Changing Hearts , Changing Friends , Changing Houses

Pairing : Harry/Snape

Disclaimer : Nothing´s mine just the plot and all these little bad images running through my head.

Rating: M+

Chapter 1

Sweet Dreams are made of...WHAT?

Gentle hands were touching his face, drawing soft lines over his closed his eyes.

They were moving along his jaw then to his neck and suddenly they grabbed him with force , but he knew they wouldn't harm him .

Then they tore his robes open and left him naked and panting on the sheets.

They stroked in a feathery touch along his chest and every now and then they made him cry out in ecstasy when they paid attention to his nipples.

He was squirming but he couldn't move any more. Now there were those burning lips occupying the lower parts of his body and made him moan loudly.

He pressed his head so hard into the sheets, one could think he wanted to drown himself in them.

He felt hot, hotter than he had ever felt in his whole life, his body, however was trembling with arousal and his muscles were tense in anticipation.

He needed to lift his head to see the face of his torturer who gave him this bittersweet bliss, then he opened his eyes and saw ......

With a small cry, Harry jerked awake, breathing harshly, sweat dripping over his forehead.

What kind of dream had that been?

He was well aware of his dreams including male partners, he had those quite frequently.

They always had sexual content mostly but he never dreamt of .....of HIM!

That was so sick, sick, sick!

He flopped back onto the bed and sighed heavily .

"Something's wrong with me ! The man who tries to make my life hell of all people is turning me on?!"

He closed his eyes and rolled onto his side, that was when he realized he was painfully hard.

"No that's not true. Not that too. I'M NOT HARD FOR HIM!"

With another sigh he stood and left for the bathroom.

Sleep wasn't to come anytime soon again, the only good thing was he didn't have to worry about his nightly activities, cause he got a room for himself this year, in order to keep his visions secret from the rest of the school, but the rest of his so hoped for nightly rest , he could forget about.


The next morning, they sat at breakfast in the great hall.

Harry, like every other student, looked up when the door banged open and Snape, good-humored as ever, entered.

But Harry couldn't tear his eyes off him!

This man was fascinating him .

This dark mysterious flare, the self-confident impermeable air he seemed to show, the chosen words that made him seem so superior in most situations.

Besides Harry had to admit that during their missions for Dumbledore they had developed a tentative respect for one another, what meant Snape stopped his currish remarks and Harry watched his tongue and controlled his temper.

He watched the man with interest, deeply immersed into his thoughts, until Ron bumped him in the side.

„Hey Harry, don't stare at Snape with that grim look on your face, our first lesson is potions! If he will notice, he will only be more shitty than ever towards you!"

Harry tore his eyes away as fast as he could, shocked that he had stared at Snape, but it seemed as if the man had also noticed and shot him a death-glare, but not even that bothered Harry anymore, in contrary his eyes seemed to burn into Harry with their hidden flames

„ Great job Harry, now we will only lose more points" Hermione complained to him, but preferred to ignore her and rather stared at his plate to hide the blush that had formed on his cheeks when Snape had looked at him.

He couldn't eat anything anymore now, so he made an excuse about forgetting something in the tower and left.

He passed the halls without any particular aim. Eventually he sat on a windowsill and looked outside.

There were so many things on his mind.

Ron and Hermione had to have noticed his change in behaviour.

Should he come out to them about him being gay ?

He didn't know.

And then there was Snape, why was Harry feeling these things in his company?

And why did he have these dreams?

He began to doubt his sanity.

Okay he was gay and he had to admit that Snape ...irritated him and how he realized last night even aroused him.

But liking him?

He called himself a fool.

Alright one doesn't wake up in the middle of the night with a painful erection, the reason for it being a dream about a man whom one dislikes ?!

But why now, why so suddenly?

Or had this need for the former enemy always been there, only Harry hadn't wanted to realize it?

No matter what was the reason for it that man turned him on to no end !

And as long as there wasn't more he had no problem only that his hands would be busy more often at night and he had to pay attention not to make the wrong comments when he talked to Snape.

There wasn't more to it, right?

No !

Of course not, but why ..........

Totally drowning in his thoughts Harry never noticed when the first lesson began and when he realized it he was almost 15 minutes late!

"Damn! He'll kill me !"

He jumped to his feet and ran down to the dungeons.

Without knocking he stormed into the room and drew all eyes on him .

Snape's too, which made him blush immediately.

Hoping that no one had noticed, he made a few more steps into the room.

"Ah, Mr. Potter so you do think it appropriate to honor me with your presence in my class? We'll talk about this after class. Sit down and don't you dare to speak if you're not asked to am I understood Potter?"

Harry lowered his head, so he didn't have to look into the face that had been haunting him the whole day.

His hormones playing rollercoaster during Snape's class was one thing Harry didn't want to happen.

"Yes, Sir"

His head still lowered, he sat down on his desk . He got a "I´ve warned you look" from Hermione and an sympathetic look from Ron, then he let his attention go back to Snape's class, what meant for him seeing the man the whole time .

He let his eyes wander over Snape's figure.

The long black hair, the dark bewitching eyes , the thin lips and the long slender neck that ended in his black robes clinging to his lean form, there was the thought how Snape might look without his robes .

Lost in his thoughts Harry didn't notice how he added the completely wrong ingredient until it gave a loud explosion in front of him and he was thrown off his chair.

When he was halfway back on his feet again he saw Snape's scowling face over him.

For one brief moment he had thought he saw worry in his eyes , but it was gone as fast as it came.

With a deadly look Snape growled

„After class Potter!"

The rest of the lesson went by without any accidents and when the bell rang all students stormed out of the room except for Harry

Oh my god , oh my god , oh my god......Don't blush , don't stammer don't think about the things you just thought about....OH GOD!

Harry stood and walked to Snape's desk .

He waited until the man looked up at him .

"… shall I do to you?"

He sighed and Harry shuddered .

He had a few ideas what Snape could do to him but he doubted that he meant that .

Involuntarily he grinned.

"Something funny, Mr. Potter?"

Harry looked up in shock and the grin died away.

He had to quell the urge to slap his hand against his forehead.

„Nothing,sir. I'm sorry sir."

Bad Harry really, really bad Harry !!

Chasing away the pictures from his mind, he watched as the anger on Snape's features slowly disappeared.

"I hope so ! And now back to topic."

He looked at Harry making a serious face .

His eyes were missing the hatred they usually held when normally looking at the young Gryffindor.

„Really I'm running out of ideas ! Do you really want me to get you thrown out of the school in your last year? I think, neither did you endure my presence nor did I yours in the last few years for you to risk that now. Concentrate yourself a bit if possible. And now to your punishment. Come to my office at 8 pm. You can go now."

Harry stared at him in disbelieve.

No yelling, no hatred, no mean words?

What was up with the man ?

„Professor are you alright?"


Harry wanted to bite his tongue the moment he said this.

Snape looked up in wonder.

"Always a thing for saving people, Potter have you? Yet thank you Mr. Potter I'm fine . Go now or you'll be late ." He waved Harry away. "And don't get lost!"he added with a smirk.

Now Harry was completely irritated.

That had sounded like the man did care at least a bit, maybe he was just too tired to make a difference between sarcasm and seriousness.

Despite his irritation he made his way to the door.

Before he knew what he did he turned around and said:

"Professor, I......"

Yes what did he want to say?

He shook his head and ran away .

What should he have said?

Maybe „Hey Snape although you have the reputation of a student eating beast I like your ass!"?

Right! Then he could just walk up to the Headmaster and ask to get expelled.

To be continued....

And? How did you like it?

For those of you who might have already read this story I modified it a bit and removed, as I hope, most of the mistakes, as I had to realize there were a lot of them when I reread it.

I hope you liked it!

Please review

