Disclaimer: The princess diaries is not mine and none of the characters are mine with the exception of Lauren Hill (Michael's friend),Beth Adler, and Jennifer Egnazt so please don't sue me. Not that you would even get that much seeing as I am just a poor teen with a ten dollar allowance each week.
An: I am trying to the best of my abilities to make this try and sound like Michael but I am not a 16 year old teenage boy so please bear with me. Also R&R because that is the only way I will update. :)
Summary: Michael's POV during the first book enough said.
7:54 pm Tuesday, September 23 home
Oh God I'm DEAD. And I mean really DEAD. Not meant literally of course, but I might as well be. I am soo stupid why don't they teach these types of things in school, how not to fall in love with your little sisters' best friend, but no instead the teach you useless things, like about the quadratic formula or grammar. Which are two things that are kind of important I guess now that I think about it. I must sound kind of like a physco right now don't I? I guess I should explain why I am sooooooo dead.
I have just figured out that I am in love. I bet you're thinking (If you could think, you're an online journal) Great! About time he found a life. Well this isn't great, in fact it is the worst thing in the world.
Want to know why? Because I'm in love with my little sisters' best friend. Yep I couldn't even find someone my own age. I am that pathetic. Amelia "Mia" Thermopolis is the sweetest, kindest, funniest, prettiest (even if she doesn't think so), most caring freshman in the world. Freshman that's right freshman I'm a senior three years older than her.
I know that doesn't sound that bad, but I've had a crush on her since I was in 5th grade. I was eleven and she was nine. At one time I was a freshman in highschool and she was in 6th grade. And she probably only thinks of me as her best friends' nerdy older brother.
You will also probably wonder why all of a sudden I am so dead if I've apparently been in love with Mia since the 5th grade. Well I just figured out how in love I was. I have just discovered that there is no chance in Hell that Mia will ever return my feelings because she loves Josh Ritcher. I hate him so much. He is class president, valedictorian, on the basketball team, and has stolen the hearts of every single freakin' girl in the whole school, including poor innocent Mia.
I am so pathetic it's not even funny.
G&T, Wednesday, September 24
Mia seems worried about something. I wonder what. Wait, did I just hear something about Mr. Gianini. Why would Mia and Lilly be talking about their algebra teacher? Oh right, probably talking about Mia failing Algebra again. Not that Mia fails a lot of subjects, I don't think, but she isn't very good in algebra. Maybe I should offer to tutor her. That would defiantly fall in the nice category. I mean I'm pretty good at algebra. I better work on Crackhead.
10:48pm Thursday, September 25 home
Today was pretty boring, I talked to Lauren Hill my friend since the 2nd grade, and she thinks I should totally do it. Tutor Mia in Algebra I mean.
But, then again Lauren and I don't always agree. I mean she thinks it is so great that I like Mia. She used to say that she always had a feeling that Mia liked me. But I noticed Lauren stopped saying that when she saw Mia staring at Josh Ritcher and Lana Weinberger sucking face with this look -Mia was looking at Josh and Lana I mean- that purely said that she wished she was Lana.
Lauren also said that I should have told Mia my feelings a long time ago, because it is very unhealthy to keep all of this bottled up. But she shut up very quickly, I noticed, when I reminded her about her liking Felix since 10th grade, and her never confessing anything.
Anyway, Mia came over after school today, and while I was getting something to eat, my mom and dad started to analyze Mia. "Would you girls like a Snapple? There is a very interesting squid documentary on the discovery channel. And by the way, Mia, how do you feel about your mother starting to date your algebra teacher?"
As I heard this I was totally and completely shocked. But, now it had all started to piece together. Mia and Lilly talking about Mr. G so much, and Mia seeming a little worried lately. I was actually a little relieved, because for a minuet there, I had thought maybe Mia had the hots for Mr. G. Which goes to show you I am not only obsessed, but paranoid too. Nice combination.
Because I was so relieved I started to laugh. Not very quietly either. "Your mom is dating Frank Gianini! HA HA HA!"
After that Mia started begging me not to tell anyone about her mom and Mr. G (Even if I wanted to tell anyone the only person I would tell would be Lauren, maybe Felix). And then I kept asked her, "What'll you do for me, huh, Thermopolis? What'll you do for me?" Not meaning anything inappropriate, of course (sarcasm). But, just my luck Mia didn't get it, because she kept offering to walk my dog Pavlov or do my other chores. I admit I got a little mad and said in a disgusted voice,"Just forget it okay Thermopolis." And I retreated back into my room, where I have been ever since.So that was Ch. 1 and if you want me to post up Ch.2 then you have to press the button on the left hand side of the screen. I hoped I sounded at least a little like Michael because I have just figured out it is very hard to make him sound like a teenage guy when the author isn't a teenage guy. But thanks for reading anyway.