
I know it's been a while but hey!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except some things…

Okay so yeah I'll talk after the story


His Pity On Her Life

: Chapter 5


"If it makes you feel better I'm allowing you to go so that Autumn will be content." She backed away from me and smiled, "Oh… So your kindness towards me is because you want to make Autumn happy? Hmm… Am I missing something?" She smirked. And she giggled. What was she trying to say? That I have some sort of feelings for Autumn?

"If you like my friend I don't mind, but I'm sure her brother would." She teased.

I scoffed, "I'm not scared of that good-for-nothing."

"He's not a 'good-for-nothing' he's a good friend, he really is, and I too look up to him like an older brother."

"If he's such a good brother, why doesn't he protect you from things like this?" I place my hand on her bruised cheek gently. She nuzzled her cheek in my hand surprising me. Yes, I did get surprised, surprised enough to pull back my hand. She giggled some more, "Because dear prince, I had begged him to." What are you talking about? Everything was so confusing. From the time I had first met them, that feeling of confusion didn't seem so uncommon.

She took my hand and placed it back on her cheek, "Your hands are smooth your highness—I like it…" She closed her eyes and continued to nuzzle her cheek into my hand. Then out of nowhere she placed a small pack on my palm, "I have a job prince, I have no choice." She looked up at the sky, "My customer will be coming soon… I have to get going." She was filled with smiles at one moment and the next she was filled with sadness.

"I said go with Autumn."

"I can't."

"You will."

She giggled, "Do you mind telling me why? Honestly…"

"I don't feel like hurting anyone today, and Autumn is a nice person, besides I want to get back early because…" Selene, I wonder how she's doing, "Because of something."

"I see… Well if you really want me to… But how will I explain this?" She frowned looking as if she were scared.

I removed a small pouch from my pocket. I don't really like carrying money—it's like an extra useless weight on me. "Here." I handed the pouch to her, she opened it and gasped. She pulled out the gem, it rested on her palm so lightly as if it were floating, "My lord," she frowned and tilted her head to the side, "this way then…" She slowly said.


"Exactly what are you trying to suggest?"

"It's just my job. A man offers me money and I give him what he wants, it's what I am…" She sounded as if she wanted to vomit but I can't be too sure.

I chuckled, "Okay… Then just say that we finished early."

"It's kind of unbelievable though, why would a prince such as you sleep with a whore like me when you could have anybody with out a price."

It is like she wants to be with her scheduled customer, "Fine, why don't you just say that someone else had offered you a better pay?"

She nodded, "But your high-"

"Enough. You are going with Autumn and her dog."

She giggled and came closer to me, "But just so that I don't feel like I'm stealing…"


I walked into the palace and remembered just why I wanted to come back early, now if only I can find my sister. She couldn't still be sleeping, her training was nothing… But she is female…

I walked around and heard faint crying coming from the garden, what's going on?

I walked to the garden and the crying became clearer. That's when I saw who exactly was crying. The person I've been looking for… Selene. Something was wrong; I've only seen my sister cry like a brat and not like this. It was different; it was as if she had lost something. And I felt bad… I do not like seeing her like this; it was like—that day! With that soldier!

Standing in back of her I watched her sob. She was sitting on the ground with her head on the stone bench crying. I kneeled down and hugged her, "Selene, what's going on?" She flinched and turned to me. At first glance she quickly tried to wipe all her tears away and tried to put on a smile, "What are you talking about?"

"Why are you crying?" I asked with worry in my voice, me… Worrying… She was my sister… I had a reason…

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about."

What was she trying to hide?

I shook her by the shoulders, "Selene! What is going on?!"

Selene hugged me smiling, "You're being silly, I wasn't crying! I just missed you brainless…"

For some reason I believed her… I sat was still on the ground as she stood up, she took my arm and pulled me up. I had nothing to say, "Come Sesshoumaru! Kagura is still here!" She exclaimed pulling at my arm. Then I just remembered… Kagura! What am I going to say?

Selene pulled me all the way to the field, and there she was—Kagura and her tiny sister sitting under a tree watching the scenery.

"Good afternoon Kagura and Kanna!" She waved to them with her free arm, "Look Kagura! I brought Sesshoumaru!" Kanna and Selene giggled as Kagura looked down. After a while we were all under the same tree.

"Go on Sesshoumaru! Give Kagura a hug!" Selene squealed, "No." I muttered. She pouted and looked at Kagura, "Find then! Kagura, would you mind giving Sesshoumaru a hug? He secretly wants one!"

What? When did I say that?

Kanna stood up and pulled Kagura up to her feet, "Kagura secretly wants one too!" Kanna exclaimed pushing her sister closer to me. And with one more push she was hugging me.

She giggled, what was so funny?

"You smell good Sesshoumaru." She smiled looking up at me. "Like flowers…" She giggled again, "Have you been rolling in flowers?"

"Yes." I mean no! But I was… In a way… No, not really… I don't like lying…

She laughed and I spoke, "You smell good too Kagura." She continued laughing.

"But I naturally smell good, unlike my sister…" I said looking at Selene who stuck out her tongue at me.

Kagura let go and looked at me, "So what did you do today?"

Yes I know... It's a short chapter but yeah... Okay! I know this is in Sesshoumaru's point of view and I know that he's a guy!


I'm not a guy, so when it gets to really mushy stuff I'm switching it to third person, I am very much a girl and writing gilr/guy stuff in the guy's POV makes me feel weird. But only on some parts, I made this fic in Sesshoumaru's POV for a reason and I'm keeping that reason, but there are exceptions.

Okay since that's squared away time for the reviews!

-animegirl007: Thanks! You're on the right track! Just keep reading!

-essis: Here's my update! I'm really glad to hear that!

-MintlovesSR: I won't forget about this fic. Hehe, Rin likes smiling! In a way, I guess... Hehehe but yeah! Thank you! And yeah at first I thought that you didn't like SCL any more but yeah! Hehehe!

Anyways thank you guys for reviewing! So yeah I posted up my update! So R&R!!!