Fugen: This is...different. I just add to it every now and then, like some kinda...website? Oh well. More short chaps! (I swear, it still looks longer when I type it!)

Chapter 5: The Distance In Between

In the middle of a white void, you stand in a group of people, the ones you call our friends. You're talking and laughing together...without me. I stand apart from you, watching all of you enjoy yourselves, not even noticing that I am not with you, but still just a short distance away.

I call to you. No one, you in particular, answers. I stretch out my hand or take a step forward. You, with the others, suddenly begin to glide away from me, as if in a hurry to get away from me as quickly as possible. Why? What have I done to be avoided like this, by you. Can't you hear me? Or sense that I am near? Or is it that you do hear and sense me, but refuse to acknowledge me, much less turn toward me, at the very least.

No one wanted me born. No one wanted me to live. You were the first to refute that fact, the first to scorn and scoff it, the first to tell me that it's just the opposite. And now, in a sudden turn of face, you don't even look at me. You shut me from your mind and heart in one cold shut of the door, and I come face-to-face with the dark abyss that I drowned in when I was a child, the same one you saved me from.

Was it all a dream then? Or a heartless trick? At least answer me that question, and then answer me why.

When I awake, I hope this to be a nightmare.
