Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of the characters.

"Let go of me Yamcha!! NOW!!!" Bulma twisted in his strong grasp. "Bulma you don't understand what's going on" Yamcha said while trying to keep the struggling Bulma from reaching the door. " I said let go! I want to leave!" sobbed a tired Bulma. "Why? Don't you love me? Please just give me another chance. Please! She means nothing to me!" Yamcha pointed at the naked blonde haired woman wrapped in his bed sheets. The woman scowled at Yamcha. " I thought you said that I was the only one for you! Who is this slut? And why are you saying that you love her?" The woman whined. Yamcha ignored her and tried to keep hold on Bulma, which was extremely hard because of her thrashing. " I HATE YOU YAMCHA! I WISH THAT YOU HAD NEVER BEEN BORN!!" With that said Bulma pulled her right hand free from his grasp and punched Yamcha. Her fist connected with his nose and he let go. Bulma took this chance and made a mad dash for the door. She threw it open and ran down the hall but as she reached the elevator and pushed the button she heard Yamcha's footsteps. "Come on. Open! Please" she muttered looking over her shoulder at the gaining Yamcha. Just as he was about to reach her she ran to the stairs. She fled down the steps and reached the door to the front of the hotel, relived that Yamcha had given up the pursuit. Bulma raced to her hover car and took off. She didn't know where she was going, nothing seemed real. She cried and cried. By the time she reached Capsule Corp. Bulma had no tears left. She walked through the backdoor throwing her keys onto the kitchen table. A note on the refrigerator told her that her parents were going to be gone for three days or more. " Great" Bulma muttered as she put the note on the counter and laid down on the sofa in the dark living room. " Just another day in paradise." " Funny, I thought living with you was just another day in hell." A gruff voice said from the armchair.

" What do you want Vegeta?" Bulma said sitting up. " I'm hungry woman." He replied. " You're always hungry. There is some food in the fridge." She said as she lay back down and closed her eyes. " Yes, but I would rather you get it." Bulma sat up again and stretched. "Fine, I'll make you some food if you'll shut up." " I want a turkey leg with gravy, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, three glasses of milk, and a chocolate cake." Vegeta smirked as the blue haired woman stared at him in wide eyed shock. "Umm OK?" Bulma got up and walked into the bright kitchen. She opened the fridge door and bent over to look for the ingredients to Vegeta's four course meal. Vegeta stood to the entry of the kitchen and enjoyed the view. He wouldn't deny that she was beautiful, it was almost impossible. He was snapped back to reality by her voice. " What are you looking at Vegeta?" Bulma asked. " Nothin' much." Vegeta replied with a smirk. " ARRGH! You pompous ass!" Bulma screamed. Vegeta chucked as he sat down, used to her never ending tirades. Bulma went to the counter and started slamming the jars and plates around muttering obscenities. Just as she was finishing the last peanut butter and jelly sandwich the phone rang. Bulma knew who it was and why they were calling at 12:30 in the morning. She stared at the phone, not sure whether to pick it up or not. She shot almost six feet in the air when Vegeta spoke. " Are you going to get that?" Bulma grabbed the phone and held it to her ear. "Hello?" "Hey babe." It was Yamcha. " Listen I know what your thinking, I'm just going to do it again. But babe I've chanĀ¾" Bulma slammed down the receiver and continued making Vegeta's dinner. The phone rang again. Bulma picked it up just to slam it down immediately. " Let me guess, Yamcha calling to suck up and crawl back into your waiting arms." Vegeta smirked. " Not this time." Bulma said quietly. " He doesn't deserve me." "He never did." Vegeta regretted these words as soon as they left his mouth. " What did you say?" asked Bulma as she turned toward him. " Nothing." Vegeta replied quickly as he stood up. He walked to the foot of the stairs when she spoke again. " Wait." Vegeta turned to look over his shoulder. " Have you ever wanted revenge?" She asked leaning on the counter." " A few times, yes." He replied. Bulma pushed off the counter and walked toward him. Vegeta turned around to face her. Bulma leaned in close until her lips were right next to his left ear. " I want revenge and I want it now." She whispered. Vegeta's face froze and he stiffened. Bulma pulled back with a little smile on her face. She had him trapped and she loved it. " If your still hungry there's food on the counter." She pushed past him and headed up the stairs.

She entered her room and closed the door behind her. She moved to window and looked up at the moon. " What have you got yourself into now girl?" She whispered. " Yes, what have you got yourself into little one?" Bulma whirled around as Vegeta closed the door to her bedroom behind him. " What do you want Vegeta?" She asked breathlessly. She hadn't expected him to follow her. Vegeta walked toward her with a malicious smirk on his face. " I thought you wanted revenge? That was what you said, wasn't it?" " Well, I mean yes and no. But listen." Vegeta wasn't going to listen. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss. He had waited so long for this. Too long. When Vegeta broke the kiss Bulma made a sound of disappointment. " You really want to go through with this don't you?" Vegeta asked, both arms locked tightly around her waist. " There's no reason for me not to." " I want you to understand something." Vegeta said. " What?" Bulma asked. " If we do this you will have to become my mate." " What is a mate?" Bulma wasn't too sure about this anymore. " A mate is the saiyan equivalent to a wife." Vegeta explained. " So you are asking me to be your wife? I thought you hated me?" Said an extremely surprised Bulma. " Woman, if I hated you I would have killed you by now." Vegeta captured Bulma's lips and dove into another passionate kiss. Vegeta picked Bulma up by her butt and she wrapped her legs around his torso. He fell onto her bed. " Bulma, there is one more thing you must know. Saiyans mate for life." Vegeta said looking at her with a sudden serious expression. " Fine with me." she replied smiling. She had found her prince and was going to live happily (with occasional fighting) ever after.

The alarm clock buzzed for the fifth time before Bulma turned it off. She yawned and stretched. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she realized that all she was wearing was a sheet. She smiled remembering last night. She then looked at the space beside her which was empty. " I should have known. He's probably out training." Bulma sat up and put her hand on her neck only to yelp in surprise. " OUCH!" She hopped out of bed, wrapping her sheet closely around her, and made her way into her bathroom. When she looked in the mirror she let out a gasp of surprise. There was a huge bite mark on the right curve of her neck. The area around the bite was bruising. Bulma's eyes became a raging blue sea. "VEGETA!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her call was met by silence. Bulma retreated from the bathroom and took out shorts, panties, and a tank top out of her drawer. She sat on the bed and hurriedly put on her clothes. Slipping into her pink flip-flops she raced down the stairs. She looked around the kitchen which was left as it had been last night. Bulma began putting the lids on the jars of food and putting things back into the refrigerator. When that was done she continued to search for Vegeta. She walked out the backdoor and was greeted with nothingness. The Gravity room was gone. There wasn't one trace of it or, so it seemed, Vegeta. "No!" Bulma breathed tears forming in her exotic eyes. "NO!" She screamed letting the tears stream down her face. Bulma spun around and fled back to the house. She flung the backdoor open and ran up the stairs. She walked down the hall, which for some reason seemed endless, and into Vegeta's room. She couldn't believe what she saw. His closet was open and when she ran to it she saw that it was free of his training clothes. She ran to his drawers and saw that his earth clothes were there. "He's really gone." She said quietly as she laid on his bed. Her tears seemed to never stop. "He said that what we had was for life."

A couple weeks later she was still throwing up and Vegeta still hadn't come back. Bulma thought that the only reason she was throwing up was because she missed him. The doctor told her differently. She was pregnant. Four weeks pregnant to be exact. Her mother was excited but her father was angry. " Bulma how could you let this happen? You are the heiress to Capsule Corp. you don't need this!" Dr. Briefs fumed. " Dad I am so sorry. I don't know what happened." Bulma said through tears. They had just gotten back from the doctor's office and were sitting in the living room of the Capsule Corp. mansion. " Guess what Bulma dear!" called Mrs. Briefs from the kitchen. " I just called Yamcha to tell him that he is going to be a father! He said he would be over very soon." " WHAT!" Bulma stood up immediately letting a fearful expression come to her face. " Mother why did you do that? He didn't need to know!" Bulma screamed. " Of course he does! He should know that he is having a child and that he has to marry you before this spreads around town!" Dr. Briefs said. " You don't understand! Yamcha is not the father of my baby!" Bulma said sitting down again and putting her head in her hands. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN YAMCHA'S NOT THE FATHER!!" Dr. Briefs roared. This frightened Bulma because he had never raised his voice to her like this. " Well, who is the father Bulma?" Her mother asked as she entered the living room with some herbal tea for her daughter. " Vegeta." Bulma whispered almost inaudibly. " Excuse me?" asked Dr. Briefs lowering his head so he could hear his daughter. Bulma snapped her head up, tears forgotten, and screamed " VEGETA! VEGETA KNOCKED ME UP DAD. IT WAS VEGETA." Dr. Briefs opened his eyes wide with shock and Bulma's mother gasped. Bulma stood up quickly and ran from the room. She raced up the stairs, past her room, and into Vegeta's room. She slammed the door behind her and locked it. Bulma walked into the middle of the room and collapsed. She lay curled up in a ball racking with sobs and whispering Vegeta's name over and over again. She stayed like this for an hour rubbing her stomach and talking to herself. When she finally stopped crying she heard voices in the hall. One belonged to her mother and the other belonged too........Yamcha? 'No! Why is he here?' Bulma thought to herself. She heard her mother go back downstairs but Yamcha stayed. Bulma stood up when she heard Yamcha knock on the door. "Bulma I know your in there! Please open up. I just want to talk." Yamcha said. Bulma hesitated for a moment and then went to unlocked the door. She stepped out and closed the door behind her.

" What do you want Yamcha?" Bulma asked. " I took a little detour before coming here. I got you some baby stuff." Yamcha said with a hopeful glint in his eyes. " Thank you Yamcha." She said as she looked at the bags of baby toys and diapers in his hands. "But I cant accept this. I'm sorry." Bulma handed the bags back to Yamcha. Yamcha frowned. " Babe, this is our kid. My kid. And now we can get married and I will promise to always be faithful. I do!" he said. " Didn't my mother and father tell you?" she asked. " Yeah, your mom called and said that I was gonna be a daddy!" Yamcha beamed. " No Yamcha. My mother assumed that I was carrying your baby. It's Vegeta's child Yamcha." Bulma jumped as Yamcha dropped the bags. " I see. I won't bother you again Bulma. Have a nice life." Yamcha whispered before he walked down the stairs and out the door. " Yeah" she muttered. " A nice life. Without the man of my dreams." She picked the bags up and carried them to her room.

Seven and a half months later Vegeta still hadn't come back. Bulma had given up hope a long time ago of him ever coming back. She yawned and stretched. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she looked down at her ever growing stomach and smiled. " I will never get all this weight off." She chuckled to herself. Bulma swung her legs over the side of her Queen sized bed. She breathed deeply and pushed off of the mattress and onto the floor. She went into the bathroom and started the water for her shower. She took off her nightgown and stepped into the shower stall. The cool water rushed down her body and awoke her sleepy form. Bulma stepped out of the shower and wrapped a large towel around her body. She wrung her hair out in the sink and walked into her room. She picked out a sundress that her mother had bought for her from a maternity shop in town. Bulma combed her hair and dried it. Then she went down stairs to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. Bulma got a glass out of the cabinet and opened the fridge. She took out a pitcher of orange juice and poured some into the glass. Just as she closed the refrigerator door she heard a huge splash and felt something wet on her barefeet. Her water had broken. "Oh Kami!" She said. "MOM! MOM WHERE ARE YOU?" Bulma screamed as she began to cry. " What's the matter Bulma dear?" came her mothers reply as she descended down the stairs. Mrs. Briefs saw what was wrong as she reached the bottom step and saw the fluids that were pooled around her daughter's feet. " Oh dear!" she cried. " Mom what am I supposed to do? I'm a month early! What if the baby's not ok? WHERE THE HELL IS VEGETA!!!" Bulma cried. " We have to get you to the hospital dear." " OOOAAAHH" Bulma screamed as a contraction hit her hard. " We have to get you into the car and take you to the hospital." Mrs. Briefs said rushing over to her daughter. Mrs. Briefs grabbed her daughter by the shoulders and led her to the front door. "AARRGH!" Bulma screamed again as another contraction pounded her. Mrs. Briefs threw open the door and tried to haul her screaming daughter out of it. Bulma kept screaming all the way to the car. As Mrs. Briefs started the car she ducked as Bulma screamed even louder. " MOM I THINK HE'S COMING!" Bulma felt as if she was being ripped apart. " Hold on dear we will be there in a minute. It seemed like forever for both Bulma and her mother. They got to the hospital just in time. The nurses rushed up to the screaming Bulma and asked what she needed. Bulma grabbed one of the nurses by the shirt front and screamed " I'M HAVING A BABY! WHAT DO YOU THINK I WANT?" At that moment her doctor who had been notified of her arrival came with a gurney. A couple nurses helped her onto it and led her down the hallway and too the delivery room. " Breath deep Miss Briefs. Nice deep breaths." said the doctor calmly. They reached the delivery room when the baby decided he wanted out.

"OOOHH MY KAMI!!!" Bulma screamed. "One more big push Bulma. You're doing great." said the doctor. " Yes, dear you're doing wonderful." Mrs. Briefs said wincing in pain as her daughter practically crushed all the bones in her hand. " I see the head." said the doctor. "UHH!" breathed Bulma as a nurse wiped her sweaty forehead with a cool cloth. " Don't push Bulma." the doctor told her. " I have to!" she screamed. " You can't. Just wait a couple more seconds." the doctor said. " It hurts." Bulma told him. "OK Bulma on three I want you to push. Ready? One, Two, Three!" "UUUGHHHHAAAAAH!" Bulma screamed as she pushed with all her might. Then Bulma heard the most beautiful sound. Her newborn baby boy cried. She laid her had back against the pillow breathing hard. She closed her eyes and cried. ' Vegeta, where are you? I thought you would come. But you didn't? Why? Why didn't you come?' Bulma thought to herself. " Here you are Miss Briefs. Your beautiful baby boy. It's so weird. He is a month premature and extremely healthy." The doctor handed the freshly cleaned child wrapped in a blue blanket to Bulma. " Good job dear. You did so well!" Bulma's mother exclaimed. The doctor, midwifes, and the nurses filed out of the room and left Bulma and her mother to themselves. Bulma stared down at her beautiful son and tears filled her eyes. "What's wrong dear?" her mother asked. " Mama?" Bulma asked. " Yes, baby?" " Where do you suppose Vegeta is?" Mrs. Briefs took a deep breath. " I don't know Bulma. I am sure he is OK though." " Do you think he will come soon?" Bulma asked her mother with a hopeful glint in her eyes. Her mother looked away knowing that her eyes would betray her words. " Of course he will dear. Now you just get yourself some rest." Mrs. Briefs fixed her daughter's blankets and kissed her on her forehead. Bulma lay back and her mother walked to the door and turned out the lights. Mrs. Briefs turned to look at her daughter before walking out of the door. Bulma closed her eyes and held her baby boy close to her and settled down for a nap.

Vegeta waited a couple minutes after Bulma's mother left before he opened the window and stepped into the room. He walked over to the bed and looked down at his woman and the small bundle that held his brat. She was sleeping soundly. Oh Kami how he missed seeing her beautiful face. He watched Bulma give birth to their son while hovering outside the window. She handled her labor better than he thought she would, considering that she wasn't a saiyan. He felt a pang of guilt because he had left her to deal with this alone. But he couldn't stay. It would have been impossible to train if he had. He was here now though. Standing in the hospital room, battle suit all bloody and torn. He didn't care because he finally did it. Vegeta, the Prince of All Saiyans, was a Super Saiyan. As he was thinking of all that he had done while he was gone Vegeta noticed that his son was staring wide eyed at him. His son reminded him so much of Bulma and, maybe, just a little bit of himself. Trunks. His son, Trunks. Trunks continued to stare at his father with growing curiosity. Vegeta must have stayed like that for a half an hour, just looking at his son. Vegeta's train of thought was disrupted as his woman stirred. Bulma mumbled something incoherently and opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred out of exhaustion and sleep, but she could have sworn she saw Vegeta. Bulma rubbed her eyes and paled as if she had seen a ghost. 'No, it can't be.' Bulma thought. 'Could it?' "V-V- Vegeta? Is that you?" " Of course it is you silly woman." Vegeta replied. "OH" Bulma sobbed. " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! I THOUGHT THAT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" Tears began streaming down her face and Trunks began to cry. Vegeta was expecting this but stepped back in surprise. Had she really thought he would leave her. "Did you really think I would leave you forever woman? You're my mate!" Vegeta said sitting on the side of her bed. " What am I supposed to think when you leave me for the better part of a year, Vegeta?" The baby Trunks kept screaming and Bulma kept sobbing, with all the noise Vegeta's sensitive ears couldn't handle much more. " Woman! Listen to me! I would never leave you forever nor will I ever leave you again." Bulma stopped crying and she locked eyes with Vegeta. Trunks became still in Bulma's arms." Promise?" Bulma asked. As an answer to her question Vegeta tilted her chin up with his hand and kissed her. Bulma closed her eyes as he sucked on her top lip and then moved on to her bottom one. They were so engrossed in their reunion that they did not here Bulma's mother and father come in. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!" shouted Dr. Briefs. Bulma and Vegeta immediately broke the kiss. "Dad what are you doing here?" questioned Bulma. " Yes, old man, what are you doing here?" Vegeta asked smirking and crossing his arms while standing up. " HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE HERE AGAIN AFTER YOU GOT MY DAUGHTER PREGANANT AND LEFT HER FOR PRACTICALLY A YEAR!" Dr Briefs was red in the face and steam was practically coming out of is ears. " Daddy-" Bulma started but was cut short by Vegeta. " Listen old man why I was gone is nobody's business but my mate's and mine." Vegeta stated, a flash of rage running through his features. "Now calm down dear there is some explanation for this." said Mrs. Briefs rubbing her husbands shoulders, trying to calm him. "There better be!" yelled Dr. Briefs breathing sharply. Bulma adjusted herself so that she was sitting up. "Daddy, it doesn't matter where Vegeta was. All that does matter is that he came." Bulma said cradling Trunks in her arms and looking up at Vegeta. " You came." Bulma whispered staring at him. " Yes," Vegeta said staring back. " I did." Vegeta then leaned down once more and, not caring that her parents were there, kissed Bulma on the lips. He kissed her long and hard, to show her that he was there to stay forever. She knew this now and she felt safe and protected. Mrs. Briefs pulled her husband out of the room and left the two alone again. Vegeta broke away and said " Shall we?" " Lets shall." replied Bulma with a smile. With that Vegeta lifted his small family and flew out the window and into the air. Capsule Corp. was just in site when Bulma said, "Vegeta, why did you come back?" Vegeta didn't look at her. " I came back because this is my home. You and the brat are the only thing I have left. That's why I came." and with that, Vegeta flew at top speed back toward Capsule Corp.


This is my first Fic so please be gentle with me! -! Please Review I would like to hear what you guys think of it.
Much Love,
Lillian Rose