However, as Naraku called upon his most trusted minions, he noticed that, there, sitting in it's complete baked perfect-ness, was the tiny muffin, the very one that the black haired demon had blast to bits with his demonic powers-- or so he thought.
Naraku: (backing away slowly) W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what is this!!?? Is this small pastry's sinister power so great that it managed to survive my great demonic powers!!?? No, it cannot be! It cannot be! I am dreaming this! (pinches himself, and rather hard) OUCH! (rubs his arm) Okay, maybe not… however! How can this, this small muffin, even after showered with such great demonic force, the GREAT Naraku's demonic force, not be destroyed!!?? How can this be!!!!!!????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! (starts blasting at the muffin like crazy)
As Naraku insanely blasted at the muffin, his two most trusted minions/reincarnations, the rather bitchy one and the rather quiet one, approached the insane demon's room
Naraku: (blasting away at the muffin and laughing insanely) Hahahahahahahahhahaha!! Now, you sinister pastry, I will destroy you once and for all!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (continues to blast away at the muffin)
Kagura and Kanna enter
Kagura: So, you have to have Arc in order to defeat Trance Kuja?
Kanna: …No, no, you don't have to have that particular Eidlon, it's just recommended.
Kagura: Ohhh, okay, I see. Thanks Kanna!
Kanna: No problem-- (notices Naraku blasting away at the muffin and laughing like some lunatic in a psycho ward)
Kagura: …What's wrong, Kanna---- (sees what Kanna sees) Just what the hell is he doing…?
Naraku: (is still blasting away at the muffin and laughing insanely) MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Take this! And that! And while your at it, why don't you take all of it!!!!! (continues to blast at the muffin) HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAHAHA!!!!
Kanna & Kagura: (stare at their master with a baffled expression plastered upon their faces)
Kanna: …Kagura? I think our Master's finally lost it… (continues to watch Naraku blast the muffin to bits)
Kagura: Right-o there. But just what is he blasting at…?
Naraku: (draws back his powers and returns to the ground, which is now just ashes) There! It's gone, it's dead, all gone! Bye-bye!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! All gone! Gone, gone, gone!!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Kagura: (stares at Naraku) Just what may I ask were you blasting at, Master?
Naraku: (runs up to Kagura laughing like a complete and total maniac) It was a muffin! The confectionery fiend had the audacity to challenge my awesome might!! But now it rues the day it dared cross my path! HA-HA-HA-HA-HAHAHA!!!
Kagura: (points to the muffin, which has managed to escaped the storm of attacks that the demon had thrown at it, unscathed and still sitting there, in all of it's muffin perfect-ness) …You mean that muffin?
Naraku: Hm? (turns around and sees the muffin sitting there in all of it's muffin perfect-ness) WHAT!!!??? H-h-h-h-h--h-h-h-h-how could it, h-h-h-h-h-h-h-how!? Why? I do not, NO!! It is only my imagination!!!!!! No way a simple muffin could withstand that last attack!!!!!! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!!! (starts pulling at his hair and laughing insanely) NO! NO! NO!!!! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! (runs around the room screaming)
Kagura: Uhhhhhh….. okay….
Kanna; (walks over to the muffin) (rips of a small piece and puts it in her mouth) Mmmmm… it's banana-nut! (continues to eat muffin while Naraku is running around screaming and laughing like some psycho-path-ic psycho)
Well, that's it for the first match, however,now it's your turn. You see that purple box in the bottom left hand corner? No, your other left stupid-head, yeah, that one-- no, wait, yeah. Okay, see the purple button next to the purple box? I don't care if that sounds confusing, just press it, there you go, don't you feel intelligent? Now, by now you should've noticed the box that's popped up on the screen, I want you, yes you, to write a review in it. Thank you. And remember kids, no "lol, that was funny" or "omg you gotta update this!", you gotta write a full review, no, no, I don't wanna hear your whining about how your too lazy to write a full review, just write it god dammit. Thank you.