Chapter 13 Let's play

Harry lowered his head and looked at the floor.

"Yes,sir." He whispered

A satisfied grin appeared on the potions master's face when Harry finally started to play along.

Raising an eyebrow, Snape enquired "What was that Potter, I couldn't hear you. Speak up!"

"Yes, sir. I believe you have to teach me a lesson."

Harry was getting more and more aroused by the second. He suddenly remembered every little detail from his fantasy and he couldn't wait to find out how his Professor was going to act it out.

Severus stepped behind his lover and let his fingers trail along his chest. Harry had come down without his robes, which gave the man easy access to the boy's firm stomach which he caressed lovingly. Arriving at the boy's nipples he scratched them, illiciting a moan from his companion.

Slowly, he guided the boy over to his desk, made him turn around and pressed his back down until Harry's lay sprawled on the surface.

"Is that what you want? What do you want Harry? Do want to feel me? Do you want me to make you moan, to make you scream? What is it that you want, Harry, tell me."

After getting rid of the boy's shirt he focused his attention back on the youth's nipples shortly and then he let his hands wander down, until they reached their destination between Harry's legs, where they started kneading his erection softly.

A low moan escaped Harry's lips as he closed his eyes, his breath coming in short pants.

Severus tilted the boy's chin upwards and slightly kissed his glistening lips. Only inches away from his ear he asked again in a low, rumbling voice

"What do you want, Harry?"

Harry moaned his answer as Severus squeezed his cock a little harder.

"You, sir. I want you. I want to feel you, to feel you inside. I want to feel you coming while your cock is buried inside me. I've wanted this for so long now. I've dreamt about this."

"Have you? It seems you will be sorely disappointed Mr. Potter. Did you forget, you are here for me to teach you a lesson or do you think you won't need that anymore, Harry?"

He twisted Harry's nipples harder than before, making him gasp.

"No, sir. Please teach me!" the young man moaned.

After a last, lighter tweak, his hands completely left Harry's body, making the boy sigh with the loss. He took a step back and towered over him, taking his dishevelled form in.


Snape made Harry stand up again, then he walked to his couch and sat down to watch.

"Strip." He commanded.

Harry hurried to comply, only tob e interrupted again.

"Slowly. I want to see everything."

Harry lowered his eyes and nodded obediently.

"Yes, sir."

Slowly, like he had been told, Hary stripped until only his shorts remained.

Taking a deep breath he tugged the garment down and straightened again, his eyes searchning for Severus', a kinky smile on his face.

"Do I get my lesson now, Professor?"

Snape inhaled sharply before motioning Harry to come to him. When the boy started to walk to him on shaky legs, he stopped him however.

"Crawl to me." He drawled.

Ignoring the twitch his cock gave, Harry went down on his hands and knees and crawled to his lover, his eyes never leaving the floor. He stopped, when he felt a hand caress his head affectionately, then urging him up, onto the couch.

"Lie down. Bottom up."

Hurrying to comply, Harry lay face down over Severus lap, feeling the man's hands on him immediatly. Cool, elegant fingers stroked along his spine, making him shiver in anticipation.

Harry almost yelped when the first, stinging slap landed on his bare buttocks.

"Count." Came the low command from above him.

Harry nodded "Yes, sir. One, sir."

The next slap made him realise that his erection was rubbing along Snape's thighs with every stroke.

"Two, sir." He moaned.

Severus hand came down on Harry's bottom, again and again, always varying the time span between each slap, sometimes caressing the reddening cheeks before striking again.

When Harry yelled "Fifteen, sir!" he was almost sobbing.

His ass was on fire and his erection felt like it would burst any moment now.

Then suddenly the spanking stopped and there were cool lips kissing his flaming cheeks.

The sensation made another drop of precum leak into the cloth of Snape's trousers, adding to the growing damp spot there.

"You liked that Harry, didn't you?" came the smug question near his head.

Harry could only moan and try not to come from hearing that voice alone.

"Gods, yes!"


Me likes kinky stuff, me likes kinky stuff, dumdidumdidum…

*dances around the room*

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*hugs* MD