A/N: I don't own Cruel Intentions of course!

.:Chapter Four: An Idea :.

.:"I must be losing it," Kathryn muttered as she ran down the hall, away from everyone and everything. She needed to get out of there:.

.:"Hey!" a voice protested as Kathryn shoved past a young man, running out of the school building. Her breaths came long and hard, as if she'd been running a race:.

.: She leaned against a nearby tree and closed her eyes. Then she flipped out her cell phone and called for her driver to come pick her up...:.

.:"I heard you wasn't feeling well," a voice said, jolting Kathryn out of sleep. She sat up on the couch she had been laying on and glared at Cecile Caldwell:.

.:"Hooray for you," Kathryn muttered bitterly:.

.:"What in the fucking hell do you want?" she spat, brushing her fingers through her hair. Cecile bit her lower lip:.

.:"Why did you come home so early?" Cecile asked curiously:.

.:"It's none of your fucking business," Kathryn muttered. Cecile slowly shook her head:.

.:"Is it about Sebastian? If it is...well, I saw him too," Cecile confessed. Kathryn stared at Cecile for a long moment, blinking stupidly:.

.:"Excuse me?" Kathryn said, staring at Cecile in disbelief. Cecile nodded:.

.:"I saw Sebastian and Annette going to the Headmaster's office today," Cecile revealed, "After you'd ran out of the school.":.

.:"This better not be some sort of trick," Kathryn warned as she stood up, reluctant to admit that she too had saw Sebastian:.

.:"It isn't! I saw him! I nearly had a heart attack," Cecile said, clutching her throat:.

.:Maybe this isn't so bad, Kathryn thought. If Cecile has seen Sebastian... maybe I'm not crazy after all!:.

.:Finally a smile slid across Kathryn's face:.

.:"Do you have a camera?" Kathryn asked, her eyes lighting with an idea...:.
A/N: Thank you for reading! If you liked this chapter, please leave me a review and any tips you would like to contribute. Thanks again for taking your time to read this.