Disclaimer:: I don't own J.K. Rowling's stuff or any of her characters, plot, and whatnot. I do own Madison however!

Author Note: This is my first G/D fanfic and my second fanfic ever. I have been reading fanfics for like ever and I hope you like it!

Virginia Weasley stood in front of her full-length mirror, studying her image. She cocked her head to the side before letting a sly smile slip on her lips. Ginny was no longer a little girl. All traces of the timid eleven year old girl were dashed away replaced with that of a breathtaking woman.

"Virginia dear, you look very mature," her mirror commented. It was true. Even though she was aged only at 16, Virginia Weasley had finally picked up a little of the Weasley growth spurt and climbed up to 5 ½ feet. Her long red hair was no longer just a family souvenir, but darker now. It now hung to the middle of her back soft curls. Her caramel colored eyes sparkled mysteriously, accenting her porcelain white skin. Along with the rest of her preteen self gone, her once round face was replaced with a more feminine cut, with her high cheekbones more visible. Her freckles, thankfully, had softened over the years, leaving just a fine polish of them running over her nose and cheeks. And indeed, the last few years of playing Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team had done her body well, leaving her with a slim figure. Her long legs, toned stomach, and generous cleavage provided her a body that boys drooled over, something she had noticed on her trip to Diagon Alley for school supplies. And now she finally had the proper dress to go with her new body as well. No more hand-me-downs that drowned her. Not anymore.

Over the summer, unbelievably bored and desperate for money, she had taken up a summer job at Madame Malkins in Diagon Alley after she had picked up her Appartion License she had received early. In turn, she was paid generously, and given free robes and clothing every month when they restocked. But the best thing was meeting her best friend, Madison. Madison and her family had just moved over from San Diego, California to a home close to Ginny's. Madison had taken up a job at Madame Malkins, I hope of also earning some cash and meeting some new students, in turn meeting Ginny. The girls were incredibly close sharing everything from secrets to handbags. This year, Madison would be joining Hogwarts as a seventh year. Ginny too was seventh year now. Due to her outstanding scores on owls in her fifth year, Headmaster Dumbledore had bumped her up to seventh year, so she could graduate with her brother. But Ron, thick as he was, was too busy snogging Hermione upstairs when their mum made the announcement over dinner. Well, it should be a nasty shock for him when I show up...

"Ginny!" Ginny snapped back into reality when she heard her brother's heavy footsteps on the stairs. He stormed into her room, slightly pink in the face from running up the steps. "Are you trying to make us late for the train? DO you take bloody long enough?"

"Ronald! Language!" Her mother scolded from downstairs.

Ginny smirked at him and retorted, "Don't you have anything better to do than reprimand me? Like snogging Hermione?"

Ron opened his mouth and then shut it quickly and turned away quickly, slamming the door as he retreated down the stairs. Ginny knew she shouldn't get him all worked up, but she couldn't resist. It was just too easy. Ginny, clad in her flannel pajama bottoms and tank top, shook her head, smiling. She walked over to her packed trunk and shuffled through it. She pulled out a blue jean miniskirt and snow-white cashmere top, sleeveless. She pulled off her pajamas and slid on her selection of clothing. She stepped back in front of the mirror.

"Virginia! We are leaving now!" Her mother yelled up the stairs.

"Alright Mum! I'll be right there!" Deciding she looked alright, she grabbed and brush and tugged it through her hair, deciding to leave it down for time's sake. She grabbed a clear lip-gloss from her trunk and ran it over her rosy pink lips and threw it back in her trunk.

"Ginny! Get your arse down here!" She heard Ron yell at her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a pair of modest white heels, slipping them on her feet and she bolted up her trunk. She took one last look it the mirror, smacking her lips, and grabbed her trunk, lugging it down the stairs. She smiled as she heard her mother tell off her brother for his tongue. I suppose it is a good thing that Mum doesn't hear me and Maddy, she thought to herself as she came down the stairs. As she took the last step down and into the kitchen, she brushed her hair out of her face and pulled it towards the Ministry car they had received. She pulled it toward the back of the car and lifted her trunk into the back. Just as she did, Ron came around the back to put his trunk in but stopped and stared at her.

"Ginny! What the hell do you think you are wearing?" Ron asked as he stood with his mouth hanging slightly open. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Um, clothes, Ron," Ginny answered, walking away, leaving Ron behind her.

"Or lack of!" Ron said, still not having bothered to shut his mouth.

"Ron, I am not an eleven year old girl anymore. I've grown up and so should you," Ginny said, not bothering to get her temper flared up. She needed to save her energy for the following nine months. Just then, Hermione and Harry came out.

"Harry, Hermione, what do you think of what my sister is wearing?"

Hermione shrugged and Harry said nothing only further angering Ron. "She should not be wearing that! She is my baby sister!"

Ginny sighed and glared over at Ron. "First of all Ron, I am not your 'baby sister' and I have a name okay? Second, it is not your job to monitor what I wear! Now drop it!"

Ginny scowled once more in his direction and climbed into the car, sitting in the corner.

Ginny stood unhappily, crunched in her crying mother's arms. "My baby's last year. She's so smart. Oh I cannot believe it!"

Ginny let her mother hold her for a few seconds longer, before she pulled herself out. "Mum, I love you, but I really should go."

"Oh yes, of course. Have a great year dear!" Her mum said, dabbing the sides of her eyes before stepping back. Ginny turned to her father and pulled him into a hug.

"Bye Daddy. I'll owl you soon, alright?" Ginny said, pulling back.

"Alright Gin-bean," he said, using the nickname some of the older men in her family called her. "Take care."

"I will. Goodbye!" She said, waving at them before stepping in through the barrier.

Once through, she let out a breath and looked around for Madison. Finally she spotted the brunette in question.

"Maddy!" She squealed, engulfing her best friend in a hug. She stepped back and looked over her friend. Madison had the looks of a beauty queen. She had curly chocolate brown hair that went about shoulder length and deep blue eyes that made you long for the ocean. She had tanned skin from living in California and a feminine face. She stood about 5'3" and also had a toned body, playing Beater on her Quidditch team at the Salem Witch Institute. And Ginny couldn't have been happier to see her.

"Gin-Gin! Oh my god! I haven't seen you, in like, forever!" Madison said, giving Ginny another hug.

"Maddy, it's only been a few weeks," Ginny said, laughing.

"I know, but it seems like forever without your best friend!" She replied, as the girls started walking, pulling their trunks along.

"Tell me about it! Especially when you are surrounded by brothers!" Ginny said pulling her trunk on the train as Madison followed suit.

"I wouldn't know," She answered. "But I sort of don't think I'd mind being around your brother Charlie."

"Maddy! Eww! Come on!" Ginny said, pretending to be disturbed. But with Madison doubled over in laughter, Ginny joined in. She definitely belongs in Slytherin. They felt the train jerk to life and knew they were on their way to Hogwarts.

Draco Malfoy pushed his way through the barrier and scowled upon seeing the masses of students spread around everywhere. How was he ever supposed to find Blaise in this mess? Draco Malfoy had definitely changed over the past few years. He stood at 6ft tall now, and his body was muscular from Quidditch. His gray eyes were still piercing but not as hate-filled as they were before. His platinum hair hung in his eyes now, having dismissed the gel long ago. As almost every single girl in Hogwarts put it, Draco Malfoy was hot.

Finally, he spotted his best friend over the crowd, his height being a definite advantage. He strode over, pulling his suitcase behind him. He looked over his best friend as he greeted him with a friendly handshake. Blaise was another boy whom girls adored. He had jet black hair hung in his eyes and sea-green eyes, unlike the bright green ones Potter possessed. He was tall as well at 5'10" and was also on the Quidditch team making his also muscular. He also had a good sense of summer that managed to entertain even Draco.

"How was your summer, Draco? Warm and cozy over at the ol' Malfoy Manor?" He asked as they walked toward the train doors. Draco turned his head in Blaise's direction.

"Are we talking about the same Malfoy Manor?" He asked, smirking. "How about yours?"

"It was fine I suppose. You heard that my father went to Azkaban. Again," Blaise said, shaking his head. "Really a relief to have him out."

"Yeah I suppose so. I know I have had my best summers without my father at our house," he said, stopping in front of the door and picking up his trunk.

"Yeah," Blaise answered. Draco went in the train and waited for Blaise to come up.

"Oi, Draco, come here for a minute," Blaise said with his head still out the door. Draco sighed and dropped his trunk, stepping outside the door. "Check out those girls."

Draco rolled his eyes and looked over, but was pleasantly surprised by what he saw. Two beautiful women stood walking with their trunks behind them smiling and laughing with each other.

"Draco, check out the brunette," Blaise said, his eyes glued. But Draco was watching the redhead. She's gorgeous, he thought. But where does that hair come from? Ah, the youngest Weasley. Well, this should be an interesting year. He smirked and tapped Blaise on the shoulder and the two of them pulled back into the train, both of their minds still on the girls.

A few hours later, Ginny and Madison were sitting in their compartments, laughing merrily.

"What is this?" Madison asked, skeptically with a smile on her face, holding up a Chocolate Frog.

"A chocolate frog, hence the name," Ginny giggled. "You don't have sweets like this in the U.S.?"

"Not really," she said, pulling it out of the bag and popping it in her mouth. She nodded her head in approval and Ginny laughed.

Suddenly, their compartment door slid open, letting in Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Parvati, Harry's girlfriend of last year and present girlfriend. Ron looked angry; his face was very red and he advanced on Ginny.

"We have been looking everywhere for you! We have searched the entire train for you!"

Ginny simply sat there, unfazed by his yelling. "Well, next time I suppose I'll sign the roster so you don't worry."

Ron face grew even redder and Hermione pulled him back to try and soothe him. Ginny and Madison looked at each other and tried to stifle a giggle. "Well, um, Maddy, this is my brother Ron, his best friend Harry, his girlfriend Hermione, and Harry's girlfriend Parvati. Everyone this is my best friend Madison Baker."

"Hi everyone," Madison said politely as everyone murmured hellos.

"Well, now that we found you we'll be leaving now, right Ron?" Hermione said softly. Ron didn't move so everyone turned around to leave. "Nice to meet you Madison."

"Awkward," Madison said, after they had all left. Ginny nodded, smiling.

"Well, I have to use the loo. I'll be right back, alright?" She said. Madison nodded and Ginny got up, sliding out the compartment door.

She walked down the aisle, not really paying attention. Suddenly, she crashed into something really hard and fell down on the ground.

"Watch where you're going, Weaselette," she heard a familiar drawl spit out. She knew it was her fault but she wasn't about to admit it. And she wasn't going to take any crap this year.

"Why are you so sure it was I? Perhaps, if you took your head out of your arse, you could watch where you were going," she said, giving a small smirk and pushing past him. Draco stood there, fazed by what happened. When he finally came back to reality, he too smirked. A very interesting year indeed.