Disclaimer: I don't own Jimmy Neutron! :O You are shocked, yes?

Author's Notes: Just to warn you before hand, I was far too lazy to write real speeches so you just get the ends to both, DEAL WITH IT! ;) Also, the entire fic has been completed and I've just separated it into three parts of equal lengths for easier reading so the rest should be up either today or tomorrow. I hope you enjoy! :D

Part I

"And so, in closing, when in doubt, always square the quantitative root."

Jimmy Neutron, resident boy genius of Retroville, USA and Limburg High School valedictorian bowed smugly before turning back towards his seat. Light applause from those still conscious awoke a sleeping Sheen.

"HUH!?! WHAT HAPPENED!?! WADDA I MISS!?" Sheen squealed, sitting up so suddenly his blue graduation cap flew off into the row behind him. Before the tall black girl sitting beside him could get out so much as an irritated "Sheen!", a cool voice answered his question.

"Just another trademark Neutron snore fest," a lanky blonde breathed from behind as the applause began to die off. "Nothing of any importance."

Carl Wheezer jumped in surprise, turning around to face the speaker. "Cindy!" he gasped, ruffling frantically through his robes to locate his inhaler, "Where'd you come from!?"

Cindy Vortex rolled her eyes. "I've been sitting here the entire time, Wheezer," she sighed. She ignored him and watched with slight amusement, Libby, who was smiling sweetly to the two seniors behind her before picking up her boyfriend's hat and slamming it back down on his pointy head. Now that Sheen's hat was now safely resting on his noggin, Libby turned her attention to her best friend.

"Shouldn't you be up there?" she asked uninterestedly, straightening her graduation cap over her dozens of tiny braids for the thousandth time that day.

Cindy nodded, too anxious watching their principle for her cue to notice the apathy in her friend's voice. "Any second now."

"…SGA president and salutatorian, Cindy Vortex!"

The lanky blonde smirked deviously before standing. Slowly, she uncrossed her legs, allowing her tiny white heels to hit the floor. With two hands, she straightened out her robe before walking confidently to the podium. With every poised step her heels clicked on the concrete stage and her robe open partially to reveal long legs and a knee-length white skirt.

"Beat that, Vortex," Jimmy whispered as she passed. Without stopping or looking back, she gave a challenging smile.

"I intend to."

But she didn't just intend to, she knew for a fact that James Isaac Neutron was going down. There were few things in life that she could honestly, fairly, and fully beat Jimmy Neutron at and writing speeches, was one of them. She had not only spent weeks preparing the speech but spent months convincing Principle Lombardy that as Student Government president and salutatorian, she was entitled to give a speech as well. After all, this would be her final chance to show up her arch rival, and she had always planned to have the last laugh.

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a handful of perfectly stacked pink notecards. She took a deep breath and gazed into the crowd. There, in the front row, where her parents should have been, were two empty seats. But as usual, she distracted herself with a raging need for competition. She smiled, cleared her throat, and gave a deep breath. She looked once at Jimmy. Get ready to be knocked off your feet, Neutron.

"To conclude, remember that Ghandi once said, 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world' and he was right. In front of us are the politicians, the scientists, the teachers, the revolutionists of tomorrow. We are the future. We canchange the world and because we can, we must. It is our job, our responsibility, our burden, all of us. We must work together, fight together, suffer together, if only die together, but to die together in a stronger, loving world." she finished at last.

She lifted her eyes from her notecards and onto the silent crow. For the first time since she had begun her speech, Cindy was suddenly afraid that Jimmy might have beaten her. Her fear didn't last long though, as the crowd began applauding widely, giving her speech a standing ovation.

She walked contently back to her seat.

"Well, thank you Ms.Vortex," Principle Lombardy fumbled, surprised by Cindy's audacity. "I guess that concludes our ceremony. Congratulations graduates, you have just completed high school!"

The graduates erupted in happiness. A hundred hats flew spontaneously into the air. There were screams, cat calls, and tears. Bruce, ecstatic to have finally made it through high school, ripped off his robe and straight through his shirt, let out a giant roar, and submerged Principle Lombardy in a mammoth hug. Sheen grinned widely and surprised Libby with an enthusiastic kiss.

Cindy, hoping to give Libby a hug of congratulations, could only watch the couple enviously, having not even her parents there to greet her. With a bitter smile, she threw her hat lightly into the air. She didn't stay solemn for too long, as Bruce, insane with joy, came charging up to her, yelled a loud "WOOOOHOOOOO!!!" and gave her large embrace. Coughing on his heavy cologne and struggling to get free, Cindy couldn't help but break into laughter.

As the parents began to filter on the stage, Jimmy was surrounded.

"Jimbo, my good man!" his father called out, patting him hard on the back, "Great speech, my boy, great speech. Really, riveting…especially that part…about that thing…yes...that part was…did I mention it was riveting? But that Vortex girl! Wooowee! She showed you up big time!"

"Hugh!" Judy interrupted with narrowed eyes. She looked sweetly at her son, now almost as tall as she. "What your father means to say is that you both did very well. We're so proud of you Jimmy." She hugged Jimmy softly as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Uh, thanks Mom," Jimmy blushed, quickly looking around to make sure no one was watching this embarrassing moment.

"My…baby…boy...is…all…grown…up!!!" Ms. Neutron began bawling, squeezing Jimmy tighter and tighter.

"MOM!" Jimmy yelled desperately. "Mom! I can't breath! LET GO!"

"Oh," Judy said thoughtfully as she regained composure, letting Jimmy go, and wiping some tears from her eyes. "It's just well, you know…" she sniffled, giving Jimmy one last hug.

Jimmy smiled understandingly. "Yeah, I know. I love you guys too." Awkwardly, he wrapped his arms around both his parents and gave a tight squeeze.

As Mr. and Mrs. Neutron became distracted by the loud arrival of the Wheezers, Jimmy allowed his gaze to fall upon Cindy. While the other graduates greeted excited friends and family, she stood alone, fiddling around with her program in an awkward attempt to make herself look busy.

"Oh yes, we're very excited too.." Ms. Neutron said, her eyes drifting over to her sons. "If you'll excuse us for just a minute?"

Before the Wheezers could respond, Judy had grabbed the arms of both her boys and dragged them to their next destination. "Cindy, dear," Ms. Neutron started. Cindy perked up suddenly and turned to find not her mother, but Judy Neutron, standing before her. She slumped down a little, giving a weak smile.

"Your speech was just lovely," Judy continued sweetly. "Really beautiful. You did an excellent job."

"Boy howdy it was!" Mr. Neutron added excitedly. "Mr. Quacker's sure thought so too! Didn't ya Mr.Quackers!" Pulling a small plush duck from his pocket, Hugh nodded it up and down and added an enthusiastic "QUACK! QUACK!" Jimmy remained silent, covering his face with his hands.

"Uh, thanks Ms. and Mr. Neutron," Cindy said, giving Mr. Neutron a perplexed look, and in an unprecedented act of kindness, added, "Jimmy's was really good too."

Instantly, Jimmy's jaw dropped open. "Cindy," he gasped accusingly, his blue eyes wide, "Did you just give me a compliment?"

Cindy's face flashed red. "Yeah…yeah! So what if I did!?" she said defensively. Had she really? She hadn't meant to. It had just felt like the right thing to say.

"I think it was very sweet of her," Ms. Neutron reprimanded. She threw a disciplinary glare at her son. She turned to Cindy, her voice soft. "It's a shame your parents missed your speech Cindy, I'm sure they would have been very proud."

Cindy gave a forced smile. No, she thought bitterly, they wouldn't have cared. "Thanks Ms. Neutron." An awkward silence followed with Ms. Neutron smiling at her a little too sympathetically. "Uh…I guess I should better get going. I'm sure you all have a lot of people to talk to…so, thanks again…Bye."

As the teenage girl turned to leave, Jimmy opened his mouth to stop her. "Cindy," Ms. Neutron called. As she turned back, Jimmy closed his mouth, looking away. Why had he been trying to stop her? What had he intended to say? He was suddenly glad his mother had spoken before him.

"We were planning to stop by the Taco Shanty on our way home to celebrate. We'd love it if you could join us," Ms. Neutron offered, still smiling.

"I, uh…" Cindy stumbled. Surprised by the offer, she looked automatically at Jimmy, who was giving a look of distress to his mother.

"No," she decided coldly, glaring threateningly at Jimmy. "No. I think I'll pass. Thanks Ms. Neutron." She pushed violently by the boy genius. "Later, Nerdton," she hissed.

Jimmy looked up at his mom, confused about Cindy's reaction. "It's just…I thought we were going to the Candy Bar?"


"So, still planning on gracing us with your presence at the party?" Libby asked from the opposite side of the telephone. She giggled slightly as Sheen amused himself by seeing how long he could hold his headstand. "Cut it out Sheen," she laughed playfully.

Cindy rolled her eyes from the other side of the phone line. "I'm not sure Libs…" she admitted, moving over to her bed and straightening out the green dress she had laying across it. She paused. "Is Neutron going to be there?"

Libby sighed, turning over to face the ceiling. "You know Cindy, you need to get over this whole, 'hating Jimmy' thing. It's time for both of you to grow up. As much as you hate to admit it, you're close enough friends that you really are going to miss each other. Once we all head off to college and go our separate ways, you might never see each other again. You might as well make amends now, so you don't have to regret it later."

Cindy looked stunned. She hadn't really thought about it like that. Blushing, she sat down on her bed. "…Yeah, I guess you might be right."

"No, not 'might be right' I am right," Libby grinned, glad to see that her friend was actually considering giving up her eternal feud with Jimmy Neutron. Cindy heard a loud crash in the background.

"SHEEN!" Libby squealed. "Look Cindy, I've got to go, but I better see you at the party, alright?"

"Alright…" Cindy conceded to the receiver, but Libby had already hung up the phone. Cindy smiled wirily, imagining the kind of stupid thing Sheen must have done to cause a sound like that. She sighed. She honestly didn't understand how Libby could stand that boy. Sure, he had his cute moments, but they were far outnumbered by his stupid, moronic, immature, and completely brain dead moments.

Growing up, Libby and Cindy never settled for anything less than the best. Now, as legal adults, Cindy assumed that they would settle for nothing less than the perfect boyfriend, and Sheen Estevez was far from perfect. Still, through plenty of past experience, Cindy knew that finding the perfect guy was a nearly impossible task. Maybe Libby was right to put up with Sheen's more annoying characteristics if it meant allowing herself to be with someone she truly cared about.

Cindy looked at her dark green dress once more. She smiled slightly. There was no use in letting it go to waste. She slipped out of her graduation gown and the skirt and shirt underneath, and pulled on her new dress. The smooth, rippling fabric fell gently over her skin and clung to all the right places. She reached behind her neck and tied the two thin strings around her neck before turning around to view herself in the mirror. A mischievous grin spread across her face. Maybe she would go to the party after all.