
Kish: O.o;

How are you all doing? I hope you enjoy this fanfiction!

Kish: I wont.

Hm, I think you will, kish..

Kish: really?? I get Ichigo in this one? You aren't being a mean megabitch and leaving me out of your fanfictions anymore???

(authoress grabs kish and ties him to a chair, ductaping his head.)

on with the story!!

I DON'T OWN ANYTHING! Except my Cool but scary phoebe!


I saw the girl and knew who she was even before I could see her face.

The new girl.

She was standing in the middle of the corridor, her long dark hair in a curtain behind her back, head lowered, smiling slightly. She seemed oblivious to the other students passing her and whispering the familiar words.

"Is she the new girl?"

"What is her name?"

I cautiously started to walk closer to her. She did look about my age, sixteen, but she had an aura about her that made her look ageless.

Her head shot up and her fiercely cold blue eyes bore into mine. Her dark purple coloured lips twisted slowly into a smile.

I almost ran away right then. This girl looked inhuman. Her skin looked so pale it seemed transparent. But her smile, unlike her eyes, seemed warm, towards me, at least. The girl tilted her head slightly and spoke in a whisper. "Ichigo. Ichigo Momomiya."

My eyes shot open. How does she know my name? I thought, becoming slightly scared. "How- how did you know my name?" I finally managed.

"I went to the reception." She said softly, in a monotonous hypnotic tone. "They told me Ichigo Momomiya was to be my tour guide."

Tour guide? I thought. Then it hit me. "Ah! I'm supposed to show you around the school? Well, great! Sure!"

The girl thrust her timetable into my hands. "As you can see, my classes are in conjunction to yours, so I hopefully wont be any bother."

I studied the small, crumpled piece of paper. All of the girl's classes WERE the same as mine.. I looked up at her and smiled. "Great! Well then, we'll go now! We have math."

The girl stayed where she was. "Don't you even want to know my name?" she said, although her voice made her sound as if she couldn't care less either way.

"Um, sure! W-"I started, but she cut in.

"My name is Phoebe. Phoebe Burnes."

"that's an unusual name," I said, not meaning to be rude. "You're not from Japan?"

"No." she smiled slightly at this assumption of her. "No, I have transferred from England."

Wow! England! I thought. "You lived there?"

"Yes." She said. She paused, and then her eyes fell on the timetable. "Shouldn't we go to math now?"

My mind clicked itself back into place. "Oh yes! Math! Right, lets go, we'll be late!" I grabbed hold of her hand and ran to our math room.


Okay, I know that chapter was short, but aren't all intro's?

Kish: no.

Will you shut up?!

Kish: no.

(rolls eyes at the sulky alien)

anyway, please review! I need at least three to continue, and each reviewer will get their questions answered at the beginning of each new chapter!!


Sakura. xx