Kagome: Yay, another story has been born! Yuki: And another Inuyasha lover too! Kagome: I've been one just as long as you've been! Yuki: I know, I know! Kagome: Get to the disclaimer so we can begin the story!

Yuki: Kagome and I do not own Inuyasha, but we wish we did.

Kagome: Thank you, now on with the story!

New School, New Boys

Kagome slept in her room, not knowing her alarm rang until five minuets later. "...Five...more...minuets..." She mumbled.

Soon the door opened, but Kagome didn't notice.

"Kagome! Get up! We gotta go to school!" Someone said.

No answer. Kagome continued to sleep. She wasn't dreaming, she wanted to sleep just a while longer.

"GET UP KAGOME!!!" The figure said, pulling the sheets away. Kagome grumbled and stared at the person, "Damn it Sango. Can't I just sleep?"

Sango laughed in her tired stat, "No, it's our first day, and you need to get ready! I had a feeling that you would still be in bed!"

"What are you? Psychic?" She asked. Getting up and headed to the bathroom, she began to take a shower.

Kagome sighed, 'It's my first day in that new high school. Shikon Shard High...wonder if there's going to be any cute boys there,"

Sango and Kagome were best friends, and did everything together, well, almost everything. They would always stand up for each other, and always trick the bullies when they were all by themselves. They were transferring, so they're seniors. Sango was 18, and Kagome was 17. Kagome's birthday was close, so she had to wait.

"You're done yet Kagome?!" Sango knocked on the door.

"Shut up Sango! I'm almost done!" She yelled.

Getting out the shower, she put on a skirt and worn a sleeveless shirt which had a picture of a broken heart. Grabbing some make-up and putting it in her purse, she rushed to Sango. She didn't need make-up, the make-up was for Sango.

"Finally your out of that bathroom!" Sango whined.

Sango worn tight black jeans, which made her ass a bit bigger. She had a pink shirt that said 'Hot Chick' on it, and her hair was on a low ponytail.

"Let's go already!" Kagome announced. Walking downstairs, and seeing her mother, she waved to her mother as of a good-bye see you later kind of wave.

"Bye Kagome!" Mrs. Higurashi waved back.

Sango and Kagome rushed to the car. Kagome drove, since Sango walked. They were close by, so normally they would walk to each other's home to chat or to hang out and say 'Let's go to the mall and go shopping!'

As Kagome drove, she sighed on how the school would be like. Sango was a bit nervous too.

They reached the school and awed at the place. It was pretty big. Seemed better than their old school. They saw a group talking about something, and it seemed it was all boys. They all seemed cute, and someone caught Kagome's eye.

One had long silver hair, golden eyes which was hypnotizing, and doggy ears! ( I can't betray them! They're just do cute!) He had a tight shirt, which showed off his muscles, and wore baggy pants.

"Hey, Sango, look over there!" She pointed.

Sango looked to see the silver hair man, and someone else. He had black hair with was enough to be tied to a low ponytail. He had blue eyes, and golden earrings.

"Look at him Kagome!" She pointed to the low ponytail one.

Kagome stared and saw he, and the silver hair man were staring at them. They were still in the car, and Kagome's car was tinted, so they couldn't see who it was.

"Oh shit..." Kagome and Sango mumbled, falling off their seat.

"Hey, Miroku," The silver man said.


"Are they new? Never seen that car before,"

Miroku nodded but then shook his head, "I don't know about you Inuyasha, but if it's a beautiful woman..."

"Don't give me your fuckin' ass perverted-ness. Save it for later," He interrupted. He was still wondering who was in that car. They had to get out of there sooner or later.

"Um...Kagome..." Sango spoke.

"Huh?" Kagome said dumbly. Seeing they were still in the car, she sighed, "We have to get out of this car sooner or later,"

Sango agreed. She wasn't afraid! She had to be strong! There was no way in hell she's going to be scared in her first day of school because of some boys!

"Yeah! Let's go!"

Kagome and Sango slowly grabbed their backpacks, and ever so slowly, opened the car's door.


Yuki: You're stopping it there?! Kagome: Yes! Now shut up already! Yuki: Oh fine! Evil person. Kagome: Your ten times mean! When you want to I mean. Yuki: Yes, I know.